Author Topic: Recently Read and Good  (Read 33037 times)

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Recently Read and Good
« on: October 30, 2021, 10:18:32 am »
This past month, I started to track a list of stories that I thought may potentially be interesting / enticing / entertaining - stories that would be worth the time investment to read (which, of course, depends largely on my own fantasies rather than actual quality - so please take no offense). That list quickly grew to about 150 or so.

Who has time to read that many stories?

Oh well...

Here are some that I DID enjoy this past month:

Education in the Basement by BedHead
The pulsing switched to her sex. This was far more pleasurable and she sighed in happiness, wriggling a little in her bonds.

“That’s a nice feeling, isn’t it?” Schiller stood, and draped the cart with a black cloth. “You’ll continue to experience it as long as you don’t think. When the sensors pick up you thinking, it will cut off the stimulation.”

She and Karin left the room, and the lights started to dim. “Oblivion, my dear,” she called back, as the door swung closed. “Emptiness.”

A Puppy's Day by Random Aussie
Master orders me to all fours and starts fitting the chastity belt around my waist. A padlock appears and is locked on. The bells are removed and a small vibrator appears and slips easily inside my dripping pussy. The main part of the belt is pushed tight against my clit and pussy rings and two chains part my ass on either side of my tail. Several more padlocks appear and are locked on. Master tells me the keys were in the package I posted earlier when running my errands . The package is postage paid through a few cities so he doesn’t know when it will arrive back. So no sex and this vibe will be in me for who knows how long.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2021, 04:06:56 pm »
Almost 250 stories are sitting in my ever-growing interested-in-reading list. Every once in a while I randomly grab one to read. Here are some good ones I've encountered recently (in no particular order)...

Your suggestions, of course, will add weight to the chances that I read a particular story... So, please do...

Mithril by Over-run666
The mage began to close the visor with gusto. It was nearly in place when Gianna felt things inside the mask. A wide rounded metal projection met with her lips.


Her pleas were cut off as the visor shut completely forcing the projection into the warrior’s mouth and preventing her finishing that word.

Then runes so intricately engraved into the armour began to glow briefly and there was loud clanking like a dozen hammers falling at once.

Puppet by Lescivious
Hanging on the wall is image after image of girls strung up in precarious positions… hanging from the cables on the stage. I look closer at the images. The figures are limp, unmoving save for the strings holding them up.

Home Farm by Writer345
“Please let us go.” Lily said, dismayed at how whiny her voice sounded.

The woman sounded sympathetic when she answered. “I’m very sorry, Lily, but I can’t do that. But don’t worry, you’ll get used to everything and will come to love it here. My girls always do.”

The Stox Box 4: The Mask by Jack Peacock
One by one I felt the boards slide into place. Ankles first, then knees, waist and wrists, and finally the last but most important, what I called the pillory board, slid down over the end of the rubber hood loosely covering my neck. My friend tightened the retaining screws on all the boards with the cordless drill, to make sure nothing would work loose. No matter what I desired this box would be my home until tomorrow afternoon or evening.

Body Subordination by Calm_waves
Chips came out a few years ago and changed our lives. They were these little things that you could get installed into your brain that would allow another person to sort of take control and feel things as you do. For instance if you had a pain your doctor could take over to help pinpoint it, Or if you got lost someone could help find you. Some people even used them to experience how an orgasm felt from the opposite sex.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2021, 06:56:43 pm »
Briar Rose by CreatingKate
There on the bed lay a breathtaking blonde. The woman looked about her age with golden hair and pink cheeks. She was laid out across the bed perfectly, a peaceful look on her face as she slept. Rebecca was drawn in. She removed her bow, arrows and dagger, laying the weapons on the floor. Her boots made a muted thud on the hollow wood as she approached the bed. Up close, the sleeping woman looked like an angel.

Caress Curse by Sexbot9000
Kelly had already made several adjustments to her daily life. Being naked whenever she was in the house was the obvious first step. She also (with the exception of the occasional shower fuck) exclusively took baths now, finding them to be significantly less stimulating. She got a standing desk so that she’d stop humping the chair. They’d set the heat higher so that she didn’t need to sleep with blankets...

The Cell by Lunargue
(A series of 5 drawings)

The Golden Girl by denkira7
Rid of all her stylish business clothing and underwear, the woman saw tall hills of coins surrounding her from many sides, along with a small excavator sitting idle... Metal that was bolted into the floor surrounded her wrists and secured them to either side of her head. Similar bonds immobilized her ankles, forcing her legs to remain half-spread and her naked body rather flat and taut.

Pony Trap by dianag
...Each found her arms gently but firmly taken up their backs and each felt straps being tightly buckled round their wrists, holding their arms in a reverse prayer position. Another strap, level with their elbows was slowly tightened and the girls found their arms held tightly against their bodies with their leather encased fingers almost touching their necks.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2021, 08:33:44 am »
Institutional Review Board by sammy_808
"I am a slave, and I belong to Doctor Annette Barrows. I want nothing more than to be trained as she sees fit, and want to be punished until I perform correctly. I am her sex toy, her toilet, and her subservient bitch. I will assist in long term training. I will demand six months."

Doll Court by El_Refresho - Illustrated by Colorfultrick
We’re here to determine whether you entered into an implicit contract to become Ms. Rearden’s doll, and what obligations that entails.

A Maid Suit for Tasha by nobody-kadaj
Taking a deep breath, Tasha opened her mouth, ready to accept the gag as she gently applied the mask to her face. She had opted to keep the eyelids open for now, but it was still an experience. The inside felt soft on her face for a moment, and then it just faded as if it became her new facade… The gag seemed to suck her tongue in when she inserted it, making it hard to move it around and keeping her quiet.

My Private Lodge by limbited
I flail my arm stumps wildly, reveling in the alien, but of course not unknown, sensations they give. More than ever I need to orgasm once more but I can no longer do so using hands—I no longer have any. I no longer have elbows or wrists or arms.

Judy’s Magical Purchase - by Gagfan
“It will inflict whatever bondage you want it to on you. However, even better than that is the magic of the ring will protect you so you can be bound in ways that would normally cause physical harm.”

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2021, 03:42:24 am »
Mavis and the Featherlight - by VerySpecificFetish
Her hands pried and caressed at the soaked metal between her legs… It had done so many different things to her, toying cruelly with her tiny body, and... And now... It was just, ever so gently, touching at her. Prodding and rubbing at various parts of her twitching passage. It had been doing it for the last two hours, and... Oh, it was unbearable. It was unbearable! She pushed her forehead into her knees, shivering as it suddenly drilled her again with the gently rotating bristles, trying desperately not to let her frustrated writhing waste too much of her stamina.

Cassie - Part 1 - Part 2 by KiraNiAmy
Six weeks bound and gagged and utterly alone - with nobody to hear her screams and cries when the panic overwhelmed her, nobody to ever give her some idea as to when - if ever - her torment and isolation would be allowed to end.

Elsa’s Story by luctem
She put her hands behind her back and stood still, until the touch of cold iron around her wrists confirmed what she had expected. It took Mildred a few moments, but then two distinctive clicks indicated that the metal cuffs had been firmly locked around her wrists… Elsa turned around to see that a heavy chain, only a few feet long, was linked to the metal ring in the wall, just above the stone bed.

Entitled and Entangled by Starscream789012
"Again...we should've gone over this beforehand. In BDSM, dominants get off by being called master or mistress and punishing their submissive for stepping out of line. I think your punishment should be a few more gag layers. How does that sound my sweet slut?" - "Incredible, Mistress. Gag me please, Mistress."

A Simple Ride Home by marlinespike2462
The grinding noise starts again and I feel some subtle vibrations from below the bed. It quickly becomes obvious that all my straps and cuffs are clipped into one system that pulls everything at once. Drawing tight, I feel a sideways and downward pressure on every connection point. As my legs and elbows are pulled outward, the lines she connected in-between them also became tight, completely limiting my ability to move in any direction. The waist belt and breast harness have the same effect. When the grinding finally stops, I have almost no movement remaining.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2021, 10:58:08 am »
Click and Collect: Isobel’s Table  by oneagainst
Clara slid under the latex covering without protest, positioning herself on the board, face down. Hayley fed her breathing tube into the hole in the frame, pushing it firmly into place. Next, she smoothed the shiny white latex down over the woman's prone body and began to run her finger along the bag seal.

Midsommar, but Sexy by AletheaFaust
One of her pointed nails drags lightly down my collarbone before catching on the v of my t-shirt. There's the sound of fabric ripping, and I bite back my protest as she tears through my shirt and bra, leaving my chest fully exposed to the warm den. I don't feel like protesting for long as her lips kiss down my chest to find one of my nipples.

Liz’s Encasement by Spicy-Tacos
2 Years Later
4 Years Later
In front of Liz was a metal chair connected to the floor by only a single thick metal rod. It had leather straps hanging from it. Also hanging from it was a weird metal shell that looked like it would completely cover her in the chair. The outside of the shell was smooth metal, but Liz saw rubber padding on the inside.

I Kissed a Girl by JDLong
Suzanne examined the collar in the mirror in her room. Privately she loved it. It was tight, polished to a mirror shine and about five centimetres tall. There was no visible lock, Suzanne had no idea or desire, on how to remove it.

I was Kidnapped by Space Lesbians by JohnBannergram
Alpha paused for a moment in thought. Her face lit up. "Hey, I know what we could do! We're enslaving Earth girls, right? We were going to just wave these chains around at people while we talk about turning hot women into our slaves. But it'll work even better if we have you be a girl that we've just caught. You keep on your outfit from work, we put some of these chains on you, and you writhe around in them and ham it up. Everyone will love us. Best Halloween ever."

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2021, 04:04:21 am »
Block By Block by lesfanny
It’s the hardest acrylic in the world. Probably ten times harder than diamond. I created it to collect and preserve beautiful girls and you and the other two will soon become fine art.

Journal of Bound Euphoria  by TheAlenaArchive
She was about my height, her shoulder-length brown hair was pulled up in a short bun. As my eyes drifted lower I saw she was wearing her normal home clothes. Which only consisted of a cute black lace bra, panties and thigh-high socks- not the sexy lace kind, hers were made of thick cotton, with cute stripes at the top… The only jewelry she was wearing was a small leather collar that went around her neck. It was thin and had a small metal loop on the front with a small lock attached.

Sofi’s Self Bondage by JDLong
Happily ever afters never did it for Sofi. The girl in the story needed to be condemned to a life of slavery. A one way trip into a life of bondage to be used, abused and humiliated. All the better if the collar (there had to be a collar) was welded on, the nipples, septum and vagina pierced, and the slave was given a uniform of latex and publicly humiliated.

Laura by Schlank
The Crestview Center was founded in 1947 by Johannes and Vanessa Cropp. Back in the 40's and 50's daughters and wives from wealthy families were sent to the Center if they were deemed to be too ill behaved, lazy, willful, obstinate or disruptive. Upon arrival at the Center, they would be stripped naked and given menial labors to perform. If they were lazy, disobedient, or misbehaved in any way, they could be harshly disciplined. Spankings and whippings were common forms of punishment used on women who were judged to be in need of correction.

Au Pair Cherry Contact by mandywoods
"I like your tattoos that run down your back," Mandy said as she studied one of the photos. "What do they mean?"
"Well, it is a little secret between my husband and I. It translates to something like 'I am my Master's pet'".

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2022, 09:18:43 am »

She Who Sleeps by DanteBoon
Naturally, I had to reposition her several times before I could get her heavily encased figure inside the stiff rubber sheath and she squealed sleepily each time I moved her. Finally ready, I pushed her feet inside the sleepsack. Once I had done that it was relatively easy to get the rest of her secured away, except, of course, for when I had to zip her up. That was when she suddenly caught her second wind and decided to fight for her freedom.

Lust and Desire Pt. 01 by TattooedPup
Suddenly another girl approached from another dark corner of the cage. It was a young Asian woman, also naked, but completely painted as a tiger. With graceful movements she crawled towards the leopard girl. Lydia was even more stunned by her appearance. The tiger stripes emphasized the shape of her perfect hourglass body with those firm breasts and tight ass. Lydia could keep her eyes from the tiger girl's black rimmed Mandarin eyes and the juicy black lips. Has she ever been so attracted to a woman?

Project Gilgamesh - Lady Bane Pt. 01 by jerrysmith84N3
Eveline's hair had been cut slightly above shoulder length and she now wore a far too large outfit: she wore a too large, black, sleeveless tanktop, exposing her tattoed left arm, with a too large, black, silver-spiked bra beneath it, a too large pair of black trousers, a pair of big, black platform-boots, a too large, spiked crotch-armor, a pair of huge, spiked, dark bracelets, loosely hanging on her wrists…

Lady Lorelei Part 3: Control by trixieadara
Lorelei asked for a foot massage, and Elsie obeyed. Lorelei made eye contact with Nikki and held it when she asked for Elsie to clean the Lady's feet with tongue. While Elsie obeyed, even moaning as she got into it, Lorelei held Nikki's gaze. Nikki quickly went from interested to aroused. Her pupils dilated and eyes glazed over. Her breath became shallow and ragged. She gripped the side of the loveseat, resisting the urge to squirm. She bit her bottom lip, fighting her desire to moan.

The Kitsune and the Elf by mewfan151
"Fantastic!" the Kitsune said, clapping her hands together and smiling. "Let's go for one harder, alright?" This time the Kitsune played a bit unfair, having the Elf pull her arms back further. After doing her wrists up, the Kitsune smiled and slung the rope around the elves' midsection, combining the cinched off bindings with a rope around her stomach to prevent a bit of wiggling. a second rope was passed under the elves' breasts, and knotted off around her upper arms, pinning them to her sides. The Kitsune then moved around to the front, sitting her down and welding her legs together with ropes at her ankles, then above and below her knees.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2022, 04:24:09 am »

Eldritch Encasement: Chapter 1 by EldLynch-Tristan
The creature began to swallow Patience, taking in her feet and calves. Feeling a warm tingle rise up her body slowly, Patience moaned and began to open her eyes as the tingle reached her waist. But by then, there was no return… It was dark, but she saw and felt her body being held tightly by something slimy, as she was dragged into a small, dark hole. Being deathly afraid of small spaces, Patience began bucking against whatever was gripping her and mumbling in fear. Her struggles did nothing to slow the creature as she was eventually pulled all the way into its body.

Blood Bank by Druid5
Another piece of plastic was unfolded and lined up above her. Both pieces had metal rivets through it top and bottom. The guys lowered their sheet down until those rivets clicked into each other. Rachel bit hard on her air tube… soon she’d be reliant on it. An adhesive tape has been prepared on one of the sheets, the guys peeled off the protecting layer and began to seal the edges together. Soon Rachel was in an airtight sack. A single port on the front was opened and a vacuum cleaner hooked up… The plastic began to shrink around her…

Leather Bound Slave by Gromet
I was then guided backwards until I felt something hit my back; it turned out that it was a pole. While one person steadied me, the other began running either ropes or straps, I couldn’t tell as I was blindfolded, and they began to fasten me to the pole behind me. Several more straps or ropes went around my body until I was firmly tied to the pole and couldn’t get myself free.

A Witch In Shining Armour by Corpse_rider
'Amber! Don't go out there, please! You don't know what he's like -- if he's been drinking . . .' 'You stay in here and don't come out, okay. You don't come out until I say you can,' Amber instructed firmly. The pounding was now a loud frantic tattoo on the door accompanied by the dog's near hysterical barking. 'Let me in you bitch! I know you're fucking in there! Gemma, open this fucking door, now!' There came a massive blow on the door, and it shuddered in its frame, its chain lock rattling.

The Volcano by Araw
The first choosing I remember was when I was eight. My best friend's big brother was chosen… He tried to escape, but was caught by many strong men in the outer circle. Five years later a young woman from one of the other villages was chosen. She did not attempt to run, but her mother had to be restrained… Silence falls as the Chief of Chiefs begins to speak. "The Mountain gives us food! The Mountain gives us health! The Mountain gives us life! But life must be paid with life. We are gathered here to choose who will be given to the Mountain."

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2022, 04:27:29 pm »
I don't know if it's appropriate to interrupt in this thread. If so, please feel free to remove this post.

I really enjoyed going on a discovery with your list. While I already knew some of the stories from literotica, the stories on Deviantart are essentially new to me.

First and foremost thank you for only posting stories who are good 'technically' (spelling, grammar) I know it's rich coming from a guy who essentially can't write a correct English sentence to save his life.

I generally prefer the stories with hard physical action and really soft emotional interactions. I don't know if it comes through... I have no problem of real hardcore bondage, humiliation or impact play if it is done out of genuine love and care. There were a lot of stories in this thread I really did enjoy like:

- Sofi’s Self Bondage
- I kissed a girl (Kind of the first mysogenic society stories I found memorable - not because of the dystopian setting but because of the way the protagonists actively try to live and kope with it)
- Laura (I read it already - Schlank really improved on her writing with the years... her Dommes become more and more 'human'

Au Pair Cherry Contact was a really solid "babysitter catched doing naughty stuff" - story. I liked that it was hot while staying civil and consensual.
I liked the premisse of "Body Subordination" really, really innovative but the Story itself was kind of underwelming in my opinion.

I liked "Bloodbank" a lot. I'm a sucker for good halloweenstories. (It's kinda odd, We don't do Halloween in my country and I have NO desire to participate but the dark undertone of Halloween is really interesting to me.)

I would love to see you share more of your recommendations,

Kindly yours,


« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 04:31:14 pm by T.H. »

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2022, 02:53:10 am »
Thank you!

I have a rather convoluted system of screening stories using tags, keyword searches, and randomness which seems to bubble up better stories of a certain variety to the top of the heap. I pull from about 400 separate story posting titles that I've collected since October. I thought that others may benefit from my efforts.

Of course, I should point out that the selections I choose are based on my own personal tastes. I'm certain that there are many wonderful stories that I miss just because I am not the target audience.

Thank you to all the authors who put in their hard work to entertain deviants such as myself...


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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2022, 04:18:48 pm »
At least you HAVE a system.

I have to admit, that while I read (good) smut with a passion since I turned 18 almost 20 years ago I never bothered to keep record of the good ones.
It kind of bites me in the but now, because I mostly can't even ask for help because I mostly don't even remember with certainty in which language it was written.

I mean I really can't ask something like "hey guys... I look for this story... it may have been written in English, French or German... I'm pretty sure it wasn't Dutch involving..."

So yeah... bless you for your system... and bless you even more for sharing. :-)

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2022, 07:12:04 pm »
Amareth Falls by Miss_Praxis
Four parts
The edges were covered in a black protective sealing strip, magnetized to the other side. I pulled them gently apart, peering in to see traces of thin silver circuitry, miniscule tubes and interface ports lacing across the interior in fractal patterns, hypnotic in their shape. The breasts of the suit seemed to have intense networks centering on the nipples. Delving deeper, following the traces, I noticed the crotch area had the same concentration of silvery traces, this time, however, centered on two protrusions. A pair of molded phalluses designed to fill the wearer fully. To fit these comfortably, someone would have had to get a perfect scan of my interior or mold thereof.

Emily's New Life by brestovia0012
I am trapped in this bed, unable to move, thanks to having been placed me in an incredibly restrictive cast.  I am totally immobile; my world view is limited to what portions of the ceiling and what portions of the floor I can see. And I can only see one or the other. It all depends on whether I am turned face up or face down.

Sofi Suffers by JDLong
You don’t just have to put up with it for a year or two, or three or eight, or twenty. But for the rest of your life. You will never ever be free. You will always be collared. There will never be a safe word. It will never end. I decide what you wear, what you eat, when you shit or if you sleep.

From a Strangle Tingle by Shmabahamoha
I luxuriated in her warm, soft breasts beneath my chest, contrasting with the cool, hard metal at her nipples… Metal? Where did that come from? Snapping awake, I lifted myself off her and reached out to her breasts. With one hand, I traced the steel ring now piercing her right nipple. Like its counterpart in her other nipple, it was polished to a shine and seamless. They hadn’t been there before…

Schoolgirls and Blackmail by OfStarsAndDreams
She was brought back by the feeling of something being inserted inside her, like an egg or lipstick tube. She jerked, but Miranda grabbed her and pushed it all the way in. Miranda then produced something else from her pack and clasped it around Emma's midsection. "That's a modified chastity device.”

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2022, 07:30:52 am »
Binding Off by aandiron
Her eyes close and her neck arches back. She reaches her free hand up above her head, and grabs the headboard to steady herself and to ground herself in reality. She feels the cozy in her hand back off a little, and slow. It twists the vibrator inside her, and bunches together around and between her fingers. It presses up against her clit and rubs her slowly and with care. She relaxes, and spreads her legs, letting the thing fuck her. Her arm above her head is not quite in the position it needs to be in. She intends to bring it down to help move the skirts aside when she realizes she cannot. She looks up at her hand, and the dangling threads of her knitting have tied themselves around the posts of the headboard in adorable little knots.

The Resort by sarobah
Seven Parts
Almost all the women were bound in some way, with hands in front or hands behind the back, or arms pinioned at the side. Some shuffled past us with shackles around their ankles or hobbles on their knees. Many wore collars, of metal or leather, and a few were being led about on leashes. A lot were gagged. Some were blindfolded.

Temple of Lust Ch. 01: Baptism of Cum by BoredInQuarantine
One Part
The sister produced the very same metal device the younger priestesses were wearing and placed it open beneath Lana's ass. The other priestess closed the device around her privates, locking it in place around her waist. They sealed it with a small hanging lock and hid away the key, leaving Lana with no access to her own body's genitals. Unable to remove the inserted objects and unable to touch herself, there was no way for her to ease the maddening stimulus. She tried to sneak a finger beneath the device's iron hold, but the thing held tight and left no room for manipulation.

A Normal Grocery Run During Which No Domestication Occurs by SapphicSounds
Two Parts
They wanted humanity to believe their pets were the most precious beings in the universe to them; that a pet’s owner most often filled the role of a sort of romantic partner mixed with loving caretaker and full-time dominant. She’d heard their drugs could leave someone in a state near permanent adoration and blissful submission, but just because she thought that sounded kind of hot didn’t mean she was naive.

Future History by MaXX1969
summer started counting off the items on her fingers as she listed them out. "There is the collar. Metal fingernails will bond to my own nails via nanotechnology. The set includes glasses and earplugs. Finally, it has a cuff set with a waist belt, manacles for wrists and ankles, as well as thigh bands and upper armbands. Master, will you please have the cuffs bond to me with the nanobots?"

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2022, 09:47:08 am »
The Resort is a strong candidate for "the disappointment of the year"

To get into this category the story need at least some quality. I mean a story like "naked cheerleader bound and fucked in the lockerroom" can't be a disappointment because there wasn't any expectation in the first place that could have caused a disappointment.

The story has some strong things going: a nice setting. Something a personally call a "themepark setting" the fiction that there is, somewhere a (closed) space (be it a gated community, a themepark, a country or a planet or another reality, where the rules and limitations of our society doesn't apply. I'm usualy quite an amateur of these stories. If you can accept the axiom, the suspension of disbelieve isn't stretched as much.

The writing is pretty good as far as I can judge as a non-native speaker.

And there is a lot of B(ondage) out of BDSM.

The problem is, that that's pretty much it. The story is girl get's bound, get's some petty shit done while discovering the setting, rinse and repeat.
There is no D/S (there aren't even real dominants depicted as a dominant as being one myself does so much more then simply tying someone up. There is no discipline, no S/M, no flashy romance, no intrigue what so ever.

I read 9 parts of the story (so there is some real base quality there) but I was always hoping that this story would finaly go into second gear, and it never did.

So yeah... strong candidate for biggest disappointment of the year 2022 in my book.

(Of course I sent my feedback to the author by mail)



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