Author Topic: Recently Read and Good  (Read 35083 times)

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2022, 11:50:31 pm »
Great point! I'll make sure to make more comments for the authors.

It is a mostly thankless task to write free, amateur erotica.

In a way, I have sort of been hoping that my list would help authors that have worked so hard to get a few more readers (and resultantly get a few more comments).

...And also, so that readers with a similar affinity to my own, may find a random trove of possibly entertaining tales. Of course, I certainly do not wish to suggest that I am an authority on what is or is not good.

Over the past half year, I have kept a list of newly published story links that seem in some way to be of interest. Then I randomly pull a link from the pile. If I like it for some reason, I post it here. Currently, the length of that list of links of unread, possible stories is up to about 800. So, yeah... There is a lot of competition for attention of deviant readers out there...

And on a final note: I like the strung up and on display theme too. E.g. The Jessica Display is an all-time fave of mine. So, thanks for that!!


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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2022, 10:09:52 am »
Thank you for taking the time to respond, and for doing your list too. Thank you also for reminding me of the Jessica Display, I had forgotten that one to be honest, the display in that one perhaps possible, but not really one hundred percent plausible. Helplessly on display really does something for me, and that being said, have you come across any other stories that have those elements? I write far more than I read, but I also just love a good story too.

Thanks again, Jackie.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2022, 09:30:57 am »

Win-Win! by IAmNotCrazyAboutBeingHere
3 Parts
“You remember Gino? He's going to be coming here tonight, along with Luke and Bethany. We're doing an important project and-" "I get it! I'll only pop out to say hello." No, that wasn't good enough. Too much was at stake here. "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to make a bit of a deal." Hannah leaned forward and looked at Jade quizzically.  "A deal?" "Yes. You've made it very clear to me, regardless of if I asked or not, that you were wanting to try bondage out. If I were to tie you up, would you stay in your room and be quiet until they leave?"

From Claire to Pipsqueak by TheBrentwoodSociety
2 Parts
It had been one year and 364 days since Claire had become a service animal.  She’d spent those nearly two years assigned to a disgusting pig of a man doing whatever sick acts his perverted mind could conjure.  The final day of her service was no exception. Claire kept her hate as buried as best as she could, so as not to upset the “Pet sitter” system contained in the “adorable” pointy dog ears pinned to the top of her head and in the leather collar around her neck.  It was always reading her thoughts and always ready to issue a shock if she got out of line.

Three Wishes Forward, Two Wishes Back by AbolethLasher
The genie said. “You will always have 1 wish left.” That was all Michael needed to hear. He crept over to the door, and looked at Susan studying. “I wish Susan would stop studying, and suggest we go out.” The genie snapped his fingers, and Susan closed her laptop. She got up, and knocked on the door. “Hey, Michael, do you want to hit downtown? I’ve hit my limit for studying for tonight, and I want to get out and have a little fun.”

Zoe Enchanted by Yastories
Then she notices the pit. Something about it catches her attention. She approaches the pit and being curious puts her hand inside it. The air in the pit is thick and warm. Like human breath but also pleasant. She feels something like soft fingers caressing her hand. It's hard to tell but it is very pleasant. She starts feeling even more horny until suddenly her friends call for her and break her focus on the pit. She leaves there feeling horny all over. And the feeling doesn't go away the whole day.

The Dungeon of Deviancy by Etherealust
Running a dungeon wasn't easy, but moments like this made it all worth it for Lady Malia. She was seated in the heart of it all, surrounded by vast treasures and powerful artifacts that adventurers desperately craved. Not only was Malia the most powerful sorceress in the past century, she made sure everyone knew just how weak they were compared to herself. The Dungeon of Deviancy was her pride and joy, a gauntlet of traps and monsters designed to turn the roughest of adventurers into pathetic sluts begging to be abused.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2022, 04:45:05 pm »

Coming Home by BlissfulSibyl
"We were at a bar, I had been drinking...dancing. You were there and you made me... you made me touch myself right there in the hallway." "How did I make you touch yourself, Ruth?" The woman's voice was still velvety, but it was now coated with something close to condescension. "Seriously, Ruth, explain it to me. Did I ever lay a finger on you? Did I force your hand underneath that little red skirt you were wearing? Did I somehow push your fingers inside your panties? Squeeze your arm until you groped your own breasts? Because the way I remember it, you were doing all those things to yourself in that little dive bar downtown. I don't recall making you do any of it." Ruth's lower lip trembled in confused anger. "No, no but you..."

A World of Difference by dianag
Amanda announced that as I was now officially her pet, I would not need any clothing and I then spent my days naked and shackled. My collar became a permanent fitting as it was never removed. I was led around the house on the end of a leash and I also had to eat my meals, which were still excellent, from a dog’s bowl. During the week, I would now sleep in a cage in my mistress’s bedroom but slept in my own bed on Saturdays and Sundays, although I was still chained to my bed and the door locked. Strangely, the changes in the way I was now being treated didn’t bother me…

The Slave Contract by BronzePlaceWriter
2 Parts
Lynna agrees to the following terms in exchange for the payment of her portion of the rent for as long as this contract remains valid. She will: Maintain her body and appearance, conducting any exercise set for her by the group. Refrain from wearing any clothes that are not chosen out for her by someone in the group - exceptions exist for work related attire or underwear. Obey any and all commands which are given to her by someone in the group, no matter how sexual or humiliating they may be.

Bound and pleasured in the house of the future by  unclebugaria
Rose was enjoying the prototype; with a sophisticated computer that learned, adapted and anticipated her every need, and with control over every possible area. The latest update had enabled the house to order goods within set parameters, and a personality known as Aida installed to enable interaction. “Aida, what’s all this,” Rose spluttered, totally overwhelmed by what she was seeing in her own house. “I am here to anticipate your every need and to provide for you,” came the reply. “I follow your fantasies when you search the internet,” she continued. “My gift to you for your pleasure this evening is to provide to you your fantasy...”

Pet Pussy by princess_kay
"I... I'm not a cat. I'm a human, and I would like to be treated as such," Abbigale insisted, cheeks flushed a delicate pink. "...Very well," the witch murmured. She turned back to Abbigale, and calmly offered her a vial of liquid. "This will turn me back to normal?" Abbigale asked. "Not quite." The witch's lips pulled upwards at the corners, forming a tiny little smile. "It's a test." "And why would I want a test?" Abbigale asked, arching an eyebrow. "Because the test is to see whether you truly wish to be human. All you need to do, after taking this, is go a single hour without orgasm. If you can do that, it'll cancel out the effects of your earlier potion, and all will be well."

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2022, 02:23:54 pm »

The Suit by fict
2 Parts
A voice in her ear, posed a question: "Are you enjoying this, Kimmy?" Kimmy's barely audible moan was irrelevant. Her vitals and bodily reactions were being closely monitored, and that is how the artificial intelligence was collecting its data. "I'm glad you are. Would you like me to fill your pussy again?"

League of Legends: Captured + Trained by Mollyyo
The creature walked around Soraka, poking her with an odd metal stick, and sometimes holding it against her, like it was measuring her, sizing her up. It then walked to the workbench, and picking up some tools started hammering at a harness on the table. What followed was a long and grueling process. Nearly every piece of bondage on Soraka was replaced, with the exception of the leather mittens and the mana draining collar.

Pettins by kite-san
I quaked with excitement, trying not to fidget too much as the zipper came up, pulling the back tight.  I made absolutely sure to hold still after that, so much as the tiniest twitch while the flap to hide the zipper was being glued down could completely disfigure the suit, well, at least the back of it. We waited twenty minutes for everything so far to set, then gingerly threaded the lattice of rubber thongs to which the cat ears were affixed down through my hair. And then a pair of cat's-eye contacts later and I was left to stare at the inside of my new face.

A Night in the Desert by Jack Peacock
The prison guards halted in front of the attorney. “Hello Sue Ann. I wanted to give you one last chance.” She held up an official looking document. “The Procuradura General for Mexico City yesterday filed bank robbery charges against you and your unnamed accomplice. Since you have been convicted we didn’t need the formality of an extradition hearing. This is a signed order to send you to Mexico to stand trial. Señora Munoz,” she gestured to the Hispanic woman standing behind her, “is with the Prosecutor’s office in Mexico City. She is here to take you back with her.” Sue Ann was speechless. She hadn’t expected anything like this. She knew eleven years in the State Prison was going to be bad, but nothing like a Mexican prison. “Tell me the name of your partner.” Everyone was watching her. “I can’t! Don’t you get it? I don’t know who he is.” “I’m sorry, Sue Ann. Why do you protect him? You will grow old in prison while he enjoys the good life. It’s your choice.”

Miss Whitfield is Leaving by White King
2 Parts
The words drench the girl’s mind like acid. “Say it back to me, pretty little girl.” She slowly chants it back, soft, high-pitched, girlish. “I... I’m supposed to be naked. I like being naked. A girl like me should always be naked. Clothes aren’t meant for girls like me.” She swallows, hard, deeply aroused, trying to think. Her thoughts slip away, slick, like oil-covered balloons. Her mouth makes words while her arousal drowns her.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2022, 01:37:48 pm »
It's always an honor to make the Recently Read and Good list!
  Jack Peacock
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2022, 07:36:08 pm »
Thanks for sharing your work! That was quite a great effort!

Other authors,
I apologize that my list is very selfish. I'm sure that many authors are writing excellent stories that do not show up in this list simply because the erotica preferences do not match mine. Keep writing!

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2022, 03:21:23 pm »

Alexas Sealing by Victoriaperil
8 Parts
Alexa recognised a pile of stones and a bucket of mortar, which was freshly mixed. A trowel lay on top of the pile of stones. On both walls of the corridor were numerous hooks from which hung accessories for the sealing. "Please stand in the middle of the alcove and turn towards us. I need some more supplies to secure you in your cell," Marie said. Alexa gradually became aware of her situation. Marie was about to anchor her to the wall in her cell. She began to wonder what was coming. How long would her sentence last in total? The court had clearly spoken of a permanent, indefinite period of penance and contemplation.

Ponygirl Vacation by DjEtla
“We’ll take good care of all of your things,” Lily said. “You’ll get it all back when you’re done with your ponygirl adventure.” “Just put your hands on your head when you’re ready and comfortable,” Felecia said with a smile. Taylor nodded. She paused. She took a breath. She put her hands on her head. “Very good,” Felecia said softly. “That’s a good girl. You’re being very brave,” she said sweetly. “Now I’ll just slip these off of you because you won’t need them this week.” Taylor stood still. Felecia took her time kneeling down in front of her, then hooking her thumbs up into the waistband of the panties, then gently wiggling them downward with a smile.

A Secret Sarcophagus for Suzannah by Shelley
Spending the next two hours on a Word document tapping out her desires, though she did make adjustments using ideas for some of those stories she’d read about and saved. Firstly ‘her’ sarcophagus would have a cage ready to go inside it as well. She’d be helped in then secured by her wrists, waist then ankles. Next she’d be gagged and veiled before her neck was locked into a collar. The cage would then be inserted into the casket and secured with screws. Finally that lid would sloooooowly close until the helpless girl was plunged into darkness, only to hear the casket being secured by four pins knocked into the side then moved over the hole. Then the final entombment and silence falling…

Girls Submission to AI in Latex by Cybergirlz
"Let's get through the ground rules, shall we, slut? You obey every instruction a machine gives you. If you disobey ...Well, then you will be punished. That collar around your neck has a pain inducer with ten settings. It also has pleasure settings. It also has enough explosives to blow your pretty little head off. If you try to escape, or tamper with the mechanism, that is. Word of advice, the fail-safe is to detonate if the battery charge reaches five percent. So make sure you re-charge every night."

An Accidental Slavery by bracemaiden
Master tapped his ID on the leash and connected it to my collar. He took a moment to savor the sight of me on his leash. The collar interrupted with "Driving privileges suspended." Victor said, "So now aerocars won't work for her for as long as the collar is on." Victor held up the checkout pad. I couldn't quite make out the dollar amount, but I saw it was many digits. Max looked at me, smiled, and tapped his ID. The deed was done. At long last, He held his slave on a leash. As we walked out, the collar announced "Banking privileges suspended."

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #39 on: September 28, 2022, 03:41:41 pm »

All Under Control by oneagainst
6 Parts
Mina cried out in frustration, delirious, "Please... please let me. I need to cum. I... I need...." I gripped her head in my hands, staring into those perfect grey-blue eyes, so wide with tears of frustration. She was so horny, and so crushed. I could see that Mina now realised her ability to reach orgasm on her own had been completely and permanently denied. "Wonderland," I said. Mina's eyes rolled back in her head and her entire body arched under me.

Wiremore by absolutissimus
3 Parts
He began to unwind the speaker cable from the drum and cut it into pieces of varying lengths before he separated the two wires. Robert finished his preparations and approached her with a piece of speaker wire that seemed excessively long even though he had folded it in half to form a sliding loop, known as a Lark’s head to bondage aficionados, at one end. Without being asked, she put her arms behind her back for him, eager to get on with the main event. He guided her hands through the loop and slid it up past her elbows, where he wound the wire in neatly stacked coils around her upper arms, then cinched them, forcing her elbows to meet. The excess length went up under her arm, over the shoulder, behind her neck and back under the other arm before he wrapped it around the elbow cinch again. There was still some wire left when he had completed another loop around her shoulders. Lashing it to the strands behind her neck, he anchored the elbow tie to the shoulder harness. Robert pulled the last knot tight at the nape of her neck where she would never be able to reach it.

Lumina's Translucent Doll Suit by looker42
3 Parts
At this point the suit was stretched over her so tightly that she simply couldn't pull the suit over her head without being able to hold onto it, and her hands were trapped underneath a layer of smooth rubber that prevented her from taking hold of anything. She sat there on the bed, panting in arousal and shifting the dildoes inside of her as she uselessly fumbled with the hood of the suit until she found a solidness that she didn't expect to be there. Inside of the hood of the suit, attached behind the round aperture she had discovered earlier, was another dildo rendered practically invisible by the perfectly clear material it was crafted from.

Charlotte by tigerdriverdave
“So here is our resident thrill seeker, Charlotte, throwing herself at the mercy of her fans again. That’s right! Magical machinations, tests of endurance and stamina - she can’t get enough it seems.” Charlotte gulped. She wanted to be here more than anything else and had worked hard to make it happen but each show still filled her with dread. “So task number one. Mr W from Shanghai: ‘I would like to see Charlotte have her pussy removed and kept under lock and key for a long time!’ Well that’s a good one. We can do that.“

The Circus by KatieMagic
“What we’re proposing is giving you a full body tattoo.” “You’re kidding, you want to tattoo my entire body red? I’d be stuck like that though wouldn’t I, all the time!” “Well yes” said her father, “You’re already spending most of your time as the Demon Girl and you’ll have a lot more free time because you won’t have to spend so much time getting the body paint applied everyday. Look, you’re one of us Katie, we’re circus people for life, we’re born into it and we die as circus people. You’ve told me so many times you could never leave, I know this is a big commitment but sooner or later we all commit to our act. Katie, it’s time for you to commit to it and become our Demon Girl.” “OK dad, I will”

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #40 on: November 05, 2022, 02:52:10 am »

Forever Belt by  monstersatan
She learned that this was a top of the line chastity belt and almost seemed like it was from the future. It could be set to unlock after a certain time, was self cleaning, had a built in AI that could act as a keyholder, could give out punishments and rewards and according to the manual "never needed to be removed".

My Girlfriend, the Sex Toy by rubber-and-restraint
“Chris, I - I’m so sorry, I was going to tell you, I swear!” “Sure you were. Now look at this for me, Carmen.” Chris reached into his pocket, pulling out a long, thick, cylindrical item. “What - what’s that?” Carmen stammered, staring in confusion at the bizarre object. “This, sweetie, is an oral sex toy. It’s also going to be your new home for the next twelve months,” grinned Chris, reveling in his girlfriend’s confusion. “I found it in an old antique store. I’m going to fuse your soul with this crystal and imprison you.”

The Accidental Feminist by tean33
15 Parts
So for my part in the library protest, or riot as it was called in court, I’ve got a year of corrective restraint to look forward to. I’m likely to get three delightful accessories to make my life unpleasantly difficult for the duration of my sentence. The first of these will undoubtedly be a smart collar. The second item that is an almost certainty is a chastity belt. The third thing I’m bound to be in for is something to restrain me. They say that a woman can do pretty much everything she needs to be able to with a 250mm chain linking her wrists.

The House of the Spider by John Bannergram
Kristen was obsessed with the idea that the legends of giant spiders were true, and that some man-sized prehistoric holdover still existed in the present day. That they lurked unseen, spinning their webs within dark New England forests. Her belief was that folktales always had a kernel of truth, and that if she searched in the areas from which the old stories originated, one day she might find one of these Araneidae.

Obedience Not Included
Story by: Senor-Refresho
Art by: colorfultrick

“Hey, aren’t you that lady from the newspaper?” “Melanie Lane. That’s me. Can I talk to you about some missing women?” “They were toys when I found them!”

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2022, 05:47:13 am »

College Masturbation by MrOrchardGuy
"A little while ago I ordered one of those... y'know, the kind of sucking vibrator things, and I can't really get it to work. I mean it works, but it feels- I mean, it's not terrible, but it doesn't do much for me." I was certainly still a little flushed, but not as much as I would have been even a couple of weeks ago. This wasn't quite my usual comfort zone. But that was something I liked about Katie. She made leaving my comfort zone feel less daunting. More like an adventure. Then she spoke again, in a quite matter-of-fact voice. "Do you want me to show you?"

Truth or Dare by Hobar1983
Inside the machine, Simone was being immobilized by the refrigerator's loving embrace. A thousand ephemeral kisses caressed her from her finger tips to her shoulders, each one leaving her feeling lighter than before.  Heather let the door swing open under its own weight.  It creaked laboriously on rusted castors, revealing everything inside an inch at a time.  Heather looked confused by what she saw. “Holy shit! You don't have any arms, love!”

Leila's Fall From Grace by Saphhia
"Your hair is much too long," Aitana said. "No servant of mine will have hair longer than my own. It is simply unacceptable." She returned with a menacing pair of scissors in her hand, and Leila felt her heart race within the confines of her ribs, desperately trying to beat its way out. The indelicate crunch of the shears shocked Leila out of her panicked reverie. She felt the cold metal of the instrument against her shoulders as it severed her coveted blonde tresses shorter than they had been in many, many, years.

Model Behavior by Xdaemon10
34 Parts
The two officers and their prisoner walked over to a door marked “PRISONER INTAKE AND PROCESSING”. The thick metallic stone door unlocked and slid open. Waiting for them were two other guards dressed more like dominatrixes. Black leather uniforms with a correction officers’ badge printed on the left breast area. Tight ass-hugging leather skirts going a couple inches above the knees, and knee-high black leather boots. Jennifer looked meekly at the intimidating guards. She had a bad feeling this prison wasn't what she imagined it to be.

Denise Wrapped Up In Her Work by gromet999
“It’s very pleasing to see that the new wrap works well, did you know about the UV hardening the new wrap, or was that a surprise to you?” She told me, then said. “It sets a bit like glass over time, becoming clearer the longer the item is wrapped.” Two sets of hands then lifted me from where I lay, it seemed that she was right about the wrap, it felt more rigid as I was held between the two servants and carried elsewhere. I could see out easier now too, and I guess that they could see my naked body even better now. I was now their captive it seemed.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2022, 08:52:25 am »
Is Alexas Sealing by Victoriaperil link correct?
It gives 404 to me

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2022, 02:28:49 pm »
Sadly, it seems that Alexas Sealing is gone. I think that the author still has an account on deviantart, so you could contact Victoriaperil...

Obviously, I normally view stories on grometsplaza (et al), deviantart, literotica, and mcstories. If there are other sites with good active story collections, let me know and I'll try to sample the site every once in a while. Of course, across all these sites, the post rate is far greater than my read rate, so don't feel bad if I never make it to your story. Hopefully, I will eventually!!

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2022, 06:28:11 pm »

Intimate Imprisonment by Julanni
At least four times every day, sometimes more often, Christine would visit me in my cell and play with my helplessly bound body, sexually teasing me.  She started by groping me through the canvas of my straitjacket.  Then she would open the zippers to reveal my breasts and play with them directly, fondling my nipple rings and teasing me to near insanity.

A Theorem of Chastity and Lust by RetrospectiveInsomnia
For the next hour, she would have to edge for the camera, not stopping until the time was up. During that one hour, she would not be allowed to stop or to cum. If she got close to the edge, she would have to announce out loud that she was about to cum, after which she would be allowed a three-minute break to cool back down.

The Perfect Fit by WordWizard55
Ann found herself focusing solely on the full length gold plated mirror, not for how naked she was as she could clearly see every inch of her looking back at her; no, rather how good she felt staring at her empowered body framed by a suit of gold. A hand, which turned out to be her own though she wasn't cognitively deciding to do so, reached out to caress a nipple laid bare. Her other hand twirled the gold chain skirt mindlessly as she stared at her slender form currently on its best display.

Forever Her Doll by deanono
“I own you, slut,” Mistress said. There was something that almost sounded like fury in her voice. “I own your body, your breasts, your hips, your cunt, your pretty little eyes, your wet little mouth. I own your mind itself. So be a good little slut, and doll up.” June looked down at the slippery material now in her hands. A catsuit.

Cassie and Lisa A Pressing Engagement by tigerdriverdave
Cassie wriggled a little inside the strange box. It was a much tighter fit than she had expected. Her shoulders touched each side, her hips were close to doing the same and the unfinished wood on the inside of the lid was pushing down down quite hard on her bikini top, meaning shallow breaths were in order. She really wasn’t far off not fitting at all.  “Now the fun can begin…” Without further explanation Lisa started to push on the end of the box with Cassie’s feet sticking out. Cassie felt odd right away, her knees hit the top of the box in moments but the pressure continued and her legs soon felt very strange indeed. Lisa kept pushing steadily.


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