Author Topic: Recently Read and Good  (Read 33052 times)

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2022, 03:50:57 am »
"The Resort" was certainly ripe for a bit of peril. The text was well written. The isolated setting was richly described. The protagonist was basically royalty. There were an unlimited number of ways that a bit of peril could have been introduced. So... yeah... I was hoping that something dark would creep into the story.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2022, 03:18:05 pm »
The Lapdog by JohnBannergram
6 Parts
Lisa's eyes went wide. She felt very small. Time seemed to stand still as she looked up at her mistress. "You mean...the pink dye is...permanent?" Carla put down the brush and gave her a hug. "Not just the dye, my pet. Your whole outfit has been attached to your skin. Everything is permanent, from your collar, to your paws, to the bra, to the panties you're dressed in with that adorable little tail on the back."

Another Year, Another Slave to Own by Kristin Kailey
I blinked and felt my hands instinctively reach up to cover my exposed breasts. “I thought you said we were alone in the house.” “We are. Just you and me and my pets,” he said as he gently pulled my hands from my firm boobs to reveal them once more. “So the girls you made immortal are your pets?” “That’s right, but it was their choice.” Suddenly the door burst open and a gorgeous blonde girl in pigtails scampered in on hands and feet with her firm rear in the air. “Woof woof,” she barked as if she were a dog. Before my brain could process what I was seeing, another girl who was an exact copy of the first flew through the door in the same manner.

Niamh's New Shell by Rich S
Rachel then pressed a button that looked like a microphone and spoke into it "Enable Mannequin mode and mute for 13 hours." Niamh confirmed and suddenly was locked solid in place. Rachel tapped Niamh's skin and it was hard. Her friend was solid as a rock. "I'll be back tomorrow when I've read your manual cover to cover. There's more to this than the quick start guide..." Rachel left Niamh standing, staring into space, with only her own thoughts for company.

The Valentine Declaration by uberis
“What’s the matter, Mistress? You are quieter than usual. I may only be your slave, but you can tell me anything.” “Very well. This is what’s been on my mind.” “Wait. Those documents… Aren’t they… transfer papers? No! No! Are you selling me?”

Allie's Initiation by AlinaAamu
2 parts
I was starting to get into the calm state I so adored as she coiled the rope around my torso, above and below my breasts, cinching the ropes as she went. Her soft hands felt so good on my body and I could feel the heat of her body as she leaned against me while securing the ropes. The boxtie itself was something I had been curious about for the longest time and it was just as good as I had hoped. I had never been tied this securely and it was like the ropes were extensions of her hands and fingers that were caressing and exploring my upper body as the tie had been finished now.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2022, 03:47:59 am »
I've biased my random story picking algorithm to focus on recently posted stories, however, the pile of links has grown to over 500 now. I'm sure that some excellent stories are slipping through the cracks. Also, I try to post stories that have unique and original ideas. Unfortunately, my mood likely has more bearing than the story quality regarding what makes it into this list...

Safe Space by Rich S
She went to the trolley and stood in position. Paul strapped each limb in turn stopping at the shoulder strap. Jen wriggled and couldn't move. He wheeled her into the safe and placed her dead centre. Next he chained the trolley to the hooks he'd installed in the safe. There were four points of connection and everything was held taut. She tried to move the trolley but it wouldn’t budge an inch.

Romancing the Raptor by Cashmere_Snow
The news media coined the term succubus syndrome, which was only slightly more polite than what the community of unaffected women called it: the get-your-slut-whore-body-away-from-my-man disease. When the pheromones in a few beads of sweat had the potential to give every downwind man with a working nose a raging erection, it made it hard to get out to window shop.

Human Furniture by DramaSurgeon
“In short, this pole is going to go into your ass and come out of your mouth, and this smaller piece will go into your pussy to keep you from sliding down. I don’t know what the doctors did to your insides to make that possible, so don’t ask me that.” Speechless, Bianca could only watch as the man took a paint can and brush from behind Bianca’s head and started coating the pole in a translucent sticky substance.

Sam and Em by ForeverAltered
Six Parts
She took the padlocks off the belt, allowing it to open up completely, which meant she could attach it without getting me to step through it. It looked like a large thong that was made of leather but the padlocks on the sides was the only giveaway that it was kinky wear, that and the holes that allowed access both vaginally and anally. This did raise my curiosity as chastity belts were supposed to stop access to these areas, not allow it. I pulled at the cuffs, after getting enough slack I managed to feel the top of the belt. The leather felt amazing and it refused to budge at all, with me being locked in, it was impossible to remove without the keys to the locks.

Women's Bondage Reformatory School by palm09
Two Parts
Claire wore black fetish 7-inch spike heel ballet ankle boots with padlocks. Her ankles themselves sported black 3-inch tall metal cuffs that were linked by a thin 2-foot hobble chain. Her wrists were similarly cuffed and bound. Emerging from the ankle boots and running underneath her ankle cuffs, Claire wore black thigh-high and skin-tight latex stockings that ended in satin bows. Claire's waist training corset ran up to the base of her breasts where its quarter cups provided lift before turning into straps that framed each breast, before finally linking to her collar. The collar itself was black metal and also featured a bow in front.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2022, 08:40:59 pm »

Jesse In Jeopardy by Shelley
Sitting awkwardly on the bed Moira helped the girl bounce across till she was in the middle, legs straight down but the lassie sitting up. Then a hand touched her left ankle and gradually spread her leg wider then Jesse gasped when a manacle was locked around it. She started to smile assuming the other was to follow. This being confirmed and her nightie was almost taut. Then she felt a belt of some sort being wrapped around her waist though it wasn't metal. Then she was told to lie back and did so. Banging her head on some metal...that turned out to be a collar and she shuddered. Jesse's arms were taken up and secured by the wrists, spread-eagling her in a star-shape. The girl was amazed and smiled, even more when Miss McLuskey began to stroke her torso before applying chains from the side of the bed to the belt so Jesse couldn't roll around. Those gentle fingers began rubbing her nipples and the women both smiled as Moira felt them going hard.

Self Boiled Frog by hakard
Few seconds later she saw a thick smoke coming out of a narrow gap under the small door hidden beneath the basin. Hannah began to cough as the gas irritated her throat. She realized she had to act quickly. The visibility was dropping and the air was becoming unbreathable. She looked down on her favorite summer dress. The only fabric in the room was covering her body. She wished that she had more clothes on but there was no time to linger. The dress dropped on the ground without much hesitation. She quickly covered the gap kneeling only in her lace strapless bra, matching thongs and... platform heels.

Friday Night all to Herself by CuriousCanteloupe
A quadruple amputee in her late twenties, strapped into an electric wheelchair by a four-point harness over her shoulders and under her breasts. Her limbs were truncated stumps, her legs barely four inches long (the harness owing to the relative lack of stability afforded by the residual limbs), while her ten-inch arm stumps afforded her some blessed semblance of independence.

Milstre Ranch by JustK
They haven’t removed the bindings, not once. Not even the little bags around your fingers. You’re given a sleeping draught and on day six you wake up feeling clean, your hair washed and your body scrubbed. Your shoulders feel like they’ve been massaged. Of course they wouldn’t let you be awake for that. You were livestock, and livestock didn’t have arms.

Single Threaded by ConvolutedPlot
She flinched and shivered as Annie drew away the sheets and laid her backside bare for the world, or at least for her optical sensors, to witness. “That’s better. Now, just relax, Olivia, we’ll be together in no time...“ Click, whirr, the seams and joints in Annie’s exterior parted up and down her limbs, revealing the more flexible and pliable teal silicone surfaces lining her insides that made wearing her robo-parts far more comfortable than you’d think. With care, she crawled on top of her would-be wearer. Goosebumps rose along Olivia’s back in response to the cold, tingling touch of the android’s hands as they lay on her bare back.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2022, 01:13:03 pm »

Nothing but a Ponygirl by LimitlessLucy
It had been a bit of a shock that there had then never come a point when her owner had let her talk. At first she had struggled with not being able to express herself as she was used to and had passionately rebelled against being treated like she was nothing but a dumb animal - after all, it was one thing to enjoy being occasionally treated like a pet, it was quite another to never be anything but a pet - yet, even as she had fought against it, deep down she had known he was right to treat her that way. Over time she had found other ways to communicate. Better ways. Ways that felt more natural. Ways that transcended the need for mere words.

Permanent Slave to the Hutt by Ajonesindy
4 parts
“This little baby cost me three thousand bucks alone! It’s made of a new material that melts at astronomical temperatures! It’s virtually indestructible! And to make it better, there is no keyhole! Once it’s closed, it won’t ever open again! You’ll remain my chained slave forever!”. But just to be sure, he added glue on the two halves, put it around her neck, and pushed it shut, the band clicking as it locked.

The Princess of Akaishi Castle by Jackie.O.Hikaru
2 parts
The other two held my arms down while sapphire eyes gently turned my face so that my bare neck showed more to her. I was paralyzed. I could do nothing to resist. But I also felt a strange arousal come over me. Perhaps it was the overwhelming fatigue from the restless day and night, perhaps it was the raving madness that had finally descended upon me, or it was their dark magic, putting me in a trance, like flames might a moth. I was aroused by the touch of their bodies, their fragrance of night blossoms, of being helplessly pinned down. Sapphire eyes held her mouth to my neck, lapped her tongue against my skin as if to savor my taste.

Abduction by Professor086
Apparently once they start, they cannot undock. The situation was explained. Your genitals are covered until it's your turn. When the latex rolls down on your penis it forms a ring. The same with females. You have to meet-up with your new partner. When you meet your partner, you have sex. Once you penetrate, you are locked together. The rings form a bearing of sorts. You can rotate however you want; you just can't separate.

West Valley High Day 138: Concrete Cube by homeboundboy
1 part
The man brought over two more pieces of plywood with a half circle cutout and placed them over her neck. Using a power screwdriver, he secured this plank to the side panels, locking her neck in place. A second set of walls was placed behind her and screwed in place, leaving her bare ass exposed and her pussy on display, her neck and arms sticking out of the wooden frame. Susan watched in horror as the Artist turned on a cylindrical cement mixer in front of her. Susan was screaming behind the ball gag in her mouth. When the man was satisfied with the mixture, he placed a large funnel in the hole in top of the wooden box and began pouring buckets of the concrete mixture into the hole. Susan could not move. Her mind was racing, unable to breathe.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2022, 02:56:50 pm »

Hey Subgrrl,

First I thank you to bring the fact to my attention that gaggedutopia is up again.

About West Valley High... I hate that story with a passion. 138 parts of torturing a poor girl, without progressing the story much. I sigh everytime when I see that a new installment had been published, in the last year that wasn't too frequently. Realisticly the heroïne would have died, by drowning, by hypothermia, by suicide. I hate this stories of pure misery... just torture porn and not that well written at that.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2022, 07:52:58 pm »
You are completely correct. But it is also utterly true that I am eternally hopeful that the victim in the story will prevail and get her revenge. That is why I keep on reading, I think. Also, I'm kind of intrigued whether the author can actually persevere to a conclusion.

There's something wonderfully bondage-y about a cement story and most such stories are so far divorced from reality that they can exist in an erotic fantasy type space. Really awful things happen in most perilous bondage stories and there is a line where suspension of disbelief is required lest the story becomes just a horror story. I guess that every individual draws that line for themselves.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2022, 09:49:06 pm »
I mostly call quits on stories when I find myself rooting for the victim to actually die. When I think mercykilling would be the better option for the main character I personally draw the line for me... for my own mental sanity.

Do you are aware of the writings of Lindsay Murray. In my eyes she is somewhat a rising star in the BDSM-section of Literotica. The quality of her storytelling is on par with the stories of xelliebabex and payne_hall in my unhumble opinion. I really enjoyed her work so far.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2022, 06:58:07 pm »

Bought-a-Bot by Tigerstretch
2 parts
"What the hell did you just sell me!?" "An AI companion? That's the only thing we sell here. Oh, and we have those cute keychains too… Actually, they are free. Do you want one? It's a bottle opener." "Don't act like a smartass. Take that thing back and give me a different one." "No. Won't happen. What is wrong with it? We only sell high-quality robots. Did you even turn it on?" "What's wrong with it!? Are you kidding me!? It's a GIRL!"

Chained by DramaSurgeon
1 part
"I was hoping there would be a way to make them dependent on each other. Make it so one could not function without the other." "Interesting. A few things come to mind. Seeing as they are not related, surgically joining them to each other is not an option, but we could fuse their wrists, creating a loop. We would have to remove their hands." "I still want them to be able to do things. Is there another way?" "There might be something else... Are you familiar with a procedure called Chaining?"

Petting Kitten by SoftkissesJordanSkythe
2 parts
"What's going on with those two?" Colleen pointed. "Oh, my!" Angie felt Jill's arm underneath Casey's sweater as she pulled on her torso. "It looks like we have a kitten in our midst!" Lindsay reached around Angela and felt Jill's hidden fingers as she slipped them from Casey's bra, then copped a feel. "A petting kitten?" Angie slid her hand under Casey's sweater. "I think we do!" "Well, pass her around so we can all have a turn."

The Bimbo Factory by AlinaX
"This is the first of three injections," he said - definitely a 'he' by the pitch of his voice. "You're an attractive young woman, but what God has made, Man can improve on. I think you'll be very pleased with the results." My last memory was of the court house. I'd been found guilty of getting an abortion in this cruel, dystopian society that controls women's bodies and denies us basic human rights. This punishment, whatever it was, just proved the point. My consent was irrelevant to them.

The Consequences of Spying by sinisterorigin
“You could try running, but you'll be unconscious in about fifteen minutes." She fixed her gaze forward and tried to wipe the expression from her face. "What do you want, Logan?" He smiled, putting his hand on her leg, letting his palm rest on the spot he'd just injected her. "You know you're going to have a bruise there tomorrow. Maybe I just want to give you more than one." "We thought you were dead. We were off your trail. You want me to believe that you resurfaced just to give me a bruise or two?" He gave a throaty little laugh, his fingers splaying out to gently brush against her inner thigh. "I told you what I wanted, once. Or don't you remember, little spy?"

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2022, 07:29:34 pm »

From Duty To Calling by absolutissimus
3 parts
From about eight meters away, he got his first good look at the woman. His breath caught. The thing that struck him first was her lack of arms. No, he had to amend that impression. When she turned her back towards him, he saw that they lay folded against her spine, the forearms pressed together and pointing upwards towards her head… She was not naked, but the black leather straps forming a harness around the woman’s body exposed exactly those areas that conventional clothing covered. Indeed, the harness framed her breasts and crotch as if to call attention to her assets, as did the glinting bits of metal embedded into them.

The Forest of Need by LimiNalia
It brushed the back of my right leg just behind my knee, making me jump, spinning around. I felt something flick against my left thigh! I reached down and grabbed it, feeling the strands of hair between my fingers and pulled. "Oww!" I meant to say, but the noise just came out as a kind of strained grunt, lost into the night air. I looked at the hairs in my hand, pulled them again and felt a tug at the base of my spine. Holding the hairs out to the side I craned my neck to see what was there and when I did I gasped, this time with a shock which made my knees go weak! One of terror and excitement and shock all at once.

The Estate: Worm by Pixel-Inquisitor
She's been wearing that full hood all this time. You can see the ballgag under the hood as well. Two holes for the nose, and one through the gag is all she needs. A full body wrap that pins her arms to her side and her legs together. Fortunately, after just a week of my standard nutrient gel, all waste is liquid. It's much easier to keep clean. Hence the name, Worm.

A Night at the Mall by Delaniac
Sarah was speechless. The words came from the doll’s mouth. Its porcelain lips moved, forming the words. The security guard fumbled at her side, feeling blindly for her taser, unable to take her eyes off the doll. Its head cocked slightly to the side, its glassy eyes staring up into hers. “Looking for this?” The doll held up the taser, its little fingers not even able to wrap all the way around the handle.

Trained by SoftSweetWorld
She was naked, of course, but for the belt that held the two plugs in place, and the battery pack, and the rope dressing her body. Tiny silvered filaments threaded through the rope glistened in the sunlight as he turned her here and there, admiring her body and his handiwork. Electro-rope. He kissed her lips very gently, asked again if she was sure. She was very, very frightened. But she nodded. He took the tiny wires at the end of the rope and clipped them into the battery pack.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2022, 03:05:56 pm »

Zera's Dark World by TinaAndZera
The statue is supported on a silver base and from a distance, one would think that it is a normal latex coated statue. But this was not true. The statue hides a mystery. There was a person inside it… Master was sitting on his throne looking at me seriously. He asks if I want to release her, I was stunned, I nod slowly, I knew there would be a cost. Master proposes to me that, if I can endure a week in isolation, he will let me free her.

Storing away a Rubber Gimp by kingnothing1996
2 parts
“Now, for the final two touches.” Ash said as she picked the black hood off the bed and slowly pulled it over Carly’s head, making sure the ring went in properly. “And of course we can’t leave our gimp with an empty mouth.” She said as she pushed the dildo in slowly before beginning to quickly squeeze the pump, causing the rubber phallus to expand far faster than what Carly was prepared for. “And with that, my new permanent rubber gimp is complete.”

Contagion by thebondagescribe
3 parts
A special hood was placed over each of their heads. Made of shiny black material, the hood covered the face, with so much padding that there were no facial features. The padding covered the mouth and nose, as well as plugged their ears. These hoods were specially designed so that no fluids could get out, stopping the spread of germs, but still allowed breathing. "Attention. An unidentified virus has been detected on campus. You are being transported to a facility for treatment. Do not resist. You will not be harmed."

Secure Storage by mahadosa
21 parts
Before the poker tournament starts, she enters the basement where her secure storage is prepared. It is agreed that she locks herself in some cage, making it impossible for her to change her mind, because the tournament cannot afford to lose the first prize, after all. The cameras provide a live feed to the poker players, for motivation. The winner will get the keys to unlock Stephanie.

The Bonding Solution by Tiny Sexy Girl
"Permanent bondage." I'd heard of people like this. I remember reading something on the Internet once. It was a story from a girl who had been locked into a chastity belt that had been welded shut. "Yeah, that is pretty strange, Kim. I never would have thought you'd have liked to be in bondage all the time." - "I've thought about it a lot . . . maybe being locked into an outfit, or having to wear a belt with my wrists manacled to it . . ." She stared at the ceiling. I knew this to be a quirk she had when she wanted to say something, but didn't know if she should. "Or being frozen…"

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2022, 06:09:23 am »

Bought or Rescued? by Avicia
1 part
"What you've read in the press and seen on TV is a carefully constructed lie designed to conceal the true evils of involuntary enslavement. It is far easier to enslave someone for life or for someone to inadvertently self-enslave than you realise. Once you are enslaved, the process is irrevocable. You are deemed no longer human but humanoid. You may look like a human, but you are not one; you are an animal with no more rights than a goat or a lamb."

The Greatest Challenge to any Escape Artist [F-f] by Mollyyo
Felicity gasped. “No. Way. That has got to be the exact straitjacket Ms. Turry used!” She stepped up onto the platform, her eyes glued to the dull shine of black leather. “It’s so smooth- I didn’t expect it to feel so supple!” She ran her hands all over the jacket, feeling how it was built. The jacket was very sturdy thanks to the steel threading. The jacket didn’t stop at the waist, in fact continuing all the way down to the mannequin’s feet, covering everything below the neck in the sturdy material. “Why don’t you try it?” Monica’s voice cut into Felicity’s daydream.

Lara's Final Tomb by Spicy-Tacos
The suit changed direction midair, adjusting itself to her movements. It landed on her, knocking Lara’s pistols out her hands and sending them skidding across the floor. Lara felt the suit start forcing itself onto her, like the leather was trying to consume her. First, the sleeves slipped themselves over her arms, until she found her hands trapped in the leather mittens at the end.

One For My Baby by MrArgent
“Do you see?” Jo asked happily. “Each of my patients came to me, lonely. And now I’m curing them!” She gestured at the three sets of rubber-coated captives. “Now they never need be lonely again! I’ve given each of them a life-partner that will never, ever leave them. Someone who knows them, and is known by them.”

Concentration by Sudden Trance
Deeper...Sadie’s entranced mind obeys instantly, catapulting her further into oblivion. “Oh my God, she’s so fucking out of it!” Natalie giggles. “I know we said we wouldn’t, but we have to mess with her a little, right?“ Emily sighs, and whispers something into Sadie’s ear. She then stands upright and faces the babbling, wannabe prankster. “Natalie,” she snaps. “Nap time,” Natalie’s face barely has time to register surprise, before it slackens into a completely blank expression.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2022, 03:37:01 pm »
Hot Pulses by Sihghis
3 Parts
I started speaking gravely. "Eirin, the truth is-" But it was not to be. I felt Ash enter the room before I saw her, and the sentence stopped in my throat as a flush of warm rushed over me. My pussy tensed at the increase of temperature. "Hi, sweetheart, surprised? I came to pick you up, I want to get coffee with you, that ok?" Her voice vibrated in my ears, and I breathed something out that might have meant yes. She turned to look at Eirin, as if just noticing that she was there. "Oh, hello Eirin. Would you like to join us?" Eirin shook her head with a sad but knowing half-smile, resigned to playing the role of the supportive friend. "No, that's ok." … "So, you like her? Think she's cute?" Ash tried to sound casual. She leaned in close and growled in my ear. "It's going to make you so fucking wet when you completely break her heart for me."

The Quintessential Quintuplets by  dastard12345
3 Parts
“You don’t need to gag me, do you?” “It’s for the shot.” Nihoi responded by sealing Ichika’s mouth with the silver tape. She then places several more, silencing the girl. “Mmpph.” Ichika tries to say while playing with her bonds. “Now. For the last part.” Nihoi said, walking out of the crate, then closing the front of it, sealing Ichika in. She climbed on top and looked down at her damsel. “Soon the cement should start pouring in.”

Charity Slave Auction by Kay_Evans100
10 Parts
Uncontrollably Kay feels herself rising to a climax the like of which she has never felt before; Sue is an expert and keeps Kay on the edge of orgasm whilst talking dirty to her about what a cute pussy she has and how amazing she looks in her boots and then about how she might behave displaying herself. Kay can't help herself as she writhes around on the edge of ecstasy completely oblivious to anything else around her. For the bidders watching via the camera's hidden behind the glass wall they are enjoying an amazing display.

The Mermaid by Albarez9
5 Parts
Paul rolled the woman back onto her back as the changes progressed. The skin on her legs was smooth and had fully merged into one appendage. Her feet had elongated and widened to become a tail fluke. Paul looked and saw a single scale appear on the woman’s legs, then another appeared in quick succession. Blue scales started to appear on the woman’s legs exponentially until her entire legs were covered in them. She was now a mermaid. She now had a blue mermaid’s tail that started just below her bellybutton and ended in a blue tail fluke that was several feet wide and several feet in length.

A Bit of Magic by mewfan151
She closed her eyes and made a wish. A wish to be free from all of these bills, a wish to be free from work, to just relax and not have to DO anything again. She sighed and turned back inside after a few minutes. She laid down on her bed and was soon snoring softly… Helen sleepily mumbled something as she stirred. As she lifted her head up, she noticed something that gave her pause. A metal plate was bolted to the bed frame. connected to that plate was a chain, held in place with a very heavy looking padlock.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2022, 07:55:54 am »
Wow! Over 100 decent stories to read so far! I hope that others are finding these tales enjoyable too! - Jennie by DreamingJennie
5 Parts
I quickly select ‘E’. Dungeon captive it is. “Congratulations Damsel! Your options are now loading and your PERIL will soon begin! Please stand and spread your arms out to either side for a full body scan.” Even before I’ve comprehended the words on the screen before me, I feel the change.  My tank top and shorts are gone, replaced by what appears to be a completely real cheerleader’s outfit. “What the hell?” The silly costume is entirely real.

The Ropemaster and the Empress by Daxter
Once a village was defeated, the Emperor would send a Ropemaster to place one of the young ladies on a bondage frame, to hang there until she died. As a warning to others. To scare the village into submission. Each knot would be sealed with lacquer and a Ropemaster’ s signet. Anyone that undid any knot would suffer death on an ant hill, half their village would be burned, and three more ladies would be put on frames. The girl, whose name was Alina, hung from the frame, swinging gently in the breeze. It was then she decided to make it the last task in life to deny the Emperor his will to subdue her village.

Necessary Control by macktosh
She regretted it the instant the lock clicked, sealing the belt around her hips. "There. That should keep your hands off yourself," her friend said, smiling as she tucked the key away in her pocket. "Actually, um, Amy-" "No 'actuallys'. You asked me to help you, Dana. If you can't go a day without coming, you need me more than I thought."

Game Night by Smartass
2 Parts
Kathryn picked up the die and looked worried. “Dammit, another 1!” She complained, and drew her card. “Pierced—Girls love getting new jewelry. (25 Points)” “OWW!” Kathryn yelled, and jumped up with a start. “Oww, that hurt!” She put her hands on her newly endowed chest and could feel new nipple piercings. She stuck out her tongue and could feel the barbell there too. “Shit! I can’t go to work with a tongue piercing!” Then she got an even more worried look on her face and slid her hand into her pants “Fuck!”

Permanent Chastity by KadzicuBloody34
2 Parts
The two girls, just staring at each other for a while. Until Jane, in her usual humorous manner, interrupted the lingering silence in the room. “Oh, my lady, I haven't heard from your husband, Cedric the Knight, for a year! Would you care to tell me who punished you so?” Margaret, too, smiled involuntarily, trying at the same time to think of some excuse. "It's... what I did to myself... And what's the point of wearing a chastity belt if you're supposed to have the keys with you all the time?”

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2022, 10:04:59 am »
I thought The Ropemaster And The Empress was very good, there was a lot packed into such a short story, very well written. Strung up on display to suffer while others watch is a very hot fantasy, lots of things there that trip my trigger. There was also an actual mystery and plot, all bonus items to be sure. I was curious to see that mine was the only forum feedback comment on that particular story though, and your recently read column reminded me of this.

 I am curious though, if you read it and liked it enough to add it to your list, why didn't you also drop a short note to the actual author, telling him or her that you liked their work? As an author I can't tell you how much just a short personal note can lift your spirits, let you know that others actually appreciate what you spend countless hours doing. As a general rule, I respond to each and every comment that is left for me, but I also understand that this isn't the norm either.

None of this is meant to be critical, so please don't take it that way, but I'm genuinely curious for my own purposes as to why more people don't leave feedback. I will tell you that personally it encourages me to write more, or perhaps even better; with good constructive criticism. I take such things to heart, sometimes even changing the direction or details of a story to suit certain requests.

Thank you for sharing you recently read list, and thank you also for reading my minor rant, Jackie.


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