Author Topic: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit  (Read 93368 times)

Offline Mark149

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #105 on: April 17, 2023, 05:20:07 pm »
I think that this is my favourite story of the thousands on this site :)

I think I understand Jackie and to a lesser degree Tracy but I would love to get deeper into Dana’s mind to really understand what makes her tick.

Maybe a chapter written by Dana would enlighten us as to her motivations and secret thoughts?

Thank you for an amazing story and I can’t wait for the next episode


Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #106 on: April 18, 2023, 06:24:31 am »
First off, thank you, that's high praise to be sure as there are thousands of wonderful stories here on the plaza.

 I thought they were fun characters, and I'm working on Dana's motivations a little more in the next chapters, but I'm trying to tell this one from a single point of view too. Dana is a bit headstrong, but she's a natural born leader, out to prove herself in the 1970's, which is still very much a man's world. He folks want to control her, her brothers too, but her - to date - successful relationship with my alter ego, and even Tracy, tells us that she is comfortable in this role, maybe even unjustly. She may ultimately attract and retain a man of her own, but he will be an accessory, something that is expected, but not really necessary.

Dana is still a teen too, living out on her own with her two friends, and there is much to learn yet, both in school, and out. Humility doesn't come easy to Dana either, so the learning part could be a bit of a struggle until she sorts that out...

Anyway, thank you again for your kind words, Jackie.

Offline Mark149

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #107 on: June 30, 2023, 11:26:32 am »

I have reread the whole story again and there are a few loose ends that I am curious about!

Part 4
"There was a forgotten store room rumored to be up in the back part of the facility that we were told about, but who told us about it must remain a secret for the time being."

I wonder if this will turn out to be Peter?  ;D

I ended up walking down the same flights of stairs that we had left the broken wheelchair in front of when we became panicked on our first visit, and I walked right past where it SHOULD have been not even realizing something was amiss. Several steps past I stopped and looked, clearly seeing our earlier footprints in the dust, and the wheelchairs marks as well. The prints I had just made lead up to where I stood, and could be seen with the greater light seeping into this bottom floor area, as could the second set of wheelchair tracks leading back toward the room we found it in. There were no extra marks in the dust that I could see, and I became spooked for a second, but then realized it was likely just my friends screwing with me. How they knew I was going to take the way down I had chosen a mystery to me, as was the method they had used to move the wheelchair without making any more footprints

Interesting - how did the wheelchair disappear?  Also I was wondering if someone else was secretly watching her.  Again maybe Peter had overheard a conversation between Dana and Tracy about the planned adventure?

Plan A
" And, if she misses one single spot on anything, we go straight to plan A, without a second thought" Dana conditions darkly.

Does this imply that the sinister Plan A is much easier to implement and therefore could be as simple as locking Jackie in the cage for prolonged periods using padlocks?  Please put us out of our misery and let us know what Plan A actually was!

Again thank you for this amazing story and I can't wait for the next chapter (hopefully very very soon)!


Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #108 on: July 01, 2023, 03:56:42 am »
Thank you, I do intend to get back to this one as I love the characters, I think it's a nice combination of naughty, loving, and fun.

 The hidden room maybe has some more treasures to be found, and one of the brothers may have shared the secret of it's existence. As to the wheelchair being moved, I wanted to imply that the old hospital is haunted, and that it therefore isn't someplace you'd want to spend the night in, especially naked, chained, and alone. The girls might have to get rid of their servant if family is scheduled to visit, and I thought that might be a fun place to dump my alter ego off for a few days as a last resort if that happens. Dumped off naked and cuffed with no way home, it's a hell of a feeling even for just a few hours, let alone a few days...

As to the plan A, I was thinking a serious physical punishment, strokes with a strap or a belt while chained laying over the extra large dog crate; something harsh and not all that nice. There are two problems with Dana taking this option; A, Tracy doesn't seem on board for it, and B the guys most certainly won't be either. It's her summer house, but there are limits on what she can actually do, even to an indentured servant with a contract while disproportionally pissed off at her. The message is perhaps unclear, but to me Dana is being told that while she may act a certain way, there may be consequences for those actions.

I have a project that I'm currently working on (that's almost done), and then it's back to this and a few others.

Thank you again for your kind words and the motivation, Jackie.

Offline feline

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #109 on: July 03, 2023, 03:49:13 pm »
Well, thinking in terms of her being kept as a pet, sometimes pets need to go into kennels, when their owners are away, so it makes sense to think of the old hospital in these terms, at least to me :)

Really looking forward to when you get back to this wonderful and amazing story! :)

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #110 on: July 04, 2023, 09:35:45 am »
Thank you, and I will credit you with the concept of dumping my alter ego off at the abandoned hospital as an out of the way parking place for my alter ego. Dumped off almost anywhere naked and bound really does something for me, but in the real world it's a rare treat anymore; more and more people hiking in our favorite play areas post covid, less free time too. A club sanctioned kennel for human pets could be a wild story element too, but that would imply that there was a whole bunch of pet girls that remained so 24/7/365 and I don't know if I could make that fly, story wise.

 I will get back to these characters, and some others, but I felt compelled to retell Ken's Birthday Gift from my point of view. The first part is published, the second in edit, and the third I'm working on. Just telling the first part (exposing the secrets that were kept back then) feels kind of therapeutic to be honest, so while a distraction to the other projects, maybe a necessary and liberating one for myself.

Thank you again, Jackie.

Offline feline

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #111 on: July 06, 2023, 05:25:19 pm »
Looking forward to catching up with Ken's Birthday Gift, which is in my to read pile, so good to know that there is more to come there.

As for the kennels, I had thought when I wrote that about a more organised kennels, but it would require a lot of back story and extra characters, or someone else to take charge and be in charge of our little pet.  Plus, I really like the idea and concept of her being taken back to the abandoned hospital and locked up there, all alone, for a little while.  It is a deeply powerful mental image after all :)

Offline Mark149

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #112 on: July 07, 2023, 11:14:30 am »

These are fun characters, and the overall story theme is fun with some kinky corporal punishments but nothing evil.  The three girls really do love each other and Dana and Tracy have proven to be fairly responsible for their friend.

I know the girls are best friends and love each other, but do they have fun together (outside of the kink environment) as one would expect from nineteen-year-old girls?  Do all three best friends talk, laugh, hug each other as teenage girls do? Do all three go to coffee shops, giggle over clothes magazines, go to the cinema, play sports, swim in the pond?  Even in the house (albeit naked and chained) do the three best friends chat and have fun?

I assume they do, but this is not evident from the script and I would suggest having some narrative showing that the three best friends mostly do normal fun things with some occasional kinky fun (accepting of course that Jackie’s dress code, chain and household chores are accepted as normal)!

The last time all three giggled was in the car after the 'tied to the billboard' dare and genuine affectionate conversations between Jackie and Dana are rare:

"Do you still trust us?" Dana asked softly. "I know Tracy escalated this game of ours by including Greg

"You really don't remember any of this, do you?" Dana asked.  I shook my head from side to side, which prompted Dana to get up and give me a big hug while I was still seated.  "Can you ever forgive me, or us, for what we've done?" she asked.

Unless normal teenage fun is shown in the narrative, the reader may incorrectly assume that the girls are mean to Jackie 24/7 and any real friendship has been lost. This story is different and better than most others in this forum because of the deep friendship and fun between three best friends.

I can't wait to see the pet show, meeting Lisa, revisiting Sean’s tattoo parlor, Greg's R&D project, a return to the abandoned hospital and a striptease at the truck stop, but the main event will definitely be the Walkman scene with Peter!!!

Many thanks again for such a great story with so many fun elements


Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #113 on: July 08, 2023, 10:09:50 am »
The girls definitely love each other, and likewise I can't imagine that they see a future with them being separated, at least from a teenage perspective. I agree that there has to be a playful human side to these characters, but I have to mix that with some conflict too, otherwise it might get boring. Perhaps one of the girls does something really foolish and out of character; and all three break down in a fit of giggles, kind of like a TV blooper, or a movie outtake. This might remind all of us that while this is a serious game, it's still a game, still fun.

Stripping at the truck stop porn palace might be serious fun (something I never had the courage to do myself), but what of the girl's own egos? Is their interest in each other enough to drown out their needs to be needed, the center of attention? In the controlled environment of the summer house Jackie gets the attention, but it's also pretty clear who owns who. Maybe though, the girls see this trap ahead of time, and they drop Jackie off there for her amateur's night "show" letting her do the deal on her own, maybe left thinking that she might have to find her own way home afterwards?

Does she instead infuriate the girls by making real money doing this, but do the girls claim that cash for themselves? Or do they charge her taxi fare for a ride back home, or even for something to wear if her "dance" clothes had been destroyed or lost? A hundred dollars for a rag to wear, or a large burlap sack with a hole for her neck comes to mind, or maybe just the empty threat to be left for the truckers to eventually deliver her back home?

So many possibilities going forward, thank you all for the wonderful ideas, Jackie.

Offline Mark149

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #114 on: November 25, 2023, 11:23:01 am »
Hi Jackie

Just wondering if we will see a full copy of the contract that was signed?

I would love to see the detail 😊

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #115 on: November 25, 2023, 12:55:32 pm »
That's a magnificent idea Mark, I'm thinking the signed contract is on display on the wall someplace, with the owners of record clearly visible, with room for more signatures in the future. It would be a simple thing to have one of the new characters read the contract aloud, maybe ask the maid if she specifically read and freely signed it.

 How would Dana's brother not rat Dana out for "owning" another human being, her friend no less; have him also become an owner of record, part of the conspiracy. Working on My Personal Trainer now, and then on to this and a few others. The dog show is next, I intend it to be fun for the girls.

Thanks for a great idea, Jackie.

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #116 on: January 13, 2024, 10:12:08 pm »
I have only just recently gotten into this story series and have enjoyed it quite a bit.
Are there plans to continue it further? 
(Sorry, I didn't even notice the more recent posts to this thread either.)

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #117 on: January 14, 2024, 06:55:32 am »
Thank you oOo, it's been a fun story to tell really. I'm working on the next chapter now, but the nature of the way I write, and the varied things I write too, means the chapters come slowly. The girls are all growing into this experience together, and I'm trying to show a version of that, teens growing into mature women. I've personally done some less than well thought out wild things (both as a teen, and beyond) that I've fortunately survived, and the girls will do the same here as they really love each other. There are of course all different kinds of love, and while you might love your new car, dog, and husband all at the same time, if forced to choose one over the other...

Anyway, thank you again, your interest motivates me to continue the story to the definite conclusion I have in mind, Jackie.

Offline teanndaorsa

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #118 on: February 11, 2024, 09:37:14 pm »
Part 3 of "Property of Dana and Tracy" up tonight, enjoy!

Offline feline

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #119 on: February 14, 2024, 04:35:54 pm »
The next part is finally here, happy happy days!

Right, a short delay while I re-read the last part to properly remember where we were, since just starting reading this part, since I am eager, is telling me that I don't remember exactly where we got to...

And we are back.  Off to almost a shocking start, the idea that we start with our little captive fantasising about being kept chained to the runners on the ceiling in her new home, with basically her husband, or is it owner?  As she says, it is incredible how something so bizarre, shocking, and all consuming, can become so normalised so quickly in her mind, in her world.  Which leads to the comment about her having been conditioned over so many years...  that really strikes me, and makes me wonder.  I can see and accept her friends effectively conditioning her in the later years, but for so many years?  She has always played such a secondary roll in their lives and relationship?  Or is this also coming from her home life as well, where she was raised with a focus on the idea that women are lesser, do the housework, keep quiet and in their place?

I am not sure we are ever going to get an answer to that question, but it seems from this comment that at the very least none of the adults in either family ever noticed, or cared if they did notice, that Jackie always ended up in the position of "servant" to the other girls.  Surely this must have been noticed to some degree by at least a couple of the adults, but if so, it wasn't something that needed to really be noticed, or corrected.

Now this night with Dennis does make me smile, since it is warm and loving and romantic, but it also makes me smile, since I feel Jackie is taking a narrow, if not unreasonable, view of her servitude here.  As the slave, the contracted and owned slave, it isn't her place to say how she should serve or be used by Dennis, or anyone else she is handed to.  So Dennis wants something other than a chained up sex doll, he wants a woman to "take charge", but that is still service, still putting him first and doing what he wants, for him and his ends, so it is still submissive and service, even if it seems like it isn't.

The morning after, well, its no shock or surprise that Jackie is much happier with life when she is getting sexual release, feels desired and important to someone else, and is simply happy.  Keeping her as a slave is all well and good, but she does need her own rewards to keep positively motivated, for all that the contract is designed to make sure there are PLENTY of punishments hanging over her head, if she ever needs them to keep motivated as a slave!

And here is the confusion, first time reading this, I got to Jackie showing, and her not doing the housework at the same time, and had forgotten it was the dog show about to start, so was left trying to work out what showing was on about - clearly not showing her pregnancy.

The oh so casual comment about others also having this extra, this extended control over her, that sends tingles places!  While this is very clear, in the sense that it tells us that Jackie is in for something, and that something will be quite all consuming, it doesn't actually tell us anything specific.  I also really like the casual manor in which she is told how her future will change, but that she obviously and clearly has no say in this at all.  Still, it is very good that they are making sure to reassure her and tell her that no one is cross, angry or upset!  This does need to be made clear after all!

As for aiming for the first place finish, do her owners recognise that this means Jackie is then expected to go on and show more, at further away and bigger shows?  I assume so, but have they considered this at all I wonder?

The speech also contrasts wonderfully with all three sitting normally at the table, almost as if they were equals, reminding us that they still have their roles and positions in the hierarchy, and this never goes away :)

Starting her time as a dog immediately, dumping the clean up on Tracy, yep, it really does feel that Dana organised and "directed" that outcome.  This could easily have come up after she had cleaned up otherwise...  power games between the friends?  Or something else?  The interaction between the friends does strongly suggest something else, but will we learn I wonder?

Telling Tracy not to be a sore looser?  It feels like a rather encouraged, if not downright manipulated loss...

The ketchup and comment about being spiteful, I strongly suspect I know exactly what is being hinted at here!

I wonder how much of the teasing is genuine, and how much for Jackie's benefit, but it feels very natural and real.  Interesting that Tracy is always pushing for them to go easier on Jackie, especially when the very harsh and controlling slave contract came completely from Jackie herself!  Still, we are clearly seeing that Jackie does need some love, attention and care herself in all of this, for her own happiness and motivation.

Only needing one slave (maid) in the house though, so if Jackie gets a day off from playing maid, what will they do with her instead?  *evil teasing smirk*

*smirk* of course you are up on the furniture as soon as everyone is out!  Some things never change :)

Now that is odd, why the strange looks when they are greeted by a dog on returning home?  Is it really a surprise that your dog has stayed in dog mode all day?  Or are you still not really considering that being a slave, and also a dog, isn't just play time for Jackie, but that it is about something deeper and more important in her and for her?

An interesting observation about how quickly the girls got through the jobs, most people want to just get these things out of the way though, that's perfectly natural.  But as a slave, what off time do you have to look forward to?  Is it better to be busy and occupied?  Or could being more efficient get you a bit more time to sleep perhaps?

They seem quite accepting of her in dog mode, even treating her as a dog as she climbs onto the sofa for attention.  Of course, this is paired with putting into her crate for the night.

An understandable dream...  and a great fantasy, but a nightmare in most likelihoods.

Oh joy, dog barking to wake the house in the morning, having slaves is just work, work, work!

I am tempted to comment on another round of Jackie comparing herself negatively to her two friends, especially since she clearly has Dennis very interested in her, keen to spend time with her, and very interested in her body.  But this time the comparison is actually useful, in that it helps to reinforce her dog persona, so that is interesting, and may even help with the days events.

Interesting indeed that Dana is taking Tracy's maid role so very seriously!  Expecting her to be naked, and so polite to everyone, I did not expect this.  More depth and interest to these two!

Taking Dennis into your confidence like this is its own form of intimacy you know...  so you do have your own ways of competing with the new naked maid, even if you don't completely see or recognise it.

*snort* there is a WORLD of difference between letting a submissive "be in control" of you, and taking orders from your two friends, or just one of them, when they have already taken significant advantage of Dennis, and left him in a bad financial situation.  You really do need to see more of your own value in all of this!

Oh dear, and yet, I cannot help but smirk, seeing that by playing so hard into being a dog, you are suddenly set to be transported both ways as a dog, and that Tracy, who is normally on your side, thinks this is a good idea!  A reminder that while your friends aren't equals, they both have their own interests in keeping you as a slave...

Tracy doesn't want to go outside naked, I am reminded of the comment, I think now from the last part, about how much more natural and relaxed Jackie is being naked than most of the other pets, and this is another sign of it.  She has had plenty of training on this, and it shows!

Again, while you are in the truck and considering your two friends using Dennis, remember that they have "used" him in more ways than one, and not all men want or desire the same things...


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