Author Topic: Chain by Budman  (Read 12157 times)

Offline desquared2290

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2023, 02:58:10 am »
Just fininshed chapter 21.  Still really enjoying the story.  Things are getting intense for Jill.  Hope she will be able to keep it up

Offline feline

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2023, 02:37:52 pm »
Just finished chapter 22.  I skipped commenting on a couple of parts, but to be fair I didn't really have much to say.  They were fairly brutal, but that was and is required to really set the scene and the situation in place.  Unless Jill knows for certain, due to it actually happening, that the punishments are this harsh, that the restraint is this constant, and the big punishment for being difficult is so terrible, she isn't really going to get and have the experience and time that she so clearly wants and desires.

Having said that, I did find some of the descriptions of the bondage contraptions hard to follow.  The outline idea was clear enough, but I did not manage to visualise what was happening in more detail.  But since I wasn't that into seeing her treated so harshly, while accepting that this is required to achieve the ends and set the scene, it didn't bother me.

Seeing the end of the week was good.  All of that torment and suffering really did build up to a massive end point, but I do have to take issue with the point the angry Jill made, that she did all of this suffering "for her husband", since we all know she did it just as much, if not more so, for herself.  Yes, she shares this life with her husband, but a lot of this is coming from and is driven by her.  Not that this matters when she is that horny and angry *smirk*

I did enjoy jumping forward in time, and getting a sense of how life really works for all of them.  The emotional toll of all of this is clear, but at the same time, this is exactly the life and approach that Jill really wants.  I do wonder how they are going to balance her keeper starting to have more of a life outside of being a "full time" keeper is going to work.  I don't see Jill wanting to cut back on her captivity time all that much, but at the same time these different things do need to be balanced and handled.

Still, it did make me giggle, seeing how little her friends at tennis cared about her jewellery *smirk*

Offline Budman0_0

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2023, 10:27:51 pm »
Thanks feline,
I struggled with those device descriptions.  And I struggled all the more because I have frequently had the same problem with other authors writing here.
I probably should have done some drawings - but I have NO artistic talent, not even for mechanical drawings.  Teann can include drawings in a story although very few authors do so.

Let me take another crack at it for you.
Picture a playground see saw.  The seesaw is attached (screwed or bolted down) to the middle of a sheet of plywood.  The pivot point is only 2 inches above the plywood and the "board" that goes up and down is a metal pipe about a 18 inches long (46cm).  The female submissive lays on the plywood face down, spreads her legs and slides down impaling herself on 1/2 of the pipe until she bottoms out on the pivot point.  A wedge is then used to raise the part of the see saw still outside her vagina (simultaneously pushing down on the 1/2 inside her vagina.  This effectively clamps the front wall of her vagina to the plywood under her lower belly.  Since she can't reach the wedge, even if her hands are free, she is effectively trapped.
The other device is essentially the same see saw but mounted vertically to a cell bar with a clamp.  The effect is to clamp the front wall of the vagina to the cell bar.
I have NO idea if either of these would actually work, and/or how painful they would be if clamped hard enough to make sliding off unbearable.
I've never seen a porn video at sites like or do anything like this.  I got the idea from the 'one bar prison' that you will see frequently on the net.
Did that help?

Yes, the story is getting more intense.
Starting with Chapter 24, as the story switches to daughter Clair, it will get even more brutal.  The tone stays emotionally light, loving and consensual, but Clair discovers that, where her mother is mostly a bondage slut, Clair is a pain slut and her new boyfriend gets into the spirit.  If that's not your thing I understand, but I think you'll enjoy the evolution of Clair and the story is going to switch to her at least through chapter 35, which is where I'm writing now.
I also hope to revisit Shwarts Iron works in the near future and explore some more group lesbian bondage and torment including a crucifixion story.

I get your point about Jill's "for him" comment.  I think, at the time she was angry AT Bob because he wasn't acknowledging her suffering for 'him.'  Perhaps her not seeing the irony in that anger should have been more a part of this paragraph.

Offline feline

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2023, 02:50:41 pm »
That was definitely clearer and easier to visualise.  One of the things that put me off when reading it was the sense of the size of the pipe, and the depth of penetration.  Since this isn't a story set in a world of magic, or super science, where serious damage can just be waved away, it left me uneasy and unsettled, with the feeling that this might be doing serious damage to the body.

I am certainly going to keep reading for now :)  There is a lot going on here that I like, and the emotional elements are working.  The characters feel like real people, there is interest there, I can and do get drawn into things, and am interested in seeing where they go and how things develop.

Brutal isn't automatically a concern in a story, it partly depends on the how and the why.  Also I tend to have a hard limit with permanent damage being done.  That's some peoples desired reading, but not mine, so we will see, but I don't get the sense you are thinking in these terms.

Plus I need to hang around for the promised chapter that is the instruction manual for a chastity belt, you caught my interest with that *evil smirk*

Offline feline

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2023, 02:58:50 pm »
Chapter 23 just made me smile quite a bit, this was fun :)  It is really interesting, although not really surprising, given all we have seen and learned, that Jill and Bob are so "innocent" in the sense of never sharing their secret with anyone, and being quite unaware of the wider world of kink and kink knowledge that was all around them.  Then again, they never had a need or a reason to look, or expose themselves, so it all makes sense.

Still, the idea that what happened at such an innocent party was so terrible does make me want to giggle, while at the same time I do respect their general sense of trying to be careful, polite and respectful as they enter an entirely new world for them :)

Offline feline

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2023, 03:00:26 pm »
Part 24 is up, and it's nice to be back to Clair.  Good to see her taking her relationship seriously, and introducing him to more of the family, a clear sign that she feels there is a good future here between the two of them :)

Good to see them finally learning about the need to talk, explain, and share what they are actually thinking, wanting and expecting out of things.  Without this sort of proper communication they are simply not going to make this work.  It is to "different" to what people expect normally, Clair isn't just going to get her needs met by magic without explaining what they are.

I really do enjoy watching Fred's emotions, as he tries to both be loving, supportive and an evil sadist at the same time.  It is quite the balancing act, and it is a lot of fun to watch and enjoy :)

Offline Budman0_0

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2023, 03:06:35 pm »
Yea, we're going to stay on Clair and Fred for quite a few Chapters.  I'm not saying we won't get back to Bob and Jill, but I kinda burned out on ideas for them.  They are into incarceration play but not really into other or harder forms of BDSM and I wanted to explore some other themes.  Clair and Fred are young enough and Clair is enough of a masochist that I can explore some harder themes with them.  And they will meet some new friends and play partners down the road.

Offline teanndaorsa

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2023, 08:55:18 pm »
Another visit with Fred and Clair up this evening...

Offline feline

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2023, 04:40:34 pm »
Chapter 25 is up, and I really enjoyed this one.  Fun emotions, it is interesting seeing the two sides, and seeing Fred slowly working out what he is trying to do here, who he is trying to be.  At the same time seeing the very positive reactions he is getting, and the blending of harsh and loving, it feels warm and lovely, while still being harsh enough to give Clair the feelings and treatment that she so clearly needs and craves :)

Offline feline

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #39 on: March 13, 2023, 04:28:27 pm »
Chapter 26, and this is fun, Fred is really starting to understand his role in all of this, and is making good progress thinking up good ways to balance the required / desired harshness with proper care.  I do like the insight into Clairs emotions and feeling in all of this to :)

Offline Budman0_0

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2023, 03:20:40 am »
Feline.  I continue to enjoy and appreciate your comments.  Thanks.

Offline feline

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #41 on: March 20, 2023, 05:17:22 pm »
Chapter 27, I will admit her cleaning the shoes with her mouth was unpleasant, but at the same time this is both a fantasy, and a good experiment with the sorts of harsh treatment she wants and needs, and what Fred is prepared and able to put her through.

His talk with her at the end was very well timed and done, this is something that very much needs to happen, that needs to be reviewed and considered.  What was surprising was how far he still has to go in truly meeting her needs and desires for punishment and pain.  It will be interesting to see how this goes and works out.  So far it is working well for me since there is a lot of emotional connection, its not empty pain for pain's sake, it is a loving relationship that needs this and is exploring this that is happening.

Still, I have to admit squirming at nailing her breasts to the railing.  I know it can be done, but I just don't like needles.  As for strangulation...  no, just no.  It's called edge play for a reason, and I just don't like things that can so easily go wrong.  Personal preferences and all that, I know, but there we go :)

Offline johnyburner

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #42 on: March 22, 2023, 02:02:06 pm »
I'm enjoying this story immensely. It started simple and light-hearted, and although the characters are still happy, their actions are definitely getting on the extreme side of the spectrum. I like it. It satisfies my kink for extreme, hardcore bondage, while mantaining consent and the enjoyment of everyone envolved. Having several couples and households in the mix helps keep things fresh, but don't spread yourself thin (but I would love to read a spin-off with just the Ironworks dynamics).

A story where so many people are into the BDSM life-style, and on the harsher side of that is certainly not based on reality, but there are more of us than people realize, and I see this as a 'what if people weren't so quick to clutch their pearls' kind of situation. The realistic version of Jill getting socially shunned for her behaviour would not create such a good story as this.

Clair side of the story is really good and kinky, and even the boot event was great. Yes, gross and unappealing at first, but Fred did took care of rinsing her mouth and got Clair into the proper state of mind. With what she can take I'm really looking forward to see what tortures from the pits of hell will be needed to break her like she wants. And I'm pretty sure that Jill would like to go to the same depths of pain.

Offline Budman0_0

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #43 on: March 26, 2023, 04:20:17 am »
Johnyburner - I also want to do a spin off at Schwartz Iron works.  I have something in mind that involves a company picnic were the main entertainment is a day long crucifixion (no nails just suspension cuffs) by one of the Schwartz employees who's always fantasized about being crucified.  I can picture the town's kinky doctor being the sole judge of when she can be taken down based on the readings from an oxygen monitor on her finger.  The image of a girl suffering on the cross, doing 'the dance' all the while people are having a picnic on the grounds around her cross is stuck in my head.  I'll write it someday.  But I have SO many other ideas I'm working on.

Glad you like Clair and Fred - I'm sticking with them for quite a few chapters as they are more extreme than other members of the family and I'm having fun with that.

Appreciate your comments and feedback - keep reading.

Offline feline

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Re: Chain by Budman
« Reply #44 on: March 27, 2023, 02:34:05 pm »
Chapter 28, coming along nicely :)  I did smile at the very different views they are taking on her nipples, on what looks sexy, and how to dress and appreciate your little slave captive :)

The emotions are well handled, the loving concern being balanced with the need to be harsh and relentless in your torment.  It will be interesting to see how he handles drop, since this is moving into a rather new area.  Hopefully he has some awareness of what has just happened, so this won't be a complete shock, and he has some ideas of how to treat Clair now.


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