Author Topic: Recently Read and Good  (Read 38574 times)

Offline Dianag

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #60 on: December 19, 2023, 08:54:51 pm »
I find thes ea great help in finding stories I like. I have to admit to a slight smugness at finding you've likde a couple of my efforts as well, so many thanks for including them. You give me encouragement to try and dig something else out of my overactive imagination !!

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #61 on: December 21, 2023, 04:25:13 am »
Awesome! I'm glad to hear that you like the stories that are posted here. The list reflects my tastes.  I try to post stories from as many authors as possible. I'm sure that there are great authors out there that I do not read simply because the content does not work for me. On the other hand, I go back to your stories over and over! So, I really DO hope that you are inspired to write more.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #62 on: December 21, 2023, 08:45:56 pm »
Thanks Subgrrl. I'll try - and this time I have not relied on a spellchecker !!

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #63 on: January 16, 2024, 04:32:26 pm »

Witches Bitch by Ari66Bakkus
4 parts
“Well, you see, I’m what you’d call a witch. We don’t fly around on brooms or anything, but we do have some powers, but we had to give some things up,” the girl continued. “We lost our own personal pleasure.” What the fuck was she talking about? The girl leaned in close again. “An orgasm,” she whispered in the blonde girl’s ear. “I can’t have an orgasm. Fortunately, over the millennia, we found a way,” the girl continued. “But we have to steal them. That’s where you come in. I picked you because you’re fit and lucky for me, beautiful as well. By the time I’m done I will have milked several thousand from that body of yours.”

A Different Kind of Sex Toy by Bamagan
58 parts (!!)
“That thing can’t be real, can it?,” she thought. “A sex fetish remote control? It’s impossible. This is just a test to prove it. Nothing will happen.” Madelyn raised the remote and aimed it, as best she could through the door, and pressed the green button. ‘TARGET ACQUIRED’ showed on the screen. Heart thumping in her chest, knees weak and pussy leaking, Madelyn slowly pushed the red button. Letters scrolled across the screen from top to bottom, finally slowing and forming the words ‘SEX WORK,’ followed by ‘AMATEUR ENTHUSIAST.’ Madelyn bit her lip to suppress a moan and stumbled into the guest room, fingers scrabbling at her clothes. She noticed that the red button was now flashing.

Hellooooo-dolly-chan by Unknown
There was a 1 meter diameter circular platform and a control desk in the room. "This is a full body imager. Someone gets on the platform and those cameras rotate around the subject taking detailed pictures and accurate contours. This information is then used to make the body parts for the life-size display."  They entered another room. "This is where part of your preparation would be. Bring the tubes." The woman took three tubes from a bin. Each tube was at least a meter long, perhaps longer. He explained "Those two thin tubes go in your nose and down to your lungs. The large tube goes down your mouth and into your stomach. Then the areas around those tubes would be filled with liquid latex to keep them in."

Computer Controlled Asylum by steff469
A panel over my chair opened and a latex hood was lowered in front of me. The hood was bright red and would zip closed in the back. The inside of the hood had a built-in gag that was shaped to have the wearer bite down on it. There were short rubber tubes that would go into the wearer’s nose. I also noticed that there were no openings for eyes so the wearer would not be able to see. A computer voice said, “Chloe Miller, patient IM469, you are instructed to put on the hood before you. You will be rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad. If you do not put the hood on, orderlies will assist you.”

Bovine Dreams by LilCthulhu
It still felt hard to form a coherent thought, but after a while she noticed the creatures were women, not cows. Women dressed in some sort of nightmarish kink costume. After a few more moments of bedazzled staring and feeling her body, E-14 was certain – she probably looked just like them. All the cows were looking identical. They were clad in a tight latex suit, colored in a muted white with black cow pattern imprinted. All of them were missing their arms. Their shoulders were just rounded corners of their torso. Instead of human feet, they had black cow hooves, and a short chain was fastened between metal shackles around their ankles.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #64 on: January 31, 2024, 05:04:54 am »

Favor For Her Landlady by hashtag
“I have gone alone before but it’s just a bit embarrassing and this was going to be my first time with someone” Amanda sat next to Jean on the couch, “Well, what if I went with you?” Jean stared back at her friend and then quickly looked at the time, “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into but if I can’t talk you out of it we have to get moving. Now your role for tonight is to be my sub. Have you ever experienced bondage before?”

Beka the Precious Jewel by TanisSteele
Beka found the jewelry box and opened it up. She quickly found the little charm she was looking for, and held it up. A small silver thing with a green gemstone. She looked at it closely and thought she could see something moving inside. Suddenly there was a flash of light as the angle of the sun bounced off the gem just perfectly to reflect into Beka’s eye. She went blind briefly and there was the sensation of falling as she stumbled. Beka’s eyes shot open and she realized that the falling sensation was far more literal than a trick of the mind. She was hundreds of feet in the air plummeting to the ground. Before she could take stock of her situation something flew out in front of her and Beka found herself landing on a warm and squishy surface.

My Doll of a Wife by Objectified Beauty
2 Parts
I had set the timer for three hours this time, figuring I would give her a taste of a somewhat longer transformation and see how she felt about it.  However, the alert from the controller app had come and gone, as I ultimately decided to eschew that plan, just for fun. Her pose wasn’t exactly conducive to sharing a bed with, though, so I disassembled her and laid her arms and lower half on the floor before dressing her limbless torso in her favorite night t-shirt.  We laid there together, well, me with her lifeless torso anyway, as she gazed blankly at the ceiling.  All the while, I wondered what she was thinking and feeling.  Was she worried because this session had by now extended well into the night?  Or, was she so blissful that she didn’t even realize what was going on?  Is there actually some part of her that wants me to have her transformation made permanent?  Do mannequins fall asleep?

Latex Pet Dog by Tellakay
"Hold still" Tiffany was already doing that, but she wasn't about to disobey. She watched Christina dip her brush into the orange bucket. The cold liquid was stroked across her thighs, her tight tummy, sides, and back, and then worked up to her breasts, neck, and arms. Each stroke smoothed out a few seconds after brushing across her body, and Christina pulled her arms this way and that as she was painted on. Christina didn't start slow, after what felt like only a minute,Tiffany's entire core body was a smooth layer of shiny orange. And then it started to burn. "Christina, It's getting hot! It's not supposed to do that, is it?"

Denise’s Submissive Holiday by Gromet
Wendy then brought out Denise’s new gift, a beautiful leather catsuit, Wendy told her that it had been specially made for her to her exact size and to Wendy’s specifications. Wendy explained that the suit had been soaking overnight to make the leather more supple and to ensure a tight fit on her body. She was not told that it would shrink when heated by Denise’s body, but she would find that out later.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #65 on: February 23, 2024, 03:40:21 am »

Ninomae Pony’nis by MollyYo
Kronii wrapped the rope lead around a hitching post, leaving Ina there for a moment. “Alright, stay still while I get this open…” Kronii pulled out a large keychain with dozens of keys jangling from her bag. The door to the stable was a large double door, with a heavy wooden plank laid over both doors padlocked in place, keeping the doors shut. Kronii unlocked the padlocks and lifted the surprisingly heavy bar out of the slots, leaning the bar leaning against the stable to the side. Then she pulled, and swung the doors open. She turned around and smiled at Ina. “There we go. Now let’s give you a proper tour of your new home!”

His Perfect Flower by littlegirl1222
"Orgasms are for whores, you are my perfect, pure, virgin flower. Now open your mouth." I did and he placed the key on my tongue. "Now swallow."

The Mask Of Silence by uglygosling
The mask itself was made from a combination of leather and composite materials, so that it would last several lifetimes without any deterioration whatsoever. Sharon first looked over the outer surface, then the inside of the mask. The outside felt hard, but with some give, while the interior was mostly softer padding, except for a long tube which ran in from the mouth area. In some areas the tube had numerous small openings, while other portions were solid. Some areas were almost hard to the touch, while other parts were highly flexible.

Unburdened by Criminalcat
Clara barrelled out of the side room, clutching Anna's arm, "Anna! My dear! You must simply come with me now. You are leaving our dates alone!" "Clara! What dates?" "Oh, hush you! Come come come," Clara pulled her arm into the other room. The man watched them go, mouth opening and closing like he didn't quite understand what had just happened. "Clara, what..." "Hush. That guy’s a jerk, I'm just keeping you from the wolf's grasp, ya know? Also...I was. You know. Jealous." "Why?" Clara pouted, her words slurring just a little. She was tipsy nearing the edge of drunk, "You know..." Clara smiled a wicked smile, leaning forward suddenly to press her lips to hers. Anna blinked. Soft. They were soft. They were...perfect. Her first kiss.

Walkies by Cartoon-Male-Gaze
Jenny clutched hold of her bath-robe, hesitant, but then shyly replied, "It's the only way I can… get off… the video I was watching? It was of a girl crawling around like a dog. I like that... feeling… Of... well... being like a dog. Like a pet. Crawling on the floor, doing tricks for treats, wearing a collar..."

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #66 on: March 15, 2024, 08:01:00 am »

Boxed In by KiraNiAmy
The prisoner did not resist in the slightest. When you arrived at her tiny cell to retrieve her as ordered, she scrambled to her feet as hastily as her shackles would allow, clearly terrified of you but wanting to be as obedient as possible. Only when she looked up to see where she was being taken did the little convict let out a small, muffled whimper of alarm behind her gag, stumbling and nearly tripping forward over her own leg irons. Long Term Storage.

Trapped For Eternity by HeckYeaBaby
I sat across from Duncan in disbelief. What he had just told me was tantamount to treason. "You're practicing dark magic?" "Yes, and I want you to join me." "Absolutely not!" Duncan sighed. "Well, I guess you leave me no choice then… I can't kill you, since we are both immortal, and I can't have you walking about warning people I'm practicing dark magic. The best I can do is shut you up, permanently."

Volunteer, Reduced by XYQ4T7GL
“Aleida is just about ready,” the magician announced to the crowd. “She’ll have two minutes to open the padlock. If she fails, she gets another try… but she’ll lose body parts until she can escape! Your time starts… now!” She twisted her arms towards the padlock to free herself… And didn’t even get close. “Stop!” the magician called out, sooner than she expected. Two minutes of effort hadn’t achieved anything. The magician tutted, “A good effort, Aleida, but it looks like that padlock is still shut.” He waved a large cloth over her dramatically, hiding Aleida from the audience and momentarily plunging her into total darkness.As the cloth was whisked away the crowd gasped and clapped. Her arms were gone.

‘Break’-ing And Entering by Sekikumo
Aki had assumed her true form - that of a beautiful fox spirit… but her tail was dyed a different color - the dull gray shade of hard, immobile stone. “Aki!  We need to get out of here, the lady who owns this place is crazy!” But to Umi’s dismay, Aki was utterly frozen in place.  She was completely naked, trapped in a pose, halfway transformed already, the stone having covered her legs. This was bad. If she didn’t do something quick, Aki would be completely turned to stone! Unfortunately, behind her, she suddenly heard the familiar sound of magical seals being cast.  She spun around, just in time to see a beautiful blond fox girl in a fancy dress in the middle of finishing a spell. “Ah, wait–”

Best Laid Plans by Jack Patrick
He carried her inside, and she heard the door close behind them. He was walking on what sounded like a wooden floor. Then he stopped, and she heard what sounded like three locks disengaging. Then the sound of another door with rusty hinges opened. Next, she was being carried down a flight of creaky stairs. She lost count of the steps after the tenth one but soon they were on level ground and he carried her forward several paces and stopped. After a few seconds, she heard what sounded like a cell door opening. He walked forward and the cell door sound occurred again. As if the door was now closing shut behind them. Trying to process what was happening, Colleen was gently placed in what felt like a plush, comfortable chair.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #67 on: May 08, 2024, 02:55:53 am »

Pet Pussy by princess_kay
"I just hope this works," Abbigale muttered. She was unaware of the fur growing across her now pointed ears. She removed her hand from behind one, just as the cartilage began to move further up her scalp. "How did the witch put it? Under the effects of this potion, I will be seen as a feline, despite maintaining my human form? And no one will recognize me, even if I march out the front doors... It seems almost too fantastical to be true," murmured Abbigale, whose head now sported a twitching pair of cat ears. A sudden pressure, above Abbigale's behind, finally alerted her that something was shifting. She twisted about, trying and failing to get a good look, as something ripped, and a moment later, her underwear fluttered to the floor, torn asunder by the sprouting of a cat's tail.

Safe Space by earlofnexus
Jen caressed the various huge gags that would silence her. She stroked the thick latex hood that would encase her head. She felt the weight of the latex suit that would be her second skin. There were straps, armbinders, steel chains. In some ways overkill given they had the ultimate inescapable safe. But still. There were going to be layers to all of this like an onion. She would be bound, inescapably. Then she would be sealed in the safe, inescapably. Then the strong room locked, inescapably. Then the door at the top of the stairs. Inescapably. Above which life would go on normally and nobody would be any the wiser that her sexy young body was in there.

Mannequin Reality by magicshoppe
It took almost four months to get Kelly and her friends coordinated and get the spell components together. Along the way, a third friend, Marisel, wanted in on the mannequin spell after hearing about it at Kelly’s birthday party a few months earlier. Friday night, the ritual was in full force. When the final candle was snuffed, Troy felt the ground shake and the air rushed toward the women before exploding outward. Troy was thrown to the ground where his head struck the concrete floor hard and he lost consciousness. He awoke hours later. “Are you okay?” The woman could have been Kelly’s sister. But this woman was not Kelly. More importantly, Kelly had no sister. The resemblance was uncanny. But, this was not his girlfriend of four years. “Who are you?”

Celine by DieterSchaumer
3 parts
Celine crumpled onto the sheets, her eyes began to glow an eerie blue and her back opened up. The inside felt cool and oddly slick, as Moira’s feet slid in, her toes filling up their sockets. After finding the head a tight squeeze, she noticed the strange object pressing against her mouth. Oh right. The Equipment. She opened wide and accepted the mouthpiece, which covered her teeth and tongue in a strange rubbery moulding.  “Please clap to finalize suiting procedure. New User Protocol activated. Recalibrating.” “mmm… MMMFGH!” Moira was unable to squeal as two long shafts were inserted deep inside her. Two tubes shot into her nostrils, which was at first uncomfortable but allowed her to breath much more easily. But most surprisingly of all, all of the empty space in which her body failed to fill was now being taken up by… the suit?

Deadly Magic by GwydionR
9 parts
"Ladies and gentlemen," the magicienne spoke, "tonight, I will present, for your entertainment, the some of the most infamously deadly illusions known to the world of magic." The audience applauded. "Be aware that, should anything go wrong, I will not be stopping the show- all my assistants have signed waivers, and so have you, so volunteer at your own risk..." Chardonnay Blade laughed, and so did the audience.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #68 on: June 01, 2024, 03:11:15 pm »

Plausible Deniability by greyscribbler
Emma frowned. "You made me do it." It was so hard to form the words. She was lying back on her bed. Naked. Sarah's finger was drawing circles around Emma's clit. Over and over. Slowly. It was maddeningly, frustratingly, delicious. Emma thrust her hips up, her back arching. All it would take was one touch on her clit and she'd be cumming and cumming and cumming. She didn't know how long Sarah had held her on the edge. "Made you do what, sweetie?" Sarah asked. "The, the. The tattoo," Emma managed eventually. Getting the tattoo artist to do it had been hard enough. But sitting with her friends, in class, having coffee. Knowing it was there. Knowing what it said. Sometimes all she could think about was the apostrophe and the 's'. Possessive. Right above her clit. 'Sarah's'. Like it was saying that her girlfriend owned her pussy.

Asylum Life by CrystalMochi02
2 Parts
Hello there, my name is Rebecca Dhune.  I am a 23 year old girl that has a dirty secret.  I want to be placed into permanent bondage more than anything else.  Every day, I think about being placed into permanent bondage.  Nothing else can come to my mind unless I am distracted.  I need to focus on my job?  Permanent bondage.  I need to talk to someone?  Permanent bondage.  I am on the phone?  Permanent bondage.

My Mistress by LaylaTF
"Sorry, to confuse you sweetie" she said "I guess I have to explain some things to you. You see, I'm a witch, and normally I wouldn't just use my power on people without them knowing about it... But... When I confessed my love to you earlier and you rejected me, I was really really heartbroken... And then I decided, that if you can't appreciate my attention, I would make you understand. So I placed a little spell on you, that would let me have complete control over you with everything I say. I know this isn't right, but trust me, you will love it!" she said excitedly.

Backfired! by AmberHuntWrites
The serum was supposed to be for that bitch, Katrina – not me! But, I guess the stupid cover came off the syringe in my coat pocket, and before I knew it, I got stuck by the needle instead. I figured I had a few minutes to get inside and hide away before my body got too stiff to move, but it worked a lot faster than I had been told, and now I’m stuck out here in the garden just waiting around for that bitch to find me helpless instead.

The Missing Agent by Ederlezi3
Then she unbuttoned her shirt. What was she doing ? Why was she stripping in the middle of her workplace? My mind formulated ‘streaking’ but I repressed the thought. There was something else going on. She looked so serene. Finally, she was standing naked in the center of the room. I always knew she was beautiful. I was hypnotized by her sight, staring as she climbed on the empty pedestal, still nude, and drank from the bottle. Then she laid on it, like a classical Greek beauty, a muse inspiring her lover to create the most beautiful statue ever made.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #69 on: June 13, 2024, 09:18:26 am »

Human Interest by cardman314
"Lindsay, what size do you wear, dear?" "M-m-m-me?" she stuttered and turned a 'whiter shade of pale'. “An 8-1/2 or 9 should fit fine. 5'10. 125 lbs. 36D-24-34… What do we do next?" "I'll have your tack ready. As soon as you fill out a brief medical questionnaire and sign a release form, we'll go out and get you ready. That will include assigning a trainer. You stand a good chance of winning the Desert Derby on Sunday." The mention of "winning" ignited Lindsay's competitive spirit and she thought this might be fun after all, smiling to herself. She wasn't the only one smiling to herself. The trap was sprung.

The Long Road by LumenIndustries
“There we go. Very impressive, my dear… I’m proud of you… Now, are you ready for the real thing? The only thing that should be inside your lovely body?”  Oh gods yes, she nodded and breathed quicker.She felt a tug on the tight band around the small of her waist. Then a pressure against her ass. Another dildo? This one flared out wide, making her gasp in pain before it popped in, the tapered end sliding into place as her muscles contracted around it. Then, another pressure against her pussy. Another dildo textured, little nubs and feelers all over the head of it filling her up completely. She felt the metal band they were attached to pull up between her legs from behind. Several clicks, as the band between her legs got tighter and tighter, pulling both plugs up deep inside her, but perfectly sized, not pinching or painful.  - Charles had put her into a chastity belt.

Sister’s New Dog by Tellakay
She’s kneeling, her little sister’s hand is gently stroking her head. Her arms are folded in such that her hands are taped tightly against her shoulders. Plain silver duct tape goes all the way down to her elbows, tightly wrapping her arms up into half their length. The girl in the mirror’s legs have the same treatment. Her legs wrapped up tight like this, any other person would guess that they were simply cut off halfway, her joints are flexible enough that the bottoms of her feet press tightly into her butt, as the tape wraps all the way up to her belly button.

The Experiment by mrolands
"There are those who say intense emotions can imprint themselves on an inanimate object. This is why psychics can glean information about a murder just by holding a hair brush. I plan to conduct an experiment to test if this is true. To do this I will use the 72-inch blade and I will also need a brave woman from the audience willing to be the subject of the experiment. I must warn you, this is no magic trick. What I am planning to attempt has never been done before. The danger is very real. She will have to willingly place herself beneath this spinning saw. Her naked body bound tightly to the table with no hope of escape. If the experiment goes wrong, the saw will cut her in two."

How I Became A Mannequin by DisplayGirls
She pulled out a small spray can. “I think this could help. If you could strike a pose of some kind. Something simple, like how you might see a mannequin posed.” I complied, placing both my hands at my sides and with my legs fully straight. “Please don’t move, this might tickle a little,” she said whilst spraying my whole body. Once she was done, she gave one last instruction. “Now, just hold that for 10 minutes.” Time passed slowly. Then I tried to move. Nothing. My body wouldn’t respond. Outside of my eyes and mouth, my entire body was essentially frozen. “I can’t move! What did you do to me?” I cried out. The woman chuckled.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #70 on: August 12, 2024, 03:49:44 am »

Caught In Her Own Net by karl987
Apparently the only convicts sent there were those sentenced for truly life-long imprisonment.  Nal-Korka was considered a “one way trip”. An exclusive report from the government's most secure prison – now THAT would make her a famous journalist... “So you really want to get in THERE? I never saw or heard of someone who wants to visit that hellhole.” “Just get me in there and I'll pay your price” “Your choice – I can smuggle you in and get you a prison uniform”

Sneaking Out With Mistress by TheUnknownedGamer
9 Parts
“God dammit Ida, how many times must I tell you, I have no desire to be a lady of bondage.” Ever since Queen Harfrue enthroned herself onto her diabolical creation called The Golden Throne, Princess Ankar has been under immense pressure by her mother to embrace the lady of bondage culture. “But mistress, it has been more than a month since your last public appearance. And in that, you only had your wrists bound with rope and a small 2 inch ball gag. Your elbows were not bound, and you were not even naked... Your mother was very upset if you remember...” “Fine Ida, you have a point. Now, explain what weird bondage outfit you bought for me this time.”

SLVE-Gloss by 790shead
2 Parts
“The gel contains a chemical that is a powerful hypnotic. It can be absorbed through the skin. In low doses it causes a person to feel good and relaxed.” She is stroking her hands together. He watches as she seems to sink down deep into pleasurable feelings. He tugs on her undershirt drawing it over her body. She does not even notice as he removes her bra. “In larger doses, it can make a person very suggestible.” Odessa, looks up at him with big watery eyes. “I wish I could be coated in this stuff.”

All Is Fair by dachande238
Angie took the tube of glue from the drawer and inspected it.  The words “Instant”, and “Ultra-strong” adorned the label in big red letters just above words like “Warning”, and “Caution”.  Perfect, thought Angie, This’ll show her.  She stalked off down the hallway of the luxurious cabin towards the secluded sun deck to find her prey, Denise.

Storage Problems by KatieBlake
My body felt light and limp. I was floating. My eyes flickered open. I was being carried. With a frantic scream, I bucked and thrashed in the large hands. The rope dug into my cheeks and stung my wrists. Panic surged anew, raw and overwhelming. I writhed, twisting against the iron grip that held me. My muffled cries echoed in the quiet room. Tears of frustration and terror blurred my vision. He carried me towards the box, its wooden panels gleaming ominously in the dim light. In a last-ditch effort, I twisted my body sharply, hoping to slip from his grasp. But he was too strong. My futile struggle had only delayed the inevitable. With a final, desperate scream, I was lowered into the box.


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