Author Topic: Recently Read and Good  (Read 38575 times)

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #45 on: December 07, 2022, 07:16:05 am »

Keyholder Demoness by syrynsmyth
Charity remembered clearly Blue’s demonstration when she first introduced the belt. Blue opened the waistband up to a large circumference then quickly squeezed it back down like an accordion. “When I press the disk to the faceplate of the belt, there is no mechanical lock. Rather, it changes the speed at which the waistband can expand and contract. So, what I just did in seconds would take months or even years when the belt is activated. This will allow it to grow and contract with the wearer, always resulting in the perfect fit, but never in such a way as to suddenly become loose.” The casual explanation had left Charity trembling in an apex of pleasurable erotic horror as she contemplated the implications. The horrific, yet utterly erotic, thought that lingered in Charity’s mind was that the time period of the application of the belt could be measured in years.

** Ha ha! I wrote this! It is a "Thank you!" to all the authors who have written stories that I have enjoyed over the years.

Major Dominance by ErimisaTyre
7 Parts
"The roommate you get assigned is based on the major you choose. If you choose a very submissive major, like - I don't know - fucking sociology, then you get paired with a very dominant major. I don't know if you are stupid or just some whore, but since you picked sociology, this major that your roommate has-" "What is her major?" I asked. "It's math." A stupid grin emerged on my face. Math is the highest ranking major, meaning my roommate could practically do whatever she wanted with me. She could tell me to masturbate in public, or force me to crawl around naked, or tie me up and have her way with me, or not tie me up and have her way with me. And if I did not obey her, I would be expelled.

The Collection by colorfultrick and Senor-Refresho
23 Parts
“Then prove me wrong. Try to escape. If you make it out the door, I’ll let you be human again.”

Denise In a Tight Spot by gromet999
3 Parts
The cage took me backwards towards the maiden, I could only watch the faces and reactions of the guests as the gibbet moved back to the final conclusion of the display. Feeling the cage connect with the iron maiden I put on one final display for the guests, and for my own delight, it all seemed very real even to me this first time. I looked out as the door closed on the iron maiden, those lethal looking spikes getting closer and closer.

Discovery by eazec
2 Parts
Eva carefully approached the figure. It was suspended from the ceiling by four large springs similar to the ones you might find on older garage doors. Leaning slightly forward with legs and arms stretched out in a spread eagle position by additional springs. The main part of the harness looked like a corset with stiff boning running the full length of the torso. The corset was cut away around the breasts and two rigid cups were strapped into the openings. Tubes and wires were connected to the tips of the cups. A thick wide strap ran between the legs. Extending from the strap was a two foot bar along with more wires and tubes. The bar was separately attached to the floor with an additional spring.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2023, 07:44:31 am »

The Magician's Mummy by AlbetTromson
5 Parts
"How long was I in the machine?" Dr Mark smiled and said "You were in the machine for 17 hours and 30 minutes." I gave him and Britney big hugs. "I trust you both completely, you've done so much to keep me safe inside the machine and invested so much money into this device and my storage container, I know you'll both always take great care of me. I want your magic duo to be a huge success and I'm completely willing to take on whatever role is needed of me to help that success."

Lily Sells Herself into Slavery by Kinkubi
5 Parts
“Good morning, Miss. What are you traveling for today?” “Um, new citizen. I still have to do the last steps though.” “No worries. What’s your designation?” “I... I’m here for slave citizenship.”

Birthday Surprise by Slavesapphire
I remembered how hot it was watching him pierce someone last year and thought about being that person this year and got really turned on. I had built myself up to be ready for it, but what would I let him pierce. I thought back and remembered what he pierced last year and decided that if that was what he wanted to pierce then I'd be fine with it. As he got called up onto stage I disappeared from my seat and went backstage to get ready, they asked what I had consented to getting pierced and I replied anything that my husband wants to pierce as he has instructions as to what he is allowed to pierce.

The Willing Slave by Milete
7 Parts
He tied her hair into a ponytail to make sure the hood would fit. Then  he slipped it over her head. For Cindy, the world went black. The hood  functioned as a blindfold. Nick attached and tightened all the straps on  the hood. Cindy felt it close around her head. In no time it felt  totally encased. “Now you open your mouth again,” Nick said. When she did he quickly pushed the ballgag back in and buckled it shut. Nick slapped her ass again and laughed. “Stunning little slut! I’ll get your handler to pick you up for processing.”

Beauty In Restraint by Chantrix
The sculptress had returned ignoring her pleas for release by handcuffing her hands behind her back and duct-taping her mouth shut. She had no choice now but to watch the woman finish the procedure. A hose had been attached to the back of her rubber suit and she had felt a jet of cold wet cement begin to fill the space around her. ‘Don’t worry’ The sculptress had said ‘We will fill your suit with wet cement making a perfect mould of your body. It will enhance your already lovely assets by surrounding them with an inch of cement.’

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2023, 07:44:02 am »

Eternal Bondage Genie: Prologue by Precargo
"I come to you tonight with an exciting opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime chance almost no mortals will ever experience," she said. "At your wish, I can seal away another person, to whatever torments you choose, forever. A fellow human being, freed from the shackles of mortality, but sentenced to an eternity as your plaything, entirely on your whim. I know you'd like that, wouldn't you Luther?"

Vestiphobia by FinchAgent
4 Parts
Shelly clasped her face tighter. "Please, Lisa, put some clothes on." "I can't." At this, Shelly's dropped her hand, eyes still closed. "What do you mean, you can't?" Lisa bit her lip, pressed her thighs together and folded her arms across her chest. "It's... I think there's something wrong with me, Shelly. It's like I'm allergic to clothes, or something. I've been like this for a week, and it's getting worse."

Overlord: Shalltear's Eternal Slumber by kingnothing1996
“Only one person will remember you exist, one person in the entire world will know what happened to you,” Albedo said, her grin widening further, making Shalltear shiver. “That person is me.” Shalltear’s eyes widened in fear as she gazed into Albedo’s. Shalltear tried to think of something, anything, to say in response to Albedo, but no words came to mind. All she could think of was the ramifications of what Albedo had said, of the entire world forgetting Shalltear existed, leaving her completely at the succubus’s mercy. Nothing but suffering awaited Shalltear, and there was no possible escape from it. It was the single most frightening thing she had ever heard.

Magic Molly! by OrdosTsceri
“Boop!” she said. “What type of magic word is ‘boop’?” Lizzie asked, looking up. The faint swirl of pink light was still visible for a moment, faintly circling her. “It’s the type that’s going to turn you into a doll,” Molly said before turning her attention and addressing the camera. “Now, you have a wide range of options when it comes to dollification spells. You’re probably better off just buying a sex doll or hiring a professional transformative service if that’s what you’re after. A lot of companies have a lot of ways to do those, and all that competition means you can probably find a service, price, and even permanence option to fit your choice! Now, for the type of doll Lizzie is becoming, I’ve mixed up my own special spell.” “I feel… kinda funny…” Lizzie said from atop the table. Her skin was changing; the fair color remained, but it became slightly shiny, an artificial sheen on a painted surface.

How to Imprison a Self-Claimed God by kastenbrotstueck
Since matter could only pass through the wormhole in one direction, the shackles were very permanent. You would have to change the laws of physics to get rid of them, and not even the ancient ones had mastered that. But that was good, because far too many of these beasts had already slipped through their fingers by escaping from their prisons.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2023, 03:23:49 am »

Coming Out by JDLong
"This collar being locked in place by me is a big deal. So here is what I propose. You can either allow me to lock this in place. If I do that you'll be my slave for three months. You'll have to do whatever I say for that long." "Or?" "Or you can tell me we are just playing.” "Collar please, Miss," I whispered.

The Cave Challenge by Mikel
Kris was holding her breath as she pushed her wrist into the open cuff, waiting a moment as she slowly pushed on the steel until it snapped closed. Kris stood gasping knowing she could still pull her hand from the cuff, then with a squeal she ratcheted the cuff until it just touched her wrist. She had done it! She was fully bound and gagged alone in a cave in the middle of nowhere! Kris’s excitement flooded out of her as she struggled momentarily with the cuffs humming with satisfaction of what she had done.

Wall of Debt by Cropsncuffs
Facing us from a wall was a disembodied female form. Naked legs appeared to be mounted on the wall before us, hands mounted on the wall either side of generous hips. It took me a moment to recover myself and reassess the scene before me. The upper half of the woman was clearly on the other side of the wall, a flexible rubber collar closed tight about her waist about three feet up the wall. Her naked legs were on our side of the wall and clearly not able to withdraw. She wore black shoes with ridiculously high heels that kept her on her tiptoes. She must have been bent over at the waist as her hands extended from the wall either side of her wantonly offered up womanhood and anus.

The Magician’s Assistant by Gromet
Within a matter of seconds my body went from being flesh and blood to plastic and air, my legs became rigid and spread outwards into the customary ‘v’ shape you see lovedolls have. My arms became motionless, useless appendages and again they seem to move outwards from my body. My breasts became plastic mounds, which seemed to have become a size or two bigger, I wonder who threw that part of the spell in. I could no longer stand and fell over backwards to be caught in my husband’s arms. I was now just a plastic love toy, my holes ready and waiting to be used.

Unexpected Guest by Bob2300
Lilith explained, “Several years ago, I had a house guest that gave me such a lot of trouble. That from then on I have to take certain precautions.I will feel so much more secure when I have finished. It will not take very long and it will guarantee your good manners persist”. Ana’s hands were fed into something behind her back. It felt like two thick rubber mittens or gloves that
were joined together palm to palm. It took a little time to work the thick tight rubber over her hands, but it was rather secure when her fingers touched the bottom. She could hardly flex her fingers as each one was sealed completely in stiff rubber.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #49 on: March 19, 2023, 05:54:39 am »

Bondage and Chastity by TheSnakeCharmer
Before I knew it you'd arranged to have my labia pierced shut from top to bottom, denying anything larger than a pencil to penetrate me. As if that wasn't enough, you also had a small metal shield mounted over my clit, held in place by my piercings, to prevent any contact with it at all.

Destined for Algeria by rojer1209
12 Parts
He closed his eyes and took his mind back to Algeria. Thinking back to his youth he recalled a huge flat stone slab, large enough to accommodate two people lying side by side, located in his family's derelict fortified blockhouse. He pictured her arms and legs helplessly chained, spread-eagle to bolts in the four corners of her future stone bed. Under his rule, this slave girl would have to learn to find pleasure from the satisfaction of submission as he subjected her to the continual torment of unjustified punishments.

Patient: Tina by Spicy-Tacos
Finally, her dolly cart stopped in front of a metal door. The nurses unlocked it and opened it up, revealing the padded cell Tina expected behind it. Without saying a word, they began unstrapping her from the gurney, before dragging her inside by the armpits and setting her down on the floor at the back of the cell. After that, they left her alone, locking the door behind them. Tina looked around the cell. Aside from a mattress tucked into one of the corners and a lone security camera hanging from the ceiling, there wasn’t anything of note inside of it. Just six padded walls surrounding her on all sides.

A New Career by Coldhaven96 (Edited by Casket666)
“Her daddy is crazy rich, so she thinks she can pay someone to go to prison for her. I told her that’s going to cost at least $150,000.” I stammer, “that’s a lot of money. How would you do that? I mean, replace her with someone willing to serve her prison sentence.” Tara said, “ that is not as hard as you would think. I would make a few calls, and I would get some people in the right places to replace mugshots and fingerprints. If someone, say, like yourself, volunteered to take my client's place, you could make a lot of money and experience your prison fantasy!”

Edge by Hamlin
10 Parts
Having surpassed rank ten, they now had the choice of selecting a class and a username. Username's became a permanent label, while her class could be changed once after rank thirty, and again at rank sixty. After this, the class became permanent. She flicked through the little cards explaining the classes, unsure what to choose. Fluffer: The fluffer specializes in aiding other players. Specialized equipment is supplied in the physical world to fit your role, and future challenges will lean heavily toward sacrificing one's own body to aid other players in completion of their challenges.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #50 on: March 27, 2023, 06:19:50 am »

Trained by SoftSweetWorld
The first weeks were excruciating denial. Not only was she not allowed to touch herself to pleasure herself, she could barely touch herself at all. She could brush her teeth, she could comb her hair but she couldn't soap herself in the shower; not by her own hand, nor with a flannel, lest she arouse her skin too much.

Amelia’s Private Lessons by Bucketstack
3 Parts
"How often do you touch yourself, Amelia?" She gasped gently at the question. "Um... t-two or sometimes three times, miss," she whispered. "Interesting, two or three times a week, that is quite a nor-" "No, I mean two or t-three times... a day, miss," she corrected me. "Are you sure it's important to you to be the best dancer you can be?" "No miss, I want to be the best I can be, whatever it takes!" "Then Amelia... You have to stop releasing all that energy."

Celia & Oscar by Shmabahamoha
He had also hinted that it would keep her entertained but out of trouble, whatever that meant. She did not have time, however, to decipher such cryptic statements. Celia eyed the bewildering collection of bands, chains, and other steel objects that Oscar had grabbed, perplexed as to what they were. Their purpose became clearer as Oscar opened one of the bands – like all of the bands, lined with neoprene – and wrapped it around her waist, over the corset.

The Triple Fold by xzyillusion
2 Parts
Emma was being pulled inescapably into a contortionist's triple fold position. The crank was becoming quite hard to turn as her body heavily resisted being bent in half backwards. Emma's hands writhed against the rope binding her wrists as I slowly turned the crank. Click... Click... Emma's elbows were starting to emerge from between her knees. Click... Click... Click... Her face now visible between her thighs. Her naked pussy hovering above the top of her head. Click.. Click... I could hardly turn the crank. Just how far did he want me to go?

A Life in Chains by danzeto2021
The judge looked at his notes. “Although your crimes are minor, this is the third time you have been in court for breaking the law. I’m endorsing the three strikes and you're out law. You have shown you cannot be a behaved citizen and so I hereby sentence you to be held for the rest of your life in prison.” The judge paused as there was a stunned silence. The two guards placed on Amber a pair of handcuffs which were connected by a long chain to a pair of leg irons which were now shackled on Amber's bare feet.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #51 on: May 01, 2023, 06:54:41 am »

The Devil in the Mirror by Tigerstretch
A female voice reached my ears, scaring the crap out of me. I turned around in panic and saw… nothing. I looked around, and there was nothing else than my uninteresting bedroom. Maybe asking nicely would yield a different result… "He… Hello? Can… Can I help you?" "Help me? Uh? What? Why would you…" "Where… Where are you? I can't… see you." "I'm HERE. In the mirror! Are you blind or what?" "The mirror?" Displayed in the mirror, in front of a background of active flames, was a pretty woman looking at me. She had red skin, long black hair, horns, and a cute corset containing her generous shiny boobs. "Oh… Hello." "He… Hello? Hey! Why are you saying hello to me? You are supposed to be scared!" "Scared? No. I'm curious about seeing you in my mirror, but you are not very scary. Can I help you?" "Don't you get it? I'm the devil! Now be scared and start praying for your God to save you!"

The Cave by shadownist
From the pillar, hung four skeletons. Well, had hung, now the bones were piled up on the far side of the room under 4 piles of rocks. Whatever cult or reason for leaving them here to die must have been strange, as they were locked into a pair of metal panties and a metal bra with the wrists cuffed behind the back and the ankles cuffed to a metal bar a good meter long. All four had been secured the same way with a metal collar, but with some slight variances. I discovered what was in the panties  - two dildos, both adjustable and both quite big. It would be the two biggest things I had ever put in my body.

The Humiliations of Camilla by Diregnoll
“Well, I was hoping that a witch like you might have powerful enough magic to break the last few bonds.” The witch chuckled at the indignation “I’m assuming that means you’d have to get naked.” The witch declared. Camilla sighed. It seemed her worst fear was coming to pass. Reluctantly, her hands moved to the back of her dress, and with a single snap, the garment fell to the ground, revealing Camilla’s secret shame. Around her neck was a steel collar with a long steel leash. It draped over her sizable bust, which had been trapped within a steel chastity bra. The leash continued down her toned abdomen to her curvy waist, which had similarly been encased within a thick chastity belt.

Brag's Female by LilCthulhu
3 Parts
This was a living specimen of the species she had studied - Homo Belmand. Madi tried to say Hello in astonishment but her words where garbled by the gag. The creature leaned down, but keeping its distance, and made a soothing gesture. Then he started to talk. It was no language Madi had ever heard. It leaned to her face and fiddled with her gag, before pulling a ball of leaves out of her mouth. It then pointed at himself and said "Brag" paused and repeated. Madison tried to pull on her bindings again, looking at Brag and said slowly "Help. Please let me go. It hurts!" "Helb?" He repeated and she nodded. "Help me please!" Brag grinned and nodded. "Helb!" before shoving the gag back in Madison's mouth, leaving her not much room to protest.

Wake Up by pbflyboy
3 Parts
This was not the first time Konra had woken up in chains. Konra had awakened in an enclosed wagon of some sort. There was a metallic collar around her neck, fastened to one of the walls with a short attachment of some kind. Her wrists were shackled and hung in the middle of her back from a chain on her collar. Her legs were free, but the wall attachment did not have enough slack to allow her to rise from a sitting position. She struggled briefly but everything felt solid, and her time with her witch friends left her with a respect for metal restraints. She was going nowhere fast.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #52 on: June 04, 2023, 03:31:25 am »

Karen: The Pod by jarjarjarjarjar
5 parts
Without hesitating she turned the locking mechanism and watched the door unlatch and swing smoothly away on the complex hinges. The room beyond was lit by dim red bulbs… dominated by a pillar in its center, which was connected to a computer console by a number of thick pipes and cables. The pillar's surface appeared to be polished black, but on closer inspection it was glass, and it looked as though there was...something inside. Karen pulled out her phone and turned on the torch. She pointed it at the pillar and screamed when the light illuminated the inside. Out of the shadows a figure emerged, with a bulbous head and slick skin that looked as though it was pinned like a dissected frog, with cables pulling the limbs and head taut.

Ember’s Asylum Predicament by Stroggan
Letting the flashlight lead the way, she carefully steps into the room. Ember freezes for a moment, mesmerised by the sight in front of her. The porcelain white skin of a mannequin in the center of the room is a stark contrast to the drab concrete walls surrounding it. Embracing its crotch is a pair of form fitting, shiny latex panties. A matching black hood completely covers the head making any facial features almost indiscernible.

Hermione and the Fairy by BundleAdjuster
Maeth approached Hermione’s hips with the object and started untangling it. Still unsure of its exact purpose, it became obvious that Hermione was going to be wearing it. “Nnnnnn uhhhh! Nnnnnn uhhh!” she desperately shifted her hips from side to side in an effort to avoid the … was that a chastity belt? “Now, hush,” Maeth chided. “We’re bonded together now and that means that I’m responsible for your sexual well-being.” Then she whispered “Attchio” to the belt and let go. Hermione screamed as the belt quickly and efficiently wrapped itself around her waist and brought up its cover from the small of her back, through her legs, and up to the belt. There was a pause and then the entire affair contracted so that every part of it became absolutely snug. Finally, under Hermione’s navel, an elaborate locking mechanism clicked and whirred and, with a definitive “snap”, sealed and locked the belt.

Attending to the Princess by goldenegg
I began my visit, as per usual, at the entrance to the palace's East Wing, where Princess Arwen could not be heard from down the corridor -- something I typically consider an affirmative indicator. As I passed through the grand foyer and strode into her chamber, I was pleased to see her seated firmly on her double-phallused throne, draped in glittering court jewels, with her crown perched atop her head and her gilded collar fastened around her neck, otherwise disrobed, looking as flush and rosy as ever. All of her customary bindings were in order; she was trussed in an upright hogtie with her hands and feet shackled in their gold cuffs and linked together behind the seatback with their center o-ring pivot point.

Encore by XYQ4T7GL
“Are you ready, dear?” she asked her assistant, who nodded. The hook kept lowering until it was just above Robyn’s back, and the magician moved the chains of the shackles into the hook, leaving Robyn hogtied. Her hands and feet almost touched above her back. The position was easy for the contortionist but she was left balancing awkwardly on top of the oval. The magician took a step back and gestured to her assistant. “And up we go!” The hook began slowly retracting. At first Robyn easily bent back as her limbs were pulled upwards but soon she lifted off the base entirely, suspended with her hands and feet touching above her. The hook came to a stop shortly after. Robyn slowly rotated, squirming a little and smiling, giving the crowd a great view of her body.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2023, 04:43:17 am »

It’s Witchcraft by TamLin01
The only way to get to the Brocken was to fly there. No matter what the means, all of them used the same charm for it: The flesh of an unbaptized baby. This was hard to come by, as people kept annoyingly strict track of their babies. As Walburga's Night approached, Merricat sat at her looking glass and thought about what to do. This was finally going to be her year to reach the Brocken, she decided. This year, she had a plan. It would be dangerous. And it would be difficult. And it might even mean doing some things she'd regret… All she had to do was find Peter Quint.

The Silver Rope by Mikel
Janet found a silver rope chain online that looked amazing and bought it immediately. It was long enough to wrap around her throat several times and still close the clasp that looked like a tiny padlock. She wore it for days before trying to remove it and finding the clasp wouldn’t open. Janet awoke with an aching head remembering how the chain had seemed to tighten around her throat as she yanked and pulled at it, choking her and reached up to find it was still locked and felt even tighter. Looking in the mirror she could see it was now wrapped a dozen more times around her throat giving her a wide band of silver around her throat.

Dangerous Foreplay by TheAmberBub
"Well, you looked like a girl in need of a refill," replied a cute, though slightly nasally voice from beside her. The bewildered purple-skinned demon looked towards the source of the statement.  The woman it came from had grayish blue skin, mottled with darker colored scales that ran down the sides of her face and neck.  She was petite, probably six or seven inches shorter than the demoness, but she had fantastic legs, complimented by a pair of classic black garters that really completed the look.  Looking back up, she met the woman’s gaze and gasped, recoiling slightly in surprise when she found herself looking into a pair of slitted serpentine pupils framed by a pair of glasses.  Only then did she notice the hissing, a low sound barely audible over the background noise of the bar, emanating from the nest of white vipers that occupied a space on the woman’s head that would normally be reserved for hair. Tan’Ya quickly averted her eyes, holding her breath anxiously. 
A gorgon! It really had been a long time since her last romantic encounter.

Confined in the Castle by DjEtla
After the failed coup attempt by his step-daughter, the king gave Isabel a life sentence of confinement. She was fastened in a busy hallway right above the main kitchen, so it was always warm. The warrant said she could request to be released after five years. But if the request for release was granted she would be strangled to death first.

Riddle Me This by AriFoxsmith
"I promise I don't intend to fight you unless you raise your weapons to me first," spoke the angel. "And regarding your question: My name is Sarandiel and I'm the guardian of this place. It's my holy duty to ensure that only worthy adventurers obtain the treasure left behind in this temple. Your quest starts at the Goddess's feet. Under her guidance you will earn her sacred orbs.” Lyn grinned. "Let's say we found an... unconventional interpretation of your instructions. Would that work?" "You want to have sex in front of her?" Piper exclaimed. "It's not necessarily sex," Lyn started. "Think of it as... a very personal form of worship. We could choose one of us a stand-in for the Goddess and the others are at her feet and get told what to do. And once the Goddess is happy, well, she lets us at her orbs."

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #54 on: July 21, 2023, 03:36:33 pm »

Recreating Torment, An Immersive Dungeon Experience by Kinkykusco
4 parts
"Many of the methods of punishment and torture that were developed here were considered groundbreaking at the time. Many were later adopted in other countries throughout Europe. This is a rare opportunity to experience a small piece of that history for yourself. Our actors are some of the best in the business, and they take great care to ensure that your experience is as authentic and realistic as possible." Laura listened intently, her mind raced with images of dark, damp cells, heavy chains, and flickering torchlight. "Just a final word of warning before we get started, ladies. Once we've got you changed and the experience has begun, there's no turning back. You're fully immersed in the experience for the next 24 hours, and there's no getting out until your time is up. The costumes you'll be wearing are authentic and will be restrictive, so please keep that in mind."

Lonely Girl Mummified by strangehobbies
2 parts
Over the next weeks Pete mummified her on several  other occasions. The last time, she remained  happily encased from the Friday evening till early the Monday morning. She'd survived on fruit juice and smoothies, taken through a straw.  And they'd used a bedpan when she needed to pee. After this achievement she was  ready to move on to the next stage.

My Lifelong Stay by testing1000000
My hair floats in the syrup in a large cloud around me; it’s grown so long. I remember it was so short when I entered. I would smile at the thought of how long I've been here if my face wasn't super-glued to the mask.

Rubberclad Revenge by phantomdotexe
2 parts
The prisoner formerly known as Tara was trapped in a thick suit, enclosed in a black-and-red harness sack. The way it hugged her body was extreme; glowing locks kept her packed to the absolute limit, her flesh squeezed and  body hugged in strangely erotic ways. She was hooded and masked, with an extra blindfold and plug-gag fitted over her hood. She was slowly lowered into a small cylinder in the floor. The screen followed her as the poor blonde dolly was fitted into a tight tomb-cell, compressed and squirming and hugged from every side by her rubbery prison. On the screen, Phantom used the front of her boot to force the squirming captive all the way down, squeaking into the inflated pads of her isolation unit before closing a hatch over it. “That was this morning. This prisoner enjoyed a very public punishment, interred within my lair. I’ll release her this instant if you’re willing to tell me about you and your friends’ rebel network…” asked Phantom. “I have no friends!” lied Jeanette, “Just people who serve me.”

Emma's Regret by Spicy-Tacos
Her own people had been the ones to hunt her down and capture her. Her trial and sentencing had been swift. As punishment for breaking the foundational rule of vampire society, she was sentenced to spend the rest of her life in permanent bondage. Which, since she was an immortal vampire, meant she would be stuck like this forever, or at least until the elders took pity on her and offered her the chance to die, if that ever happened.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #55 on: September 15, 2023, 02:51:36 pm »

My Best Friend, My Kidnapper by Cell_Gaze
Every morning, Jean went for a walk. She couldn't go very far with the chain of course, it was so short she couldn't even stand. She wore a metal collar, with a chain connecting to the wall, but that one wasn't the problem. The problem was the other chain that connected from her collar down across her body to the shackles on her legs. The chain was too short so she could crawl around the place. Naturally her hands were chained behind her back, with a length of chain connected to her wrists running around her waist, which in turn connected to the chain running down her torso. There were no mirrors or even windows that she could look at to see her reflection. She hated to think what she must look like now. God, had it been years? She wasn't sure.

Briar’s Supernatural Encounter by The-Pseudo-Man
Briar looked up, her eyes laser-focusing on Helga to see the result of her spell. Rather than Helga’s face, however, she saw her own face, gazing back at her in the reflection of Helga’s hand mirror. “You really shouldn’t play with things you don’t understand, sweetie,” Helga cooed. Briar watched her reflection with shock, seeing her own lips draw together. Once they were closed, though, they didn’t stop. They kept pressing together until they vanished completely, black lipstick and all. There was simply a flat and smooth patch of skin where her mouth was that looked like a continuation of her cheeks. “Mmm mm mmph!”

Chaste by SimonCW
Jim loved the idea of tying up Sarah and she had a fantasy to be dominated and chaste. Their sex life was adventurous and exciting. As their relationship deepened Sarah trusted Jim completely. She told Jim that she wanted to try chastity a bit longer term, Jim experimented with leaving Sarah several weeks denying her release. He told her he had ordered new toys. Friday came and so did a big box with plain packaging. After dinner Sarah showered and changed into her robe. Jim bound Sarah to the bed as normal and blindfolded her. He did not want her to see what was coming. He opened the box and laid out several smaller packages all from the Perma-Wear Fetish Company, he smiled and opened the first package.

Orcadiaper by Desu-Ex
The suit in question was an awkwardly shaped bundle of latex/nitrile that weighed about 20 pounds. It appeared to have no zippers or means of actually putting it on without it falling off... or taking it off once it WAS on. Most of the weight was centered in a tail-section, that unmistakably looked like an orca-whale tail. The front-portion's sleeves terminated in pointed, thumb-less mittens. Flippers. You couldn't use your fingers if you put it on. The back section had some padding for the ass-area around the tail, but appeared to be made for... extended use. "Nonsense, you CAN take it off... it's just a question of whether you WANT to once you put it on! Imagine it, girl... being rendered totally submissive, but still able to move... made to be less than the human you are... " Gabby fidgeted as her common-sense and sex drive intermingled at the store clerk's casual comments.

Loyalty by Onkana
8 parts
When she got off the shower and was about to comb her hair she felt something rare on her pussy. Some kind of weight. When she tried to stick a finger inside she found the problem. She couldn't. She ran to the bed, to grab her cellphone. Pulling the rings on her labia the sides she opened her slit and took a bunch of pictures. What she saw was both impressive and terrifying. On the entrance to her pussy she had a web of strands made of a gilded metal mesh. Grabbing her rings and pulling to the sides the mesh expanded up to barely an inch and a half of width. She could see where the wires penetrated the skin but she couldn't see what was keeping them affixed and why they wouldn't come out.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2023, 09:17:58 am »
For whom it my concern:
I recommend "For the Science" by mahadosa

MF+/f+ cfnf, cmnf, prison, bondage, humiliation as main kinks. Three of four parts are delivered right now.

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #57 on: October 31, 2023, 01:58:56 pm »
I agree! A great story so far! I can't wait for part 4!

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #58 on: November 04, 2023, 01:28:52 pm »

The Monster’s Lair by kochakaden
She went over to one of the low cages. It looked old and rusted, like it had been there for centuries. Regardless of its age it sure was sturdy! The door creaked and groaned loudly as she opened it. There was enough room to move around a little bit, but not enough to stand. Interestingly, not all of the bars on the door went all the way down - there was a gap along the bottom... for a food dish? He really HAD kept them in there like animals for days on end! How fucking evil and disgusting! Sadistic! Humiliating... Feeling her heart race, her eyes pored hungrily over the inside. What was it like? Finding herself on all fours, she climbed in.

A Dose of Her Own Medicine by TapeAndTickling
2 Parts
While Vivian respected Amanda's ambition and work-ethic, she believed that her project was ridiculous. There was no way to invent "immortality", she thought. However, Amanda now claimed that it worked. "All it takes is some dictator or criminal to get their hands on this, and it would cause immense harm. Immortality and invulnerability are way too powerful to just make into a product and sell. So, I have decided to lock you away. And to teach you a lesson, I will inject you with your own drug, so that you will see how dangerous immortality can be."

The Quintessential Modern Woman by morkaii
Inspired from mediaeval tales of knights and maidens was a sturdy looking chastity device. Made by one of the steelworks foremen it was designed to completely put the wearer in chastity without much discomfort. Made entirely out of steel it had a wide waistband that was hinged in the back and would be locked in the front once closed. Attached to the back of the waistband was a less wide crotch band that ended with a wide plate that would totally cover the wearer's genitalia. Hinged in several places, the crotch band and cover plate would be locked in place using a locking staple after the waist belt had been closed over it. The belts edges were immaculately rounded ensuring the wearer would feel no discomfort, allowing for long term use. Another detail in the cover plate added with long term use in mind, were several small drilled holes that would allow for urinating while wearing it.

Maid Paritioned by Krissie Krave
Unfortunately, April was not in the clear just yet. “We shouldn’t return this maid to her owner without the April bot personality. Mr. Fellows would be a very disappointed man later tonight!” Louie said, “How about we partition her cyber brain, leave the April bot as a secondary system, and reinstall the Robomaid OS as the default?” This did not sound good to April, not at all! April noticed nothing for several minutes. Quite suddenly, she realized she had been placed behind an invisible wall in her own head. She could see and hear. She could feel the latex gripping her entire body. Especially her clit. But she knew she had no control over anything.

For the Science by mahadosa
4 Parts
"Our study is about voluntary confinement. It will last a maximum of 14 days. We are testing how long people can stay in voluntary confinement. Their willpower, so to speak. We start with $5 for the first day and double it every day.” "But that makes $40,960 for the full 14 days! That's a lot of money," Madison exclaimed quickly. "You're right, but during the trial we will be testing the resolve of the participants. I don't think many will make it to the end."

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Re: Recently Read and Good
« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2023, 02:01:55 pm »

Hidden by themask237
Stella’s eyes snapped open. What the—?! She wasn’t at her desk, or even in her study. It looked like she was in the cellar, with nothing but cold brick walls on all sides and a single, flickering lamp illuminating the space. She was set in an alcove that seemed perfectly sized for her, and she couldn’t move.

The Perverted Magician by InheritedDesire
The man eyed up Rebecca with a curious gaze as he stepped out from behind the counter. “Perhaps I could give you a little demonstration and show you that magic is real?” He nodded as he reached into the pocket and slowly pulled out a coil of white cotton rope. “Do you know what this is?” He asked innocently. Rebecca looked at it and gave an exasperated sigh. “It’s just some rope.” “Just some rope…” The man’s smile briefly faded as he grumbled under his breath. “I’ll tell you what Rebecca…close your eyes and place your arms behind your back. Then count to three and I promise you’ll be in for a surprise.” “One…two…three…” Rebecca opened her eyes and looked back at the man. “Well?” She was about to cross her arms in exasperation when she suddenly felt a hindrance preventing her from moving her arms. “What the-” She muttered as she looked down. Her eyes widened at the sight of her body ensnared in ropes.

Misdemeanors by rebelxcarpenter
“Ok, you are doing great Miss Forrester. Panties and socks off and into the slot.” Morgan doffed her socks and dropped her underwear. The goosepimples got goosepimples and a great shuddering tremor went up from her toes to her scalp. “Next room will be a bit difficult, I imagine. You’ll need to give a small blood sample, do a breathalyzer, and we’ll have to check if you are pregnant.” The exit opened to a hallway with three metal doors on each side. “First door on your right.” Morgan gasped as that door opened. Inside was a gynecological exam table, complete with stirrups. “Hop up, let the machine strap you in, and take a deep breath. It’ll be over pretty fast.” “What the fuck is this?” “You are getting an intervaginal ultrasound. Not only will this help determine if you are pregnant, it will also show us if there is any contraband in either of your cavities.”

Life With Master And Mistress by DjEtla
Master told me he’d bring his date over between 5:30 and 6:00 in the evening. I had everything ready on time. I took up the proper submissive pose. Master likes me to stand with legs spread a bit more than shoulder width. My hands and arms can be folded up behind my back with each hand basically resting in the opposite elbow. I thought more about what was ahead. If I had a good attitude then the feelings of being bare in front of some strange women could be fun and sexy. Did Master tell her there would be a naked submissive? I was happy to hear Master put his key in the door. I was looking forward to seeing him. When the door opened my whole world changed at an instant. Oh my God! His date for dinner was my younger sister Ruth.

Recruit by Megan Law
3 Parts
He led me into a stall, tugging the reins far more than was necessary. The clip-clop of my hooves against the ground outside changed to a light thunking as we crossed onto the wooden floor of the barn. Between my legs, the weights attached to the agitators swung and snapped at the chains where my stride moved them with every hint of motion on my part. I thought back to the first time I had been equipped, a year ago today. I knew what today was, and I could not wait to be finally free. “Now, 43, about your renewal. Let me show you what thirteen has been up to. I assigned her a new boutique opening this year.” He showed me an image on the tablet screen, a boutique shop selling the sorts of things that attracted teen girls. As I watched, the view of the shop zoomed out until I realized it was in Leesburg. My Leesburg. The place I had never admitted being from. “Thirteen’s recruiting effort has been most commendable, this is her current employee of the month.” My little sister… “In fact, she is such a promising employee, she has been nominated for our college scholarship this year. As you know, she has two years of high school left, then four years for a degree. That’s six years, unless she takes a gap year, in which case it will be seven. If you will commit to extend your service until she graduates, the scholarship is hers.”


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