Author Topic: hi all  (Read 28201 times)

Daffy Duck

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Re: hi all
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2016, 10:31:46 am »
Hi Shokolada,

In your own bin is safer, as you control the waste, in theory. But I have witnessed others use bins that don't belong to them. Around here, dog owners often put smelly bagged poop-scoop in other people's bins as they walk their dog, rather than take it home and put it in their own bin. This is why I don't leave my bins near the curb, unless it is collection day. So even your own bin is not 100% yours to control if it is left outside. 

One reader told me how a neighbour packed several bags in her bin, whilst she was inside it, and then took it to the curb - to be helpful. She was nearly trapped inside, and had to escape nude.

And collection dates can change, not just around public holidays, but if the council lets a new contract - so beware !

I am glad you prefer to control such scenes even with fake ones, rather than put yourself at unnecessary risk. I think that is very sensible.

You must be very lightweight, or your accomplice very strong, to wheel you to the curb. I am not sure anyone could move the bin with me inside it. I also need to find an accomplice to help me !


Daffy Duck

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Re: hi all
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2016, 10:40:11 am »
Hi Sealed4dood,

Perhaps you should be called "buried4good" ?

Was it the garbage truck ?

If it was, I assume you got caught getting out ?   How did you explain that ?

I have been tempted by supermarket dumpsters. But you cannot control what waste they dump on top of you (broken glass / other hazards) and how much they dump, so you could become trapped and/or suffocated under plastic bags.

To get inside without knowing when collection was, and you fell asleep drunk, is really lowering the odds of your survival.

Unless you want to experience trash compaction for real, I recommend you don't do this again. Stupid boy !


Offline shokolada

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Re: hi all
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2016, 12:02:50 pm »
When taking bins full of people to the curb, it helps to live on a quiet street where people generally ignore other people's bins. And definitely check your community calendar the be sure of the collection schedule!

Also, and this is very important: in a real play scene, you should never be left alone by your playmate. It is fine to role-play being left alone - mine would loudly pretend to walk back into the house and slam the door, when in real life she would have a seat in a lawn chair with a good book and a drink. But in any BDSM scene, being left alone trapped is a recipe for disaster. I could have a physical problem in the bin, or there could be a problem from another source - someone might even hit the bin accidentally with a vehicle. Someone must monitor you for safety!

Besides, it's fun to watch the can, knowing that someone's trapped and helpless in there, and having the time of their life. I found it so when I stuffed my playmate in there!

And you don't have to be that strong. The bins I use are easily tipped back and wheeled around. In my "Can It" video, you can see one maid easily moving my bin around with another maid trapped inside.

It's all about the fun!


Daffy Duck

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Re: hi all
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2016, 12:26:12 pm »
Hi Shok,

Thanks for the very important safety advice. Yet again fantasy and real life are NOT the same.

Thanks also for the weblink. It is a great video, which I have seen before, when you kindly posted it. Oh to find two girls that would put me in the wheelie bin and dump trash bags on top of me !  (I am not into the custard pies..... except for eating.   I prefer the sensual touch of polythene against my skin.)


P.S. "Bins full of people"  - how many people can you get inside your bin !  LOL
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 12:36:34 pm by Daffy Duck »

Offline shokolada

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Re: hi all
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2016, 02:05:49 pm »
Hope I'm not blowing up the feed here, but this is a topic I feel I can discuss since I went to the trouble of buying a wheelie bin especially for private play :)

As far as "bins full of people" is concerned, that's just my private fantasy of a line full of bins at the curb or tucked in the basement; each with its own unlucky (lucky) inhabitant, occasionally wondering when or if they'll be let out, blaming each other for their predicament, rustling around in the plastic, and occasionally letting out a muffled orgasm. Heh.

I once had the lady from "Indiscretion" (another of my pie videos) and her partner clean out their fridge over me while I was in the bin. I can't say I enjoyed the old food... those are not smells and textures I enjoy. But being in the can and listening to them joke with each other and gently tease me while they did it... well, that put me into subspace quickly, and I was still floating for over an hour after the scene ended!

Daffy Duck

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Re: hi all
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2016, 04:11:05 pm »
Hi Shok,

Thanks for sharing both vivid images.

You must be a catch with the ladies !  I struggle to find one playmate, you have several.

If you have any 'to spare', you can always send them to me.

Lucky chap. (I bet he does not share his secret........)

I am happy to discuss this further. You know the sort of things I like from my stories. But I suppose the reality is not as good as the fantasy.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 04:13:04 pm by Daffy Duck »

Offline shokolada

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Re: hi all
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2016, 06:45:40 pm »
Believe me, I've gone long stretches without anyone to play with. But I'm happy to share what secrets I have to find playmates:

Pay attention to yourself. Decent grooming, clothes that fit, a positive attitude, self-confidence, comfortable with who you are: these are all very attractive qualities. If you do something interesting that makes for good (quickly-told) stories, that's a bonus. If you don't, why not find something? More fun for you, more attention from others.

Go to lots of your local kink events. Attend often. Help out with setup and tear-down. Get to know folks, and make friends before you start looking for playmates. You don't want to appear on the prowl for "fresh meet", and making friends is also its own reward.

No kink events nearby? Consider your local fan conventions. The geek/kinkster overlap is huge, and you'll get to see some very yummy costumes. (DO NOT be a creep about this. Be respectful, and your reputation will continue to climb. Again, make friends and help out.)

Advanced class: start your own local kink group. Many people have pulled this off, but I'm not brave enough to try it. Staffing at a few fan cons is enough work and drama for me.

Speaking of which stay out of drama. Try to avoid taking sides, and stick to sympathetic non-commital answers when people seem to want you to join the drama "fun". This is not what you are here for.

If you put the time in, eventually you'll have opportunities for play. This is one of the trickiest bits! Whenever you are playing with someone new, be damn sure to show them at least as good or better a time than they gave you, by *their* standards. They will remember you as someone who was *awesome* to play with, and trust me, these things get around. Be kind and respectful even when engaging in the cruelest behavior (if that's the scene). If the "cleaning the fridge" scene I mentioned had been focused on real humiliation, I'd have been done immdiately, no matter how hot the ladies involved.

Pick up a good book or two on the sexual anatomy of the genders you are interested in. I don't mean to brag, but my ability to find a clit and then do interesting things with it literally won me an award at FetFest a couple of years ago. Again, you may become legend.

If you are chill enough, accept offers of play from many gender presentations. Once you get over certain societal biases, it turns out that playing with people who don't fit your initial sexual attractions can be hella fun and very instructive.

Those are my top tips. They don't guarantee you a mind-blowing scene every weekend... but I've sure had plenty over the years following these rules!


Daffy Duck

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Re: hi all
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2016, 07:24:09 pm »
Thanks Shok,

What a brilliant and very comprehensive list. Very helpful. Cheers.

You failed to mention "It helps to be a billionaire" so your advice is attainable to the common man. Heeee heeee heeee ! LOL


Offline shokolada

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Re: hi all
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2016, 07:42:34 pm »
Hey, I do all this on ramen money :) What little cash I have goes to pretty PVC dresses (also a good way to get attention if you know how to own the look)!

Daffy Duck

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Re: hi all
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2016, 10:12:37 am »
Well done, Shok.

desolate mistral

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Re: hi all
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2016, 07:24:56 pm »
Hi all anyone in the uk been trashed and left for the garbage truck? I have always wanted to be bagged and put in the bin for collection i am wondering if anyone has had this happen, or had close calls,

Hello t-girl2015,

I am unfortunately not in the UK like a lot of the folks on here are, I'm across the pond in New England. I have been in many a garbage container, Always one which I have a very good understanding of collection times and dates. I do try to play safe as often as i can, but as Daffy say's, there are very real risks involved with this kind of play.

I have had a very close call, one time in my life, it was the result of poor planning, ignorance, and impatience. Had I heeded my own feelings of it not being right, I never would have gotten hurt.

I learned a big lesson from that one incident, and I swore off trashplay for a long time. I have been re-indulging for a few years not, Mostly innocuous play with trash bags in my own home, and some other "public" time, including some very intense play times.

If you would like to hear the bad, or good stories message me and i'll share them with you!

Please be safe in whatever you may decide to pleasure yourself with, It is dangerous and I do take all the precautions I can, but again, as Daffy says, it is like playing with fire, and sooner or later you are going to catch a burn of some sort.

Have fun on here, hopefully you can find some people to help you safely engage in your fantasies.

Daffy Duck

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Re: hi all
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2016, 09:05:38 pm »
Hi Desolate Mistral,

First and foremostly, may I say I am sorry to hear that you "got hurt".  I always feel bad when I hear that.

Sadly your story is far from unique. I have heard of several such trashcan enthusiasts which have been hurt in the innocent pursuit of pleasure. Some were physically injured. Some where mentally scared when "caught in the act", so to speak. One high profile fan (a British member of parliament no less) died. I also read of people killed in garbage trucks. Most appear accidents, the unfortunate homeless sleeping rough in a dumpster for shelter, the drunk, but some have the hallmarks of fetish fans, like the story of a couple having sex in a dumpster when they got emptied and crushed. That does NOT sound accidental to me.....

Thanks for sharing your story and adding your weight to the safe message. Some of the stuff I read on this forum makes my hair stand on end. Naïve at best, proving that some readers still think it is safe. Sadly, their luck will run out one day. Luck always does.



Offline sealed4good

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Re: hi all
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2016, 04:58:07 am »
Hi Sealed4dood,

Perhaps you should be called "buried4good" ?

Was it the garbage truck ?

If it was, I assume you got caught getting out ?   How did you explain that ?

I have been tempted by supermarket dumpsters. But you cannot control what waste they dump on top of you (broken glass / other hazards) and how much they dump, so you could become trapped and/or suffocated under plastic bags.

To get inside without knowing when collection was, and you fell asleep drunk, is really lowering the odds of your survival.

Unless you want to experience trash compaction for real, I recommend you don't do this again. Stupid boy !


Ha, no - thankfully it wasn't but man did I brick myself when I heard the hiss of the brakes...!!   At that point I really made a massive effort and struggled but got myself to the top and clambered out gingerly...   well I looked out first and then took my chance when I thought nobody was around.  I don't think anyone saw me, but there's probably some CCTV footage somewhere of a bloke clambering out of a full skip looking a bit panicked! haha!

Daffy Duck

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Re: hi all
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2016, 03:17:15 pm »
Hi Sealed4good,

When you hear the sound of airbrakes, you have probably left it a tad too late !

At least you were not naked and sealed inside a black polythene bag, and then tried to make your escape. I know of one reader found in that predicament !  (No. It was not me.)

CCTV is everywhere. If you search long enough of Youtube you will no doubt find the video !!

I recommend playing at home in future.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 03:20:37 pm by Daffy Duck »

Offline Jennifer52

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Re: hi all
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2016, 01:00:53 pm »
I'm in the UK and although my trash experience is very limited I'd love to find a safe place to indulge. Anyway, I had an idea the other day. I'm on fetlife and found a couple who have a holiday cottage business not too far from me on the east coast of England. A couple of times a year they reserve all the cabins for kinksters meaning we could all get together and take turns trashing each other! I'm pretty sure the owners world be fine with our exploits (very kink friendly) and might be willing to be a part of it as there's bound to be a fair bit of garbage generated from half a dozen self catering cottages. What do you think?


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