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The Gingerbread House by Darkwolf

Started by teanndaorsa, July 18, 2021, 10:46:36 AM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:

The Gingerbread House
F/f; fpov; voy; teen; bond; latex; catsuit; collar; strapon; buttplug; anal; tease; cons; X
F/f; F+/f; Solo-F; Sbf; fpov; mast; teen; first; oral;collar; rope; voy; gag; naked; tribbing; tease; strapon; cons; X
F/f; F+/f+; fpov; teen; maid; collar; toys; gag; clamps; tease; oral; latex; catsuit; armbinder; buttplug; strapon; blindfold; cons; XX
F+/f+; fpov; teen; bond; collar; gag; straitjacket; chastity; oral; naked; rom; cons; X
F+/f; fpov; teen; chastity; collar; tease; naked; armbinder; gag; denial; maid; force; oral; spreadeagle; bedtie; cuffs; shower; rom; cons; XX
FF; F/f; F+/f+; fpov; teen; college; chastity; club; bond; corset; gag; collar; rope; cuffs; naked; tease; cons; X
F+/f; bond; collar; hood; catsuit; armbinder; oral; strapon; anal; buttplug; gag; tease; catheter; straitjacket; cons; XX
F+/f; F+/f+; bond; straitjacket; tease; punish; straps; collar; armbinder; oral; strapon; sex; gag; tattoo; cons; XX
F+/f+; bond; rope; oral; collar; spreadeagle; bedtie; gag; strapon; sex; tape; mum; tease; cons; XX
FF; F+/f+; fpov; bond; gag; blindfold; mum; catheter; transport; sex; oral; enclosed; toys; tease; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; FF; fpov; bond; gag; buttplug; toys; tease; sendep; tape; mum; outdoors; chastity; rope; strappado; naked; oral; armbinder; cuffs; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; fpov; bond; naked; armbinder; oral; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; fpov; bond; cuffs; gag; spreadeagle; bedtie; oral; tease; voy; rope; strapon; sex; anal; toys; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; fpov; naked; rope; outdoors; supernatural; majick; rom; cons; X
F/f; fpov; chastity; bond; armbinder; tease; oral; collar; blindfold; cuffs; spreadeagle; bedtie; buttplug; straps; chair; toys; strapon; sex; armbinder; gag; rom; cons; XX

Gingerbread House Tales
F/f; bond; vampire; bite; supernatural; naked; X-frame; cuffs; straps; gag; tease; climax; club; rom; cons; XX
FFF; F/f+; tg; bond; naked; mum; wrap; gag; blindfold; buttplug; tease; denial; sound; chastity; oral; cons; X
F/f+; tg; fpov; bond; tattoo; rope; gag; naked; pain; piercing; oral; clamps; tease; anal; rom; cons; XX
F/f+; F+/f+; tg; M2f; bond; halloween; costume; public; club; rope; gag; oral; sex; buttplug; straitjacket; cuffs; switch; tease; denial; vampire; chastity; cons; XX
F/f; F/f+; supernatural; vampire; collar; chastity; gag; cuffs; susp; spreadeagle; oral; strapon; cons; X
F/f; F/f+; fpov; tg; M2f; bond; chastity; tease; cuffs; bedtie; spreadeagle; gag; clamps; buttplug; oral; toys; cons; XX

The Sorcerer's Apprentice
F+/f+; bond; straitjacket; gag; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; gag; tease; collar; armbinder; cuffs; straitjacket; oral; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; lingerie; strip; latex; catsuit; hood; cuffs; bedtie; spreadeagle; blindfold; gag; toys; tease; oral; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; fpov; bond; toys; gag; leash; collar; mast; tribbing; majick; tease; rope; chastity; cons; XX
F/f; F/f+; bond; rope; hogtie; gag; toys; tease; majick; swimsuit; oral; cuffs; strapon; blindfold; cons; X
F/f; F+/f+; fpov; bond; straps; collar; gag; straitjacket; tape; chastity; rope; tease; denial; oral; rom; cons; X
F+/f; fpov; bond; straitjacket; blindfold; tape; chastity; gag; tease; oral; collar; cuffs; mast; rom; cons; X
F/f; fpov; bond; collar; chastity; cuffs; majick; spreader; gag; toys; tease; climax; rom; cons; X
F/f; F+/f+; fpov; bond; cuffs; public; collar; shop; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; cuffs; outdoors; naked; harness; gag; ponygirl; clamps; crop; toys; buttplug; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; outdoors; tease; public; crotchstrap; buttplug; tease; collar; group; strip; cuffs; gag; oral; straps; climax; cons; X

A Conventional Affair
F/f; F+/f+; bond; outdoors; oral; naked; chastity; ponygirl; harness; gag; cuffs; armbinder; buttplug; catheter; rom; cons; XX
F+/f; bond; toys; chastity; tease; denial; gag; rope; armbinder; outdoors; rom; cons; X
F+/f; bond; chastity; oral; naked; rom; cons; X
F+/f; bond; cuffs; bedtie; spreadeagle; gag; tease; remote; toys; mast; denial; oral; strapon; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; collar; leash; public; chastity; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; chastity; naked; public; exhib; collar; leash; cuffs; latex; gag; hood; rope; clamps; vacbed; susp; toys; armbinder; inflatable; hogtie; crop; tease; climax; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; chastity; rope; susp; clamps; latex; vacbed; gag; armbinder; collar; oral; leash; exhib; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; chastity; collar; cuffs; gag; convention; public; cage; leash; toys; latex; shop; cons; X
F/f; bond; public; cuffs; gag; tease; armbinder; oral; climax; latex; leash; collar; buttplug; ponygirl; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; bond; petgirl; latex; bitchsuit; clamps; collar; leash; chastity; public; crop; straps; gag; buttplug; toys; cuffs; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; bond; chastity; public; leash; armbinder; gag; collar; clamps; buttplug; cuffs; oral; toys; climax; sybian; tease; denial; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; bond; naked; latex; cuffs; chastity; collar; gag; catsuit; leash; oral; tease; denial; climax; rom; cons; XX
F+/f; F+/f+; bond; chastity; cuffs; gag; corset; armbinder; public; collar; rom; cons; X
Sbf; F+/f+; mast; gag; clamps; toys; buttplug; rope; bond; costume; maid; oral; naked; strapon; climax; mum; blindfold; catheter; armbinder; rom; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


this was originally on UtopiaStories, right?


Quotethis was originally on UtopiaStories, right?

Yes but Utopia seems to be going through a rough spot at the moment with erratic posting schedules
Also from what I understand from the author Utopia had lost his submissions for the additional chapters (11 onward I think)
So I asked, cajoled, begged him to start posting it here as well.

Hence the familiarity of the first chapters. But don't worry new chapters are on the horizon as well.

(and let's be honest this series is so lovely that re-reading the first chapters is no punishment either*)


*I might be a bit of a fanboy for this series


I LOVE this series.

It's happy, loving, kind and so super kinky.
Not only is the sexy stuff good but it's so well written that this fictional place and the characters in it really live for me.

I could keep goin on with tons of tiny examples, like how I now make spanakopita as my go to dish when guests are over thanks to this series, but I would only risk giving away things for new readers.

Thank you again Darkwolf for creating and sharing it



i think the question is, would GP also post the side-story comic that was made in collab with FetishHand?


Well I'd be happy to be associated with Fetishhand's accompanying comics, because they are luscious and I've been a Patreon supporter forever, but they already have a home and I'd much prefer to send people in that direction so they can enjoy them and perhaps support the artist too.

But in terms of Darkwolf's lovely story, readers can be assured I have 15 chapters in hand and will be bashing through the publishing of them as quickly as I can over the next few weeks in amongst all the other submissions. Chapters 4 through 6 up today for your enjoyment.


Thanks Teann, I am so looking forward to all those new chapters.
(But absolutely don't mind re-visiting the previously posted ones in the mean while)


Also I noticed that for me at least the forum link in the last three stories is off.
Is that just me or did something go wrong there?


Quote from: mari0 on July 27, 2021, 08:54:47 PM
Also I noticed that for me at least the forum link in the last three stories is off.
Is that just me or did something go wrong there?
Well spotted, I see it here too, but it's an annoying thing that's started happening recently with CloudFlare (that provides caching for the site). The link in the underlying page is now correct, it gets corrected during the publishing process, but for a brief window it has an invalid link. But even if I tell CloudFlare the page has changed, it is holding onto the old version and serving it anyway. In previous cases it has simply worked itself out, because the cached old version expires and is replaced, the alternative is to invalidate the cache for the entire site, which because it is so large, would mean slow responses for everyone for the next few days.


Ahh CDN caching issues, we had a lot of those at my previous company.
Tricky beast that, Well the source is known and it's not a problem that endangers the site.

So I would totally leave it as is. You probably have a ton of stories in your mailbox that need to be proofread etc :-)

(thnx again by the way for taking up custodianship of this site)



Wow just wow. I love this series. Their relationship are just beautiful, loving. If this were real i'm happy to be brianna.
Btw thankyou for sharing this story.


It is absolutely loving and fantastic right.
By far my favorite BDSM story and also an excellent love story.
(come to think of it I can't rightly think of one of those I like better as well)

And best of all, there are more to come up


Quote from: mari0 on August 08, 2021, 07:38:26 PM
And best of all, there are more to come up

Speaking of which, 3 more parts tonight, leaving just 3 after that in the queue <drum roll...>


Whooooooo previously unpublished chapters.

I can't wait to savor and enjoy these.
The fact that social and work obligations mean that I can't properly for at least the next week or so is in a way it's own odd bondage.
Pleasure postponed is pleasure amplified or something like that right?

Thank you both again and although knowing that this tale will end saddens me it brings me great joy to know that the whole tale will be shared.


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