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Feliformia by Tigerstretch

Started by teanndaorsa, January 28, 2020, 09:47:57 PM

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Quote from: Sarah on June 07, 2020, 10:57:49 PM
Hi TS, i think this is one of the best chapters so far. Are you going to turn Syr into a cat hunter for when Kitty tries hiding from Mark. She seems to be a pretty good maid so she might just work out as a cat hunter too lol. Please keep up the good work and hurry up with the next chapters. (whispers to TigerStretch, just let me know if I have to bribe Teann to get your work published faster)

Hehe. I don't think it will be published here for another month and a half. so probably end of July. Its a 21k words monster. (even bigger than 9) It will be quickly followed by chapter 11, it is pretty much part 2 of chapter 10... Those 2 chapters are one single 45k words story (a book)

You can give all your money to Teann, I'm sure it will be much appreciated. But there is nothing Teann can do outside banning me for being awfully unproductive. ;)


i'm pretty sure that Teann would have banned you by now if you were unproductive but judging by the number of comments you get about Felformia i would say that the rest of the Gromet's Plaza community think you're pretty good so i really don't see Teann getting rid of you any time soon. (Aside to Teann: You keep cracking the whip over TS and make sure he hurries up with those promised chapters, please)


Little update for those who cares. :) ... Chapter 10 is scheduled to be published on Gromet toward the end of the month. It is the first of 2 chapters about the new maid, Syr. I'm very happy with it. I really love Syr. It is 20 000 words, so it has more of a novel feel to it rather than a short story. Hopefully you'll still like it.

I also finished the first editing pass of Chapter 11 today. I'm really happy with it. It's about 22 000 words. Biiiig... I'm beginning the reviewing pass before I can publish it. It's a lot of work.

Feliformia surge of comments has died down considerably. Maybe people are getting a bit bored by the catgirls or they don't like the longer chapters, I don't know. After chapter 11, I'll take a break from Kitty and Co. It's not the end, but a longer pause won't hurt.

Keep your eyes open, because next will be a very nice ponygirl story that I'm very proud of. :)


Quote from: Tigerstretch on July 13, 2020, 04:27:58 AM
Little update for those who cares. :) ... Chapter 10 is scheduled to be published on Gromet toward the end of the month. It is the first of 2 chapters about the new maid, Syr. I'm very happy with it. I really love Syr. It is 20 000 words, so it has more of a novel feel to it rather than a short story. Hopefully you'll still like it.

I also finished the first editing pass of Chapter 11 today. I'm really happy with it. It's about 22 000 words. Biiiig... I'm beginning the reviewing pass before I can publish it. It's a lot of work.

Feliformia surge of comments has died down considerably. Maybe people are getting a bit bored by the catgirls or they don't like the longer chapters, I don't know. After chapter 11, I'll take a break from Kitty and Co. It's not the end, but a longer pause won't hurt.

Keep your eyes open, because next will be a very nice ponygirl story that I'm very proud of. :)

Well some of the surge may have diverted to your other, patreon place. Mine for example... :D


Part 10! Bolded because 20K words. :-P


Quote from: teanndaorsa on July 29, 2020, 09:34:51 PM
Part 10! Bolded because 20K words. :-P

It's rather big ... Yes... I should start writing ebooks. ;)

I hope people will take a couple of hours to read it. It's a really good story (I know I wrote it, but I'm entertained by my own stories... It makes me feel like a real writer. ;) )


Chapter 10 takes a little while to get into, especially if you're coming in without having read the previous parts. But once you've read it you're hooked with kitty claws....

What an interesting situation with Syr/Elizabeth. Mark can go anywhere he wants with Syr as long as he plays it within the context of her role-play.

Mark walked in the door. Syr, suddenly awake, gathered the sheet around her otherwise nude form. "Master Mark, this is my bedroom and it's late at night. you should not be here right now. You are NAKED! Wait outside. I will be out to you short..... uh... ah!"

I ripped the sheet away from her clutching hands. She was still just as gorgeous as ever, normally hidden under the maid uniform. She grasped for the sheet but it was too far away for her to reach.

"You are my maid, yes?" I pressed her as she curled into a ball to hide what she could.

"You have Kitty and Erika for this. I am your maid, not your girlfriend. But yes, of course."

"And you are here to take care of my needs, yes?"

She looked warily at me. "Yes, but Master Mark, not like th..."

I suddenly grabbed her, stretched her out on the bed. She struggled and was strong but I was stronger. Soon she was stretched out underneath me and still struggling but unable to stop me. "Then I require your services right now. Something Kitty and Erika cannot provide me. You are my maid, here to serve me, and I will have your service!"

She continued to struggle, but it was getting weaker as she realized it wasn't going to stop me. Or pehaps the reality of her feeling my hard cock right next to her vagina and wanting it there as I was certain she did. It definately smelled like that in the room.

"Master Mark,, you cannot! No! Uhhhhhhh!" Whatever she was saying was cut off as I thrust into her. She was soaking wet down there...

The next morning my breakfast was perfectly prepared and more than it's usual delicious. "Good morning, Master Mark." She greeted me as she delivered the tray.

"Thank you for last night." I replied, watching her eyes. "I hope you enjoyed it."

She gave me a bewildered look. "I am uncertain how to reply to you, Master Mark. While I did nave some very vivid dreams I had a perfectly wonderful and restful night last night. What in the world are you referring to?"

"Oh it was nothng, a mistake. Please ignore it. I hope you did have a relaxing night last night and enjoyed your dream."

She said nothing as she turned to go but as she turned I saw her broad smile. As she walked away I think I heard her mutter: "Oh yes, quite a wonderful dream."

Another thought: I wonder how Elizabeth would react to being tied up by Mark? He could one night, and then take a few pictures. To Elizabeth, his girlfriend, he coud assure her he would never use them against her. Besides, if he did it would not end well. None oof the three women in the house qouls take that kindly; two of them have claws and the third is resposible for quite a lot of the food he eats. But he could use the pictures to blackmail Syr. The game would be that to Kitty and Erika Syr's relationship to Master Mark is unchanged but actually now he is a horrible cruel tryant, forcing her to do things a proper maid would never, threatening her that if she left he'd publish the pictures and tell anyone who asked that Syr had stolen from them so she'd never get another job and would be homeless if she left. And then he would, from time to time in private, take cruel advantage of his helpless-to-resist now-captive maid. Make her stop wearing panties underneath the maid uniform. and then tell her to take her maid uniform and with her seamstress and costuming skills change it into Barbie doll clothing: He could grab it in her cleavage and pull and like Barbie doll clothing it would pull off in his hand, leaving her naked from the thighs up, except perhaps for the choker maids sometimes wear. Have her walk around all day commando in a short dress maid uniform that she knows could be pulled off her and she be left naked at any time...

Thank you for letting me meander. I feel pretty safe since you're mentioned here that part 11, the actual ending is already written and soon will be posted. I might have to sign up on your Patreon so I can see how it comes out early!

The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


Quote from: Zephyr on July 30, 2020, 08:25:45 PM
Chapter 10 takes a little while to get into, especially if you're coming in without having read the previous parts. But once you've read it you're hooked with kitty claws....

Thank you for letting me meander. I feel pretty safe since you're mentioned here that part 11, the actual ending is already written and soon will be posted. I might have to sign up on your Patreon so I can see how it comes out early!

Hehe. Thanks for reading and sharing your love for the story. Indeed, Feliformia is something you have to start from the beginning. Also a 20k words chapter like 9, 10, and 11 are quite a lot of text to absorb. My writing style is based a lot of the light novel format. You get to know the characters then it's hard to not fall in love with them because you learn to know them at a personal level.

Yes, Chapter 11 is in the final stage of reviewing. The first half is great, but I'm still trying to improve the second half... I try not to discuss Patreon here because I don't want to use the forum to promote it. It's in my story headers and footers and in my signature, but I'll never pressure people to join. But yes, in this case its going to be published over there in about a week and then here a month later depending on Teann's business level.

For pet girls fans, keep your eyes open for two new series... Animal Café, and Girls and Bridle... I'm so excited to share those with you guys. Animal Café is in the queue and Girls and bridle should be posted here in Septembre... who loves Ponygirls? :)

loras pa6

Another great installment Tigerstretch!

I can relate to Mark's dilemma in regards to Syr/Elizabeth's sexual fantasies. Hopefully you can come up with a way for him to cope with her fantasy and his genuine nice guy personality


Quote from: Loras Pa6 on July 31, 2020, 06:10:13 PM
Another great installment Tigerstretch!

I can relate to Mark's dilemma in regards to Syr/Elizabeth's sexual fantasies. Hopefully you can come up with a way for him to cope with her fantasy and his genuine nice guy personality

Hey, thanks for taking the time to read it. I know it was a long one. In chapter 10, Syr didn't mean to make Mark feel that bad. She is just a way better actress than she thought. Erika mentioned that she got fooled by her in the past for other things too.

But in the upcoming chapter 11, I think Syr and Mark comes to a good understanding regarding how they want their relationship to go. You'll also learn a little bit more about what she was trying to achieve with her weird fantasy. :)


It took me a while to get around to read all these. I kept starting, but I could not get part the beginning. I'm sorry to say, it was too slow for me.

But when the new Kitty stories appeared, I was able to engage with them straight away, and they were great fun. Kitty's point of view sold it for me, because that was almost pure "show" and not much exposition or set up. It just got stuck into things, and Kitty explained anything that was essential and no more, which was perfect.

Having read those, I was able to go back and start reading the main story-line again, and after getting past the first chapter it got better and better with each installment.

There was a lack of conflict in the earlier episodes, and it all felt a little too perfect, and everyone just a little too nice. With the Syr episodes that is not a problem, and there's just enough tension to keep it exciting.

Overall though, I like the safe space that the characters create. Too often now, I find that reading an erotic story fills me with a sense of foreboding that it will be yet another horrible story of total personality destruction. I don't ever get that feeling with Feliformia, and all the characters are on a journey to become more human not less.

The manga/anime tropes can get in the way of the story a little sometimes. It feels like the characters may get nudged towards those tropes instead of naturally following the slightly more realistic arcs set up for them, and maybe more effort is spent lampshading them than needed. It reads a bit like a light-novel based on a live-action remake of an anime based on a manga that ran for 750 issues. I mean it has a level of remove from the way actual manga and anime are formulated that is subtle but unmistakable.

I can relate perfectly to these damaged characters that have come together to heal themselves, and I think there's a refreshing and honest feel to that aspect of it.

In any case, thank you Tigerstretch for these stories. I hope you will write more.


Quote from: AmyAmy on August 06, 2020, 03:40:15 PM

In any case, thank you Tigerstretch for these stories. I hope you will write more.

Well, thanks. And thanks for for the whole breakdown of how you perceived the story and what you think of it.

Feliformia was the first short story I ever written, and it was only a few months ago. I'm not surprised nor offended to hear that it was more difficult to read the earlier chapters. If i were to read chapter 1 to 6 again, I would undoubtedly be full of regrets. When I realized Kitty's story headed right to a concrete wall, I fortunately managed to apply the brakes and steer the story somewhere else.

Chapter 8 was really when I operated a transition. I got the tubes out of Kitty and started anew with the Trio. The first chapters were kink oriented, but I realized that it was no why people were reading the story. They were reading it because Kitty was digging through our human feelings, our joy, our fears.

Chapter 9 was supposed to be the end, which is why it was three times the size as the other chapters... but then Syr... I fell in love with her... so I wrote 10 ... and 11, which is bigger than 10... Actually, I published 11 today, so it will show up here in about a month. 22k words (soooorrry Teaaan!)

As for the light-novel feel, that is understandable... I'm 43yo, and I read my first book ever only 2 years ago... and it was a light novel. I never read any other books before that even when I was in school. And since then, I only read more light novels and a few mangas... So it's all I know... I guess I wouldn't be able to write any other way because I'd no know how. Enough people seem to be okay with that style. I experimented a little bit with Building Reality, but I didn't like it ... I really don't know how to write any other way. But I do learn from people comments... I think I'm better now than I was when I started back in January. (considering that english is not by first language, I prefer not to be too hard on myself) :)

Thanks for your detailed comment. It was awesome... and once you finished reading Chapter 11, you'd have read 130 000 words ... not bad, uh?



Oh...My...God... :)

I have not read all your stories...yet. But this one was SO amazing.
Quite a few times you managed to elicit an emotional reaction from me while reading, and that my dear Tigerstretch is what shows (to me at least) that you are a true artist.
Thank you so much for sharing this talent with us, and please DO keep writing.

I will be very sad to know that I eventually have to say goodbye to Kitty, Erika, Syl and Mark...but that is how it goes I suppose  ;)

And now I will read the rest of your stories. I am sure they are as amazing as this one!


Quote from: LBC on September 11, 2020, 10:31:40 AM
Oh...My...God... :)

I have not read all your stories...yet. But this one was SO amazing.
Quite a few times you managed to elicit an emotional reaction from me while reading, and that my dear Tigerstretch is what shows (to me at least) that you are a true artist.
Thank you so much for sharing this talent with us, and please DO keep writing.

I will be very sad to know that I eventually have to say goodbye to Kitty, Erika, Syl and Mark...but that is how it goes I suppose  ;)

And now I will read the rest of your stories. I am sure they are as amazing as this one!

Thanks LBC.

Hehe. Im not sure about the "true artist" part, but im glad you enjoyed this series. It is my most precious one. I have some regrets about the first chapters, but i was learning to write back then. So I dont want to be too hard on myself.

Im an emotional person in real life and I try to translate that in the dialogues. That said, when I wrote chapter 11, which will be published here soon, I cried like a veal. I am not sure why it affected me so much.

Kitty and co. Are not going anywhere soon. I plan on continuing this story for a long time. If you didn't yet, take a look at Rubbercat tails. They are a spin-off of Feliformia. Animal Café is also burning hot right now. :)

Thanks for the good comments and keep reading. Plenty of good writers on Gromet. Mikel, Misti, etc. I see that this was your first post so welcome to the forum. :)


"we're all acting" is true. i was talking with someone recently about how Jungian persona theory interacts with my kinks and how there is freedom in it.

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