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Feliformia by Tigerstretch

Started by teanndaorsa, January 28, 2020, 09:47:57 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
M/f; rom; petgirl; catgirl; latex; catsuit; collar; cons; X
M/f; rom; petgirl; catgirl; latex; catsuit; collar; oral; mud; breathplay; messy; cons; X
M/f; rom; petgirl; catgirl; latex; catsuit; collar; oral; sex; cons; X
M/f; rom; petgirl; catgirl; latex; catsuit; collar; oral; sex; cage; catheter; cons; X
M/f; rom; petgirl; catgirl; latex; catsuit; collar; oral; sex; cage; catheter; cons; X
M/f; latex; catgirl; petgirl; catsuit; rom; cage; catheter; blindfold; oral; sex; polyamory; trick; cons; XX
M/f+; F+/m; latex; catsuit; petgirl; catgirl; bond; rom; cage; catheter; blindfold; oral; sex; polyamory; cons; XX
M/f; F/f; catgirl; petgirl; catsuit; latex; oral; sex; spanking; catheter; rom; polyamory; cons; X
F+/m; M/f; catgirl; latex; rom; bond; gag; tease; oral; sex; cons; X
MF+; FF; M/f; rom; catgirl; latex; polyamory; ravish; roleplay; costume; maid; bond; gag; boxed; suitcase; tease; oral; sex; basement; bikini; force; naked; spank; cons; X
M/f+; F/f; latex; catgirl; petgirl; oral; sex; strapon; maid; collar; polyamory; rom; cons; X
M/f+; F/f; MF; latex; catgirl; petgirl; oral; sex; maid; hotel; collar; polyamory; rom; cons; X
MF+; latex; catgirl; petgirl; oral; hotel; polyamory; rom; cons; X
MF+; latex; catgirl; petgirl; oral; hotel; messy; mud; polyamory; rom; cons; X
MF+; latex; catgirl; petgirl; oral; sex; hotel; polyamory; rom; cons; X
M/f+; mpov; costume; catsuit; cage; shower; sleepsack; spank; denial; rom; cons; X
F/f; FF; latex; petgirl; costume; collar; cafe; rom; cons; X
FF; fpov; latex; petgirl; costume; collar; cafe; tease; oral; feet; rom; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


Liked this. Hope there's a lot more to come.


I absolutely adore this little story. Such a fun and loving begin of the story.
Hope there is more to follow


Lovely story so far. I hope it continues soon. :D


I had no idea Teann created this post. :) I felt the need to register to the forum to let you know that I've seen your comments and appreciate them a lot. I've been following this site since the 90s, I couldn't even remember if I ever had an account.

Well, thanks for the kind words. I'm very grateful that you took the time to read my little story.

First, I need to apologize to Teann for submitting messed up versions of the chapters, it won't happen again. I have to be more patient and edit my texts better before being tempted to submit them. I feel so guilty every time I submit something, then realize it is full of errors.

I also apologize in advance for chapters 2 and 3. They are completed and currently with the admin, but I felt as if I struggled a bit while searching for a direction to take. I hope I didn't damage the characters you liked in the process and you'll still want to follow the story. All I can say is that I am personally much happier with chapters 4-5-6, but I have yet to edit those.

Thanks for reading and thanks to Teann for all the tips and patience.


loras pa6

Enjoying this story Tigerstretch. Hope to see more soon!


Quote from: Loras Pa6 on February 17, 2020, 03:23:21 AM
Enjoying this story Tigerstretch. Hope to see more soon!

Glad you like the story so far. Kitty wanted to give you a hug, but she is tied up at the moment. ;)


I like where this is going. So they bought some sex toys though, as in the new catsuit. Perhaps we can see some more of that in the following chapters and if they will become a happy family of three. :D Please don't take too long to continue this. I'm really enjoying this story.


Quote from: icy on February 17, 2020, 11:40:17 AM
I like where this is going. So they bought some sex toys though, as in the new catsuit. Perhaps we can see some more of that in the following chapters and if they will become a happy family of three. :D Please don't take too long to continue this. I'm really enjoying this story.

I just talked with Kitty and she said "NO! You can't tell them."
So I guess you'll have to wait to find out what will happen next. ;) I mean, you can try sending her an email, but she can be quite stubborn.
However, chapter 4 is around the corner. Rejoice. Now that Kitty knows she is going to stay, we begin a new arc, which is super exciting to me.


Hey, Kitty from Feliformia story had an idea today. She asked me to create her a Kik account so her "fans" can talk to her directly. ;)
Her Kik name is KittyRubberCat ... She is often in bondage, but be patient and she will get back to you. ;)


Quote from: Tigerstretch on February 17, 2020, 09:03:50 PM
I just talked with Kitty and she said "NO! You can't tell them."
So I guess you'll have to wait to find out what will happen next. ;) I mean, you can try sending her an email, but she can be quite stubborn.
However, chapter 4 is around the corner. Rejoice. Now that Kitty knows she is going to stay, we begin a new arc, which is super exciting to me.

Well, if she's in her catsuit perpetually, she won't be able to answer my e-mails... Darn, I really have to wait. :D


I love your story Tigerstretch. I think, this is one of the best stories I've read in the last time! Very erotic AND very realistic.

But one question: How can Kitty use the loo? And wipe herself? With her pawns, she can't open the crotch zipper... or grap the paper... When Mark will be at work, he can't help her.


Quote from: John43 on February 18, 2020, 05:25:45 PM
I love your story Tigerstretch. I think, this is one of the best stories I've read in the last time! Very erotic AND very realistic.

But one question: How can Kitty use the loo? And wipe herself? With her pawns, she can't open the crotch zipper... or grap the paper... When Mark will be at work, he can't help her.

Thanks for the nice comment. it means a lot to me.

As per Chapter 3, only 24 hours elapsed so far on the timeline and Mark spent 100% of his time with Kitty. But you are right, her little paws are going to cause some challenges in her life. You may want to read chapter four when it is released.

As for number two, Kitty told me to never discuss this topic. Sorry, there won't be any reference to it in the story. :)


Quote from: Tigerstretch on February 18, 2020, 08:03:44 PM

As per Chapter 3, only 24 hours elapsed so far on the timeline and Mark spent 100% of his time with Kitty. But you are right, her little paws are going to cause some challenges in her life. You may want to read chapter four when it is released.

Thanks for your answer.
And be sure, I'm waiting wishfully for chapter four.

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