Author Topic: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit  (Read 94348 times)

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2017, 10:11:00 am »
Thank you Drulema for you kind words, and I must apologize for my tarty response. I think Jackie will train up well, and I also think she has found a way to upstage per pretty and well dressed friends. I do wonder if the girls will tolerate her being the center of attention for very long, and if they don't what they will do to put things more properly back in order from their perspective. They have either unknowingly, (or quite intentionally), been grooming their friend Jackie for a life of servitude, and for her to be stolen away by one of the men in this story after all their hard work would be ironic, especially in light of their general preference for female lovers. What did happen to Gregory's first pet? Now that's a question, was she stolen away by another pet owner with deeper pockets after a good showing, or did she run away on her own after the kink of their relationship had run it's course?

Thank you again for your thought provoking words, Jackie.

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2017, 10:54:05 am »
Thank you Amy. I always struggle with how much to put into a story, too many details make for a boring read, too few leaving you to have to explain some detail after it becomes relevant, like the lack of a proper cage door locking mechanism. Such would almost seem a given in this world we play in, half a dozen well placed small pad locks permanently trapping Jackie inside the cage, or at least until the key holder decided to let her out. I don't believe Jackie ever pondered loosing the use of her fingers or hands in this manor, her own abilities diminished and trapping her in the cage rather than her friends enhanced by some mechanical means.
 She will be much more dependent on them this way, possibly to the point of irritation, and while Tracy and Dana's position on top will be secure, it comes at the cost of loosing a human servant that I think they will come to see between them as being more practical. Dana and Tracy are pampered and privileged, no one expects them to want to cook and clean up after themselves, and why should they when somebody else can do that for them pretty much free of charge, or at least for room and board?

I think Jackie will get off on being displayed in her identity concealing mask, but what she might not realize is that her pretty friends will be recognized, and when the three are seen out and about at some later date together everybody will suspect she was their masked pet at the show. I think that will be the motivation for her continued service to her friends well into the future if she should have any second thoughts, as would be a discrete tattoo that would link her pet persona and the human one should that become necessary.

Thank you again and please excuse my tarty response as I have had a lot going on here lately, Jackie.

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2017, 07:57:29 pm »
Finally I have been able to settle down and properly enjoy reading part 12

As before, I am going to write this as I read this next part of this wonderful story.  I have just gone back and re-read parts 10 and 11, to make sure that my memory is refreshed on the most recent events, even though I have a fairly clear memory of the story arc to this point.

Re-reading these two parts, I am really struck, again, by the sheer density of "little" details, each of which adds so much flavour and detail to the characters, the emotions, and the richness of what is happening here!  A lot of erotic stories have characters I care about, but few stories, few writers, have such nuanced and fascinating characters, where the inner state and thoughts of the characters are of such interest, and such a point of consideration for me as I am reading and enjoying :)

No stairs yet...  hang on, I don't recall stairs being an issue.  This is interesting, where are we going to?  What are we up to now?  The same building or a different location?  I assume the same building, but we are clearly setting out to go further and explore new parts.

Bound and free, controlled yet free to act out within the boundaries of your role...  yes, the duality is fun and fascinating, isn't it :)

*very evil smirk*  the planets not aligning, or perhaps, as before, your self pleasure acting to limit and control your willingness, acting as a break on the run away train of experience, a break that is now being disabled if not totally removed!  Things are lining up to get very interesting indeed going forward :)

Oh dear, is our little Jackie pet starting to feel frustrated at the realisation of her dreams, fantasies and desires?  Muwahhhhh!

OK, now I am a little confused, perhaps I should have gone back more parts.  We seem to be upstairs, or at least Jackie is, yet the sense is that she is also on the same floor as both the sitting room and the front door.  This seems an unusual house layout.  A minor point though, the arrival of food, and perhaps more importantly another man is much more interesting and intriguing at this point in time!

"bearing gifts of food for hungry humans", now that is a telling turn of phrase, a telling way of thinking about these things!  Jackie really does seem to be accepting and sinking into her pet persona here, and drawing the distinction between humans and pets!  Also delightfully limited in her ability to move and hide by her bondage, by her outfit :)

OK, I just did not go back far enough, we are deliberately upstairs and the front door is downstairs.  Excellent building arrangement though, the stairs acting as another barrier, another point of control for wayward pets *evil smirk*

Oh dear, does our pet not expect others to visit the house while she is staying over?  What ever gave her that idea?  *evil smirk*

Well duh!  Of course your friends, the girls, are in on your exposure like this, Gregory does not strike me as the sort of person to make such a silly mistake, but it is good to see you working this out, and also realising that yet again you are being pushed forward.  Which brings up an interesting side thought, while kept in pet persona, and without full use of her hands, Jackie won't be able to make any additions to her diary, so the "pushing forward" of events is going to have to come from others...

Well, clearly our pizza delivering friend is well informed on the pet lifestyle.  But a show?!  It seems the girls don't yet know about this, but they also seem open to the idea...  oh dear... *smirk*

Rules for how stock is transported?!  Oh my!  This is getting VERY interesting, very promising indeed!

Oh my!  LOL!  Conversation as spontaneous as the next sunrise indeed!  What a lovely way of putting it!

Again, talk of reciprocation, of payment in some form or other...  You keep teasing me like this, with this open ended question, what is on offer and who from?

Decision to make, well behaved or not, AH, and OH!  OH again!  OH!  OK, so the girls new all about this, and when the lie about not deciding to go to the show happened, I read that as them being surprised at the news of the show, but no, suddenly it seems the lie was about deciding, since going to the show was already the plan.  And behaving or not, a very clever and in fitting way of getting on going permission to keep pushing things forward!

My dear Jackie, vowing not to have second thoughts is all well and good, but it might not always be so easy if things keep on going forward, and exploring new heights of wicked kinkiness!

Um, does the word "maximum" from Dennis have some meaning here?  I don't think this is a reference to anything earlier in this story, so I will just have to wait and see it seems.

Oh my!  Suddenly Jackie is discovering and coming into her own power here, and using the power and appeal that has always been hers to grab a man's attention and to hold it most firmly on her!  But also the clear reminder and demonstration, via the name tag, that she is property, property of her friends, and theirs to do with as they will, and their current will is to keep Jackie most firmly in pet mode and status for now...

I want more!!!  Please be writing more parts to your wonderful stories, please :)

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2017, 12:53:04 pm »
Thank you so much for your wonderful insights, they force me to write better, or at least try to. Jackie is in for the long haul, that much is obvious, and I intend to let her let go and just enjoy the experience for what it is, comfortable in the knowledge that her friends love her and are ultimately responsible for her. They may at some point double cross her, or more accurately put their wants and "needs" above those of their friend, but such would be in character for them and their pampered upbringing as compared to Jackie's. There has always been an implied level of grooming with Jackie, they with their own long term opportunistic plans that I have yet to state clearly, unless of course some handsome man should come along and spoil them.

This story is a quality vs quantity thing for me, and I hope for your patience as I work on it.

Thank you again for your kind words, Jackie.

Offline feline

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2017, 02:30:51 pm »
Starting with quality vs quantity, the fact that I write my thoughts on each part, virtually line by line, should say it all :)  Yes, I would like more parts, more quickly, and even to talk you into returning to one or two of your older stories that have not seen any new parts in quite some time, but quality is what really matters here!

Some of your thoughts here really rather surprise me, and I wonder why that is, why my perspective on this is quite so different.  Thinking back, there have always been hints and comments about Jackie being a "helper" or even "maid" for her two friends, but in the story so far, in the scenes so far, this has always taken something of a back seat.  It is there, but mostly what I am seeing, picking up on and responding to is the work her friends are having to do, the time, energy and sometimes money that is being devoted to making Jackie's fantasies come to life, that it has felt much more like they exist to look after Jackie, than Jackie is there to look after them.

Plus, probably coloured by personal experience of how much work each side has to put in for scenes to come to life :)

But yes, there does come a point where their needs, desires and wants start to take priority over Jackie's, especially since there is a strong sense that they have been reading and responding, very promptly, to the new entries Jackie has been placing into her diary.

Which does leave me wondering what forms of payment are being hinted at and discussed with the two new men who have just appeared to help us with pet Jackie.  We know, clearly, that her friends are into women, but there are also clear hints that both of them admire a good looking man when one appears, and probably don't want to pay second fiddle to Jackie.  But how is this to play out?

A lot of it depends on the psychology of it, of how things are presented, worded and framed.  Offering sexual services can either be love making, something shared, something about both parties, or it can be quite one sided, one way or the other.  Somehow I don't see Jackie being offered up for sex at this point, it would go against the keep her horny and denied plan, and I feel it would make her friends jealous.  But what if Jackie is offered up to provide blow jobs, perhaps still while locked in a cage, keeping her clearly marked as an "animal", this would offer a form of usage, of payment, without automatically interfering with the friends desire to keep the men's attention on them as women, rather than on their naked friend.

The men appear worldly enough, experienced enough that they may well see and accept this distinction, but still, it might require Jackie to be punished for "using her body to try and steal the men away" from her friends, even though the friends were the ones to offer her up in the first place :)

The waiting for the next part gives me plenty of time to look forward to what you have in mind, and to keep up on life's other distractions, so don't rush, but also don't dawdle, I still have other stories of yours to pester you about as well :)

Offline drulema

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2018, 08:38:56 am »
I recall an amazing writer that wrote 12 chapters of an awesome story about a girl and her summer of dares. I wonder what happened to this writer and now I seek to find out. I would hate to think the end has come to Jackie and her adventures.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2018, 10:21:18 am »
I very much appreciate your interest, and I assure you that I am still writing this story. I have the ending already in my head, but getting the girls from here to there is my present stumbling block, and I also have some other projects running at the same time.

 The girls are good friends, but Dana and Tracy's privileged lazy teen character traits will have to play into this at some point, the last chapter leaving my alter ego Jackie as the center of attention, something that Dana and Tracy just can't have. There is an element of patient construction in the girls relationship with Jackie, not that the three aren't good friends, but just that one of them is expected to serve the other two without compensation, nor expectation of compensation.

Jackie is therefore likely to become a "useful tool" for the girls exclusive use unless someone spoils their plans, and seeing how pets are a lot of work, and neither Dana or Tracy are inclined to do any more work than necessary, I don't see how a twenty four seven pet is a practicle long term "tool" for either of them. A short term play toy, yes, especially if such play helps Jackie fully submit and know her place in things.

These are the issues I intend to address in the next chapter/chapters that I am presently writing, and thank you again for your inspirational comments, Jackie.

Offline drulema

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2018, 03:36:28 pm »
I am more glad to "not hear" about medical issues then I am to hear that the story is rambling around your head! Usually when a writer or artist I follow leaves a story alone for so long, it's because of, well other things besides creative block.
Not to influence the way you continue Jackie's story, I had been thinking that her submissive nature would increase and pet play would become a permanent part of her being and Dana and Tracy would seize upon it for their benefit. I also felt that maybe Jackie would be separated from them somewhere down the road, either temporarily or permanently,
However the story continues (and I hope does not end soon), I am sure I and other readers will be drawn further into it.

Offline drulema

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2018, 06:01:49 pm »
I was so excited to see and update to Jackie's story and read it slowly, savoring every emotion, every interaction, every thought going through her head and then... Argh!!!
If this story was an averagely crafted one, I would just go on to the next one, not giving it a second thought that I had to wait for more, more, more!
But I admit I hate sitting on the edge of my chair for the next chapter as Jackie appears to be getting deeper into "subspace" and her role as a playful puppy.
So, with all dignity tossed out on my part, when is the next chapter coming???

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2018, 08:56:12 am »
Thank you so much for your kind words, I am writing the second part of Jackie's 'missing time' adventure as we speak, but it was impossible for me to jam the whole experience into just one chapter without it looking like I had done so. Dana and Tracy are more than partially responsible for what had happened, they deep down terrified at what could have happened had fortune gone a slightly different way, the seriousness of this "game" and their shallow actions at odds with each other and in need of a fresh look, but to be fair they are teenagers.

I intend to explain Dana and Tracy's unique and individual motivations toward their even more unique pet in the next chapter, the girls having to come to a new understanding between themselves though for this to happen. I expect that there will be some friction between the major players, but they all love each other, and as long as they keep this in mind it should all work out ok.

Gregory and Dennis are the wild variable here, but both men couldn't be any more different. Gregory is thoughtful and a long term thinker with a strategic plan of his own that we have yet to learn, and in contrast Dennis is a fun loving mix of hormones and sneakers with more predictable desires and asperations.

In the end though it was Jackie's adventure, and her desires on the subject obviously matter, I at odds whether to have her have total recall at some point, or just to document the parts she can remember in her diary for later use. She could do this in such a way that would goad her pretty friends into a repeat performance when they read her written words on the subject, or those same words could scare the girls off from ever allowing the Jackie pet persona to appear again for fear that they might loose her for good.

Thank you again for your kind words, Jackie.


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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2018, 05:56:58 pm »
Summer of dares, part 13 thoughts.

Finally here, this has been sitting on my "I want to read and comment on" pile for a little while, right on top, and now it's time, thankfully :)

*smirk* Jackie seems very comfortable and happy with being the centre of attention.  Certainly she is not showing any signs of awareness of the pending price for upstaging her friends.  So having this so clearly marked and pointed out is rather amusing, and just adds to the sense and feeling of anticipation that is hanging over this, and what is about to happen next.

Now that is sweet, so romantic and lovely, such trust and faith in Jackie, as she once more embraces handing over all of the control, and all of the safety concerns that go with it to her friends.  Yes, it is amazing that she gets to be free to enjoy subspace like this, but I do still wonder what the price of all of this will be, and when it will start to come due.  Of course, that is part of the fun, the waiting to find out :)

Strangely comforting, that is an interesting turn of phrase here.  From the outside looking in, feeling so relaxed and comfortable in subspace may indeed seem and feel strange, but with the necessary level of trust, of experience and comfort, of course Jackie is going to be sinking into this, it is clearly speaking to a core part of who and what she is, and the feeling of letting go like this is quite amazing!

As for it being sexual, or not being sexual, the rules get a lot more mixed up and interesting by this time.  Yes, your naked female parts are being touched, but thats just a side effect of the action, not the point of the action, so it makes perfect sense to me that this does not feel sexual in the moment.

The comment about Jackie looking like a willing participant interests and puzzles me.  It is almost as if she is passing on all responsibility for taking part onto someone else, yet this is the whole point.  She is a willing participant, in the sense that she has said to her friends "take control and do unto me".

Huh?!  This seems like a fairly serious context jump, so just have to wait and see what happened.  I do like that she is still tied so that she cannot release her pent up passion, we need to keep her interested and well behaved after all *evil smirk*

Crying was a little puzzling, but emotional low, with you now.  The bigger the high, the bigger the drop on the other side...

Watching the wording, watching the way Jackie feels she knows and trusts Gregory is "odd", I think that is the best word.  Her reactions and apparent knowledge of him speak to quite a lot of time, exposure and trust, thing that just had not had the time to properly develop.  So the time gap helps to explain this.

I must say though, a time gap like this that needs to be filled in, this really is Not a story telling technique that I am familiar with, so I am very curious and a little on edge to see where this is going, and what happened to get us to this point.

Ran away, well away, into the woods?!  This really does not seem to fit with what I know and expect here.  Was this a function of the puppy personality?  Time will tell, but thats really quite confusing.

Being revealed naked and spread out like this, in a way the lack of any form of embarrassment seems quite normal and reasonable to me, even as it is being pointed out that this is considered noteworthy by her friends.  Why though...  I think I am taking this view because of the very relaxed and trusting way Jackie is responding to Gregory, she is reacting like someone who has had quite a lot of time, contact and trust with him.  Against this background being shown off as a naked and bound "slave girl", her now default and fairly constant state, seems quite normal and reasonable.

I am actually more concerned about the bruised and scratched up state of her body!

The fact that naked and making food all seem so natural and reasonable now fit with the general sense of progressing well as a "naked slave", but do not fit so well with 2 solid days spent as a dog.  The mystery deepens.

Um...  now Dana is showing serious signs of being really pissed with Jackie.  The mystery does infact keep on getting deeper.

Why the anger?  The same question as already asked, but now it seems so sharp that loosing the friendship, the friendship that has helped to make all of this possible in the first place, possible.  That is some serious and deep seated upset and anger.

I wonder to what degree Gregory is after the "wrong" woman here.  He clearly seems very taken with Jackie, which makes perfect sense for a dominant male, but I can see her friends really not liking his preference for the "plain slave" over them...

Yes, I agree, what the hell is going on here?  Jackie is still naked and tied up, serving her role, but her dynamic with her friends is obviously going to be very different to her dynamic with Gregory, and he has just effectively accused her friends of being partly behind a major mess.  It is telling that Jackie's strong and immediate response is to leap to the defense of her friends, and in effect to attack Gregory in the process.

So why is Gregory trying to reinforce the hierarchy here and now, like this?

Jealocy?!  A powerful emotion.  The hints suggest that her friends were competing with each other for Dennis's attentions, and that Jackie the puppy somehow got into the middle of this competition, and went looking for her own share of the attention...  but this is just trying to put the pieces together, and leaves one hell of a lot still to be worked out and understood.

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2018, 11:11:16 am »
I found myself in a struggle to get the girls from "here to there" and at the same time remembering that the girls, as teenagers, (even though the obviously love each other) should be expected to do something shallow and teenagerish. Dana and Tracy found themselves lacking in attention after putting so much effort into this ostensibly for their friends benefit, they going to the proverbial well of their appearance and sex appeal to again capture the spotlight from pet Jackie. Pet Jackie then escaped from her cage and took off, something real pets will do if they feel unwanted in their adopted home, of if their in heat and looking to breed...

I plan on explaining this missing time in the next chapter, and Jackie's debt to a few strangers who helped find her after she had slipped into full pet mode and became lost in the woods. The fright of Jackie getting this deep into character will likely have an effect on any possible future pet scenarios thought, and one of the girls will be happy about this, and the other not so  much.

As to the actual missing time and gap in the story, I wanted to try to tell this from Jackie's perspective, and to her everything that happened once in full pet mode happened to the pet Jackie and not the human one that can fully recall it. It's a very scary scenario, and one that I don't think the girls will want to try out again, at least without some safety built in this time. Jackie may also be committed to do something in repayment for the strangers help, at least one time, but she might not even know this yet.

I may have left this chapter with too many unanswered questions, but I will correct that in the future, Jackie.


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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #27 on: November 11, 2018, 09:45:05 pm »
You did leave a lot of unanswered questions here, but I find this is common with your writing.  Since you like to have plots with substance, lots of ideas at once, the result is that things move forward, but raise as many questions as they answer.

Yes, you are right, I myself have been loosing track of the ages of the girls sometimes, seeing them so adult, at least in my own mind, this does cause me to sometimes loose sight of their teenage nature and age, so it is good to be reminded of this.

The whole mind state of being a pet, how this shifts her mental state, how she behaves, I really don't have much of a sense of this, its quite outside of my knowledge, so I am really fascinated to see how this develops, what you have to say and to show us here.  Moving into new territory is always interesting to my mind :)

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2020, 09:05:41 pm »
Part 14 up today

Offline drulema

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Re: My Summer Of Dares by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2020, 05:37:21 pm »
I couldn't click my mouse button fast enough to read this chapter! Not disappointed at all. So, my questions with everything is how is Jackie going to stay as a pet, be trained along with her friends so she can be shown at the pet show and all perform perfectly, and will she stay as a pet with Gregory during her training and afterwards? Looking forward to more chapters with the proverbial "bated breath"!


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