Author Topic: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit  (Read 22484 times)

Offline Gromet

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Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« on: July 03, 2016, 10:04:41 am »
You can view the story here on the plaza:
MF; MMF; M/f; agreement; loan; plot; cuckold; bond; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
MF; MMF; M/f; agreement; loan; wife-swap; cuckold; fantasy; spanking; public; bond; cons/reluct; X
MF; FFMM; M/f; agreement; wife-swap; charade; cuckold; meeting; boss; flight; hotel; bikini; tease; surprise; gift; cons/reluct; X
MF; FM+; wife-swap; deception; cuckold; flight; hotel; bikini; tease; boss; drink; kiss; arousal; sex; climax; cons; X
MF; sex; wife-swap; cuckold; rom; cons; X
MF; M/f; F/f; cuckold; wife-swap; public; exhib; strip; naked; cons; X
M/f; Sbf; cuckold; wife-swap; naked; massage; lingerie; gag; cuffs; bedtie; blindfold; sex; oral; cons; X
M/f; cuckold; wife-swap; bond; sex; spank; cuffs; impregnate; gag; belt; bedtie; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks   ;)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 02:21:56 pm by teanndaorsa »

Offline feline

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2016, 07:08:31 pm »
I have really enjoyed this, once I got past the jaw dropping "what the HELL" moment, when the secrets were revealed, and I found out what was driving and behind this trip, and why it had to be her.  That is definitely a different take and perspective on why she was the lady asked to go on the trip, and to be shown off.

But more than this, this arrangement, this secret between the two men clearly has a long and deep history, this was no spur of the moment plan, this is something years in the making, that is suddenly being tested and brought out into the open.  What really speaks to me here is the emotions, the feelings, the complexity and the characters as we explore this new situation, this new world and perspective.  I love the wifes changing feelings, how she enjoys teasing, but is not really seeing herself as a sexual object in this setting or context.

Also, I am fascinated to see and learn more about what is driving her husband.  Did he fail to repay the debt because there was never the money to do so?  Or is there some other reason, some other force at work here?  Why is an apparently strong and dominant man so happy to share his wife, to send her off with his best friend?

I am looking forward to seeing more of these characters, and to hopefully learning the answers to some of these questions.  Also, how much pressure will the "happy couple" be placed under on this trip to actually behave as man and wife?  Since the point of the trip is to expose a sham, simply having her turn up is unlikely to be all that is required to carry off the lie.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2016, 01:57:13 am »
Thank you so much Feline, this type of scenario holds a great deal of interest for me these days. The borrowing of one's significant other is a huge turn on for me, and even the best of intentions can be skewed when alone with a desirable partner in a tropical paradise. Perhaps the men have shared a lover in the past, this little arrangement a payback for that, or perhaps it is simply that there is a debt owed and this little infidelity a convenient way to pay it off. I do think the law of unintended consequences may sneak in here at some point, this second deception only necessary because of the first one, and each lie thereafter leading to an even greater deception to keep the sham going.

Will either or both of them get caught and punished for their deception, possibly the submissive wife taking the full blame and allowing the suspicious office manager to settle up with her physically for their collective deception? I could imagine all manor of fun doing that, especially so far from home and caught red handed.

Thank you again for your kind words, Jackie.

Offline Arkane

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2016, 04:32:30 pm »
No comments to write, but I really enjoyed the story so far.

Offline feline

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2016, 05:23:58 pm »
I have been considering this further, and wondering what might be in store...  simply inviting the man and his mystery wife, a wife long assumed to be a lie on the holiday is a good test, a good trap, but if his boss is prepared to go to these lengths, then the boss must be prepared for him to turn up with a woman who looks like the woman in the photograph.  That would not be a massive step to arrange.

So what further tests, what further pressure will be brought to bare, and what expectations are at work here?  Her real husband is sending her off with sexy outfits, dressing her for the part of an attractive and desirable woman, preparing for her to act the roll of the desirable woman.

Obviously sharing a room with a single double bed is a given, but will they share the bed at first?  What emotional storms and journeys are at work here?  Suddenly the wife, the lied to and manipulated wife, the wife who has given herself over to, and promised allegiance and submission to her husband holds all the power.  I keep coming back to her saying how she is her husbands to command and to use...  just how far does that gift and promise go?

Oooh, a naughty thought, will they decide to practice her being the loving and relaxed "wife" before the holiday?  She needs to learn the lies he has been spinning about her, she needs to know how to act the wife, to know of his work, and to be relaxed and natural with him in person to carry off this lie...  this practice before the holiday, while her real husband is hovering in the wings adds a whole new emotional dimension to what is going on here :)

And yes, how deep is the lie, how deep is the plotting, and what punishment, what fall out is going to come from this?

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2016, 08:39:03 am »
Thank you Arkane, I think all three of them are in for an adventure, Jackie.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2016, 09:32:38 am »
Thank you Feline. I hadn't pondered the two practicing their deception before leaving for the islands, but that would be delicious fun, and awkward at best for the watching husband if he were in attendance. I am willing to bet that the suspicious office manager will have a quality picture of the wedding picture on Jack's desk with her, as well as the plane's tickets in the shared wife's name requiring a photo license to collect them before boarding these days. Both her drivers license and passport would have a different last name than her "husband's" explainable these days for business purposes, but the address on them would be different. They live on the same street so it would take a sharp eye to spot that if the opportunity presented itself, but the office manager seems pretty sharp and not so easily fooled.

If I were the suspicious office manager I would book my and my husband's seats intertwined with Jack's and his "wife's" so the four could ostensibly get to know each other on the trip down as well, but really to trip up the deception that she is nearly certain is happening.

I intended to throw them together in those seats with little preplanning as the two know each other pretty well already, although not as intimately as a husband and wife might, they intending to get their stories in alignment on the long flight down, that plan obviously foiled by the suspicious office manager.

Thank you for your thoughts, I intend this to be a fun story, Jackie.

Offline feline

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2016, 02:25:44 am »
Given the office manager has been probing and questioning this "marriage", and arranging tests for a while now, Jack has to realise that the setup and testing is going to go well beyond simply having him turn up with a woman who looks like the woman in the picture.  But what other forms will the tests take?

Obvious yet naughty are things like swimming pool and sunbathing, so he is expected to be "intimate", rubbing sun cream all over his wife.
Having one order for both of them when eating out or going for a drink.
Applying some form of stress, to see if they will step up to defend each other.

I wonder if a really wicked office manager would feed the happily married couple aphrodisiacs, and then listen to see what happened?  Or suggest everyone ends up at a sexually charged setting?  Strip club, nudist beach, etc.

There is a lot of history here, I want to know more about where this came from, but also, I want to see and enjoy the squirming of the men and the probing and wickedness of the wife as they practice and try out this act before having to do it for real :)

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2016, 12:36:50 am »
I was thinking marriage and intimacy counseling for newlyweds one year out who hardly seem to know each other as a condition for advancement or job retention. The office manager could be a misunderstood soul just wanting what is best for one of her rising stars, she making it her goal to see the "happy couple" with hands all over each other by the end of their vacation. I was also thinking that Jack may have learned from Mike some of the things his temporary "wife" likes in the privacy of her bedroom with her real husband, he very unwisely boasting of their alleged deeds to his coworkers and the tale being spread around the office. Could his friends at work have gotten together to buy the lovebirds some accessories to make Jack's control of his new randy wife just a little bit easier on their well earned vacation? At the same time could these things be wrapped and waiting in their honeymoon suite, the couple obligated to give them a try less the true story get out?

I intend to have some fun with this one, and thank you for your thoughts, Jackie.

Offline feline

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2016, 09:27:38 pm »
You are a bad influence on me, and are leading me into wickedness.  This is my public excuse for what I am currently thinking, and imagining here...  that, or I am just a very VERY bad pussy cat ;)

I suddenly have this mental image of a wicked and naughty office manager, who has heard the stories and the rumours of Jack and what sort of kinky things he gets up to with his "wife" in private, including the whispered rumour that his "wife" is his slave and property, and that he keeps her locked away and chained up in the cellar, never letting her out in public.  You know how rumours are, once they get going they will insist on spreading...

There have even been whispers that Jack must be keeping his wife against her will, since she is never seen, never comes to any of the events, and he is forever making excuses for her.

Given the growing importance of Jack's role at the company, and the possibilities for advancement, and a more public role that are opening up before him, the company, and his office manager, cannot take the risk of a nasty sex scandal engulfing Jack, and thus the company should he be promoted any further.  So apart from finding out if there even is a wife, let alone the wife Jack claims, the company needs to know what sort of relationship, both public and private, he has with his mythical wife.

So after a day or two to settle into the holiday, and the discovery of all of the toys, and the expectation that some of the toys will be used in a semi-public manor, an intimacy and relationship counsellor will be introduced, to not only probe the words and emotions of Jack and his "wife", but also to watch them in their intimate time together, to make sure that any kinky aspects of the relationship are safe, consensual, and not going to blow up and cause the company problems.  After all, a strong man keeping his wife in line at home can make for a form and commanding employee, and be seen as an asset to a forward looking and open minded company, so long as he knows right from wrong, and can control himself.  I keep thinking back to the wife having promised to honour and obey her husband, being in effect property to be loaned out and thus becoming Jack's for the duration...

This idea might be developing a life of its own here, but the premiss here...  the years of lying, the years of money going into this, the teasing and flirting, there is something a lot more than the mere desire for a public wife at work here.  Jack and Mike have something going on here, and it is high time we found out more about it.

Yes, fun is vital here, and I hope you can see the light hearted and fun thoughts behind these wicked suggestions of mine :)

Offline feline

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2017, 06:51:31 pm »
Part 2 is here, happy bounces! :)  This is something I have been looking forward to for a while.  I have already read this once, but I am now going to read it again, while outlining my thoughts on all of this.

The first block, obviously our lucky wife, if that's the right word, has just been taken clothes shopping, and for a rather different wardrobe than normal.  No wonder she is asking questions, but I must say, her husband seems remarkably clueless as to why she is feeling and reacting this way.  Suddenly going from a husband who wants her to dress conservatively, modestly, to, it seems, hide her charms in public, suddenly she is being asked to flaunt her charms, especially for and with another man...  not to mention the whole "required" slip, that he is required to dress her in a far more provocative style than he normally prefers?!  What is going on in the background with these two men, and the strange relationship towards the wife.

Well, yes, it is rather obvious they need to get their stories, their lines straight before heading out.  I do rather strongly suspect they need to do a hell of a lot more than this, but I will come back to this soon enough.  Suddenly our wife is being set up on a date, a date where she is supposed to, basically, look like sex on legs, for someone other than her husband, and her husband isn't even going to be around?!  Talk about some mixed signals, and a massive change from what she is used to in this relationship, especially since being showered with complements is clearly something she is not used to from her husband.

Oh my, the importance of open and honest communication...  yes, a well deserved slap in the face there :)

I do so adore the problem solving aspect of the wife in all of this.  While in a very real sense she is caught up in a whirlwind of events, and trying to make sense of them, she is also clearly working away at understanding and figuring out what is happening here, and why.

The phone call asking her out for the meal, what so interests me here is that this clearly intelligent and motivated woman feels she very rarely has the power or control.  This seems odd to me, I would normally expect a more even distribution of power in a happy marriage, but maybe I have strange views :)

Oh my lord!  Watching her on the phone to her "new husband", leaving him instantly tongue tied and helpless, since she simply asked about what she should wear for their date!  On one hand, I am absolutely loving the power play and interactions here, but at the same time, there is no way he is even close to pulling off the lie that they are a happily married couple if this is how he reacts to what is basically a reasonable and polite question on the phone!

So of course she twists the knife, and proves the point, with the three options, including slutty!  Obviously the new wardrobe that her husband was "required" to get her is quite the departure from her normal wardrobe!  Which does make me wonder how much time she will need to get used to this new look of hers?

*giggles* the dress, the presentation, and the effect on all three people.  Yes, the men have seen her in less, but the less they saw her in was never so provocative, and it never had the associations or context of this dress!  So this is going a lot further, even if on paper it isn't.  Oh these little details, and how they bring the emotions to life!

But then the drive over to the restaurant, the hand on the leg, if he is so wary, hesitant, and flustered by such an "innocent" touch between man and wife, well, how the hell does he think they can carry off this illusion and act?

At the same time, the power that she has, the power and control, and how she is using it and taunting others with it…  really delightful!

The meal, again, the contrast between how her husband has come to treat her, and how attentive, yet strangely unsure of himself (at times) her "new" husband is.  He seems willing to answer some questions, but is avoiding others.

The pet names, the playful yet firm bottom slaps, combine this with the potency of the situation, and the erotic fantasies that are already running through her head, and I do find myself wondering just how long it will be before a firm slap on the bottom pushes her over into becoming a very willing and accepting sexual object for her new husband…

The final lines have me wondering though.  I had to go back to part 1 to double check, and we are told it is 2 weeks there.  So what is she asking, and what is he avoiding saying?  Given his apparent hold over her husband, the hold his actions clearly show is very strong, and that he is quite happy and willing to use, why should his "borrowing" of her stop at two weeks…  does she even want it to stop at two weeks I wonder…

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2017, 11:21:51 am »
Thank you Feline, your thoughts always provoke a deeper thought process on my end, I hope leading to a better story.
I think the out of character provocative clothing and accessories become a costume of sorts for the wife while she plays her part, perhaps when or if she reverts to dressing down again she will hope to again play the part of Mike's wife somewhat convincingly. She may of course come to like all the attention she gets from both men while dressing up, Mike having to get used to her new look whether he likes it or not.

I read an article in a men's magazine once that had ten clues that your wife or girlfriend was about to, or already had cheated on you, one of which was a drastic wardrobe change designed to get another man's attention. I thought that this dressing up played nicely with that line of thinking, and is the reason I included it here.

Mike is a strong man and not at all the cliché cuckold husband, but there is something going on here that will need an explanation at some point, perhaps he stole the girl of Jack's dreams away once when they were younger, or perhaps Mike saved his life or bailed him out of some tough spot that implies a deeper debt than the price of an expensive ring.

I think the only way the happy couple are going to be able to pull off this charade in the islands is for they to feint some sort of blow out argument, or to become intimately close while under the watchful eye of the office manager who has definite plans for her rising star, and his lovely wife once she gets to know her.

I think that "first kiss" will be monumental, let alone the other things that might happen, Jack I think knowing in full detail what his new temporary wife really likes, perhaps Mike even being taught everything he knows by his wise and experienced friend, lessons that will surely come back to haunt him at some point as he sits home and waits.

Another possibility, and this would be a huge twist, is that Jack doesn't like girls, and the secret of the marriage is to hide that fact from his company that might not appreciate this all that much. In that case Mike would have to know the truth, and that Jack was one hell of an actor, Mike playing along knowing nothing was likely to happen on any vacation.

I like that the wife has submissive tendencies that she's comfortable with, but that this doesn't imply any lack of whit on her part, she wise enough to see the situation for what she thinks it might be and then being playful with it. Maybe both men are seriously up tight about this trip for different reasons, and she committed to having some fun with it?

Two weeks is a clue by the way, there being no way this is a once and done situation, especially if the wife makes a bold impression on her "husband's" employer. She's not entirely happy with her own job, what if she were offered a position inside Jack's company with some necessary travel now and again, or even a relocation to a new or needy office in need of his commanding leadership?

Thank you again for your kind words and inspiration, and please excuse my jumbled in a hurry response, Jackie.


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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2018, 04:03:26 pm »
Yay, after what feels like a lot of waiting, part 3 has now been posted :)  I remember the outlines well, but I wanted to be more clear on the details, so the first step was a delightful and fun filled re-reading of the first two parts.  Now, let us see what further naughtiness is going on here...  also how many of the teasing questions that have been left hanging are going to be answered...

Yep, being envious of your best friends wife, a very serious complement, especially from such a successful man.  But this doesn't even start to explain the ring, the wedding, etc.  There is jealousy, and then there is setting out to make a full fledged production of being married to her, with her husbands knowledge and help?!

Leftovers?!  Interesting, is this indeed about food, or your mind reading far to much into something simple?  After all, there really is nothing wrong at all with nice leftovers, if the meal was good and the bits kept well, it can be every bit as good as the original meal.  But is this a deeper meaning?  There is a strong and growing sense in her (Jackie's?) thoughts and the way she frames them that she is going to be a rather fulfilling and agreeable wife to her "other" husband on this trip...  But is this merely fantasy talking, or something she might yet act on?

Wow, that is an interesting set of thoughts and moments!  The competition, on one paw Jackie is thinking in terms of her being "shared" between her two husbands, or at least thinking that this is how her "husbands" are looking at things.  Yet at the same time some of her thoughts are clearly much more along the lines of her being a prize to be sought after, courted and won, with only one winner getting her.

Her husband being horny after her date might be something as simple as him wanting to remind her and reinforce with her the point that he is still her husband and lover.  The thought that they went out and consummated their "marriage" seems an odd one for him to have, but certainly not impossible.  But this does bring up a very interesting parallel thought.  We have just been reading and learning (in the first 2 parts) that Jackie considers herself as the submissive in the bedroom who has to obey and allow her husband to have and to take what he wants.  Yet at the same time it is clearly the case that this is also a much more equal and reasonable situation, where he only takes on the dominant role when she has willingly agreed to accept the submissive role first.  All perfectly fair and reasonable, but it does beg the question of how she would react to being presented as a very sexual woman while on holiday in her new sexy and suggestive wardrobe, and spending a lot of personal time with her "other husband" who is finding all of his jealousy, desire and need for her focused on her with no safeguards to hold back the dominant pressure of his personality and needs...

And how does this balance with the fact that Jackie is clearly no passive shrinking violet?  She is more than willing to show the men in her life who is in charge, and to wield her power over them.

Packing, I do love the emotional overtones here, how symbolic and meaningful this is, how seeing her pack a different form and style of wardrobe will help reinforce just how different things are going to be.  But also this focuses the mind on just how little warning anyone had for this holiday, how little time there is to practice or get things ready.  Then again, that was no doubt deliberate, since if they are trying to catch Jack out they won't have wanted to give him time to set up anything to escape their trap.

A limo ride to the airport, no expense spared...  it took a few moments for the full (yet subtly done) slap to the face power of this sank in.  You are showing just how much is riding on this, how much money and pressure from Jack's work, and thus how much is riding on this for Jack, and by extension on Jack's "wife".

The comment about having Mike drive Jack and his wife to the airport really made me smile, putting me so firmly in mind of how your wonderful "Playing Chauffer" starts :)

Then we have the very interesting turn of phrase about Jackie "submitting" to her husband, which feels natural now, and the parallel of needing to "submit" to Jack in her role as his wife.  How submissive is she supposed to seem?  And how much of the time is she the one with the real power here?  Lot's of men will talk in terms of having a submissive woman, but will Jack's female boss expect a doormat with big tits, or an actual real woman with a brain, personality, will and the ability to stand by and support her man at the company?  Since we have been told that having a wife is basically a requirement for doing well at his work, I rather doubt that any old air headed sex toy woman will do, and instead the company is going to be looking for, and requiring, a woman with a spine, big balls and the brain to match...  *MUWAHHHHHH*  if so, this is going to be SO interesting.

And the game is off!  The boss and her husband picking Jack up?  Now why is Mike here then?  This is a turn up for the books, but also shows exactly why Jack was so nervous about their deception and his lies being exposed before the game had really begun, perhaps he had some reason to suspect something like this might happen.

Seeing Jack take the lead and Mike follow along so willingly isn't really a surprise to me, the writing has been on the wall for a while now, but to see this so clearly and naturally in a moment of stress will highlight it very clearly for "their" wife.

The "boys" dismissed to handle the luggage, and the two women left alone for the tour of the house.  Skillfully done.  Not the most complex test, but a simple and easy way to start, and bound to trip up anyone who is not familiar with the house details!  Delightfully devious, and obviously suggestive of a lot more tests and prying to come in the days ahead!

Much to think about here.  So the "wrong" house number has been picked up on, plus the other general clues.  There is plenty of evidence showing that this is a pretend marriage, so what is the game?  What is going on here?

The trapping questions, the poking and waiting to see what will be revealed, a good tactic and very smoothly done.  But what of the care package for this second honeymoon?!  That is both deeply disturbing, in the sense of what it hints at, and deeply wonderful, given what it hints at, especially since we have been told that Jack is prone to giving his "wife" a playful slap on the bottom whenever and wherever the fancy takes him.  Also the house decoration, the comment about "what Jack likes", it paints the picture of a submissive and accepting woman.  Or of someone paid to play the role...

So perhaps this is about seeing how far the role will be taken?

Then though the comments about the drive, and Pete's manor in the car.  The way this is phrased it feels like Pete is expected to be more interested in the sexy show of Jackie in her sexy outfit than he is.  As if he is studying her, to busy studying her to admire her...

OOh, now that is an interesting and telling comment.  She did not look Tammy in the eye while lying to her about her "brother", the evidence would seem to be mounting, step by step.

It took until the next section, and the point that Tammy would actually check with the jewellers about the rings for me to appreciate fully this mistake.  To my mind what one customer has ordered is private information, not simply to be disclosed to another customer for the asking.  Perhaps naive and unrealistic, but it is my start point here.  Plus trying to claim that such a familiar style is not what it seems to be is likely to be just as much of a mistake.

Still though, a custom designed and matching set of rings, the scale and scope of the deception here keeps on growing.  It seems that making her out to be his wife is VERY VERY important indeed to Jack.

I also want to know what is in this mystery package, but we now clearly see who is in charge, the charmer!  Flattery like that is definitely going to get her attention, and get on her good side :)

*sigh* the real husband taking your body for granted, yet wanting to jealously guard it at the same time and keep it hidden from others.  A familiar enough situation, and very easy to believe.

LOL, oh that is both sexy and very naughty!  Teasing and flirting with him like that, and then using the resulting erection to make sure that she gets her way and gets to check out the contents of the mystery box.  Yes, you are edging very close to crossing a line here, and it feels like stepping over the line will happen fairly soon, leaving the question of what the next two weeks hold very much up in the air...

I do find myself torn on her thoughts about teasing Jack, and trying to find out if she can get him to react to her body like this.  She has plenty of history and experience with flirting with both of these men in her life, and parading around without a lot on, to confirm to her that she is both desirable and attractive to both men.  So why the need to feel and see this confirmed?  Yet at the same time, wanting and needing this conformation are so very natural and reasonable...  definitely considering this on more than one level simultaneously :)

A wifely discipline kit?!  LOL, the hints were there!

But this bet...  oh yes and oh dear, someone's mouth is running away with them...  no surprise there.  But the reaction from Jack is what really interests me here.  He seems genuinely surprised and shocked at how this is turning out, and that she is really serious about offering herself up like this.  Yet again I wonder what he thinks is going on here, and going to happen here...

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2018, 11:05:33 am »
Thank you Feline for sharing your thoughts on this adventure, I enjoy this interaction as much as the actual writing part of well... writing, and I very much appreciate it.

 This story is told from the wife's perspective, we can call her Jackie, that works well enough and I in all fairness should have given her a name in the beginning for clarity. I award myself five firm swats with the paddle for that little mistake that I will likely make time and again.

That being said though, Jack's feelings on the subject of borrowing Jackie for this little adventure into implied infidelity are his, and it is my feeling that he is torn between embarrassment at having to go through with this charade, and at the same time wanting that which he knows he shouldn't. Reluctantly checking out Jackie's leg all the way to the hem of her short and hiked up minidress in his little sports car while on the way to Michelangelo's I think demonstrates this. Jack eventually gets over his no touch paradigm with his best friend's wife at her (Jackie's) insistance, and with Mike not in the same proverbial room with him his hand lingers just a little while longer that Jackie had anticipated, commenting with exterme flattery that it's a nice leg, we left to wonder when the last time was that Mike, her true husband had noticed that nice leg himself.

Jack is obviously conflicted, but we don't know the details of any agreement between Jack and Mike, so the conflict could be internal, ie. a self control thing, or external, I don't want to screw up both a friendship and a marriage thing.

Jack has fantasies, being the dominate man in Jackie's life that he thinks he can't ever be, his fantasy habit of giving her a little swat on her behind to get her going proof of this, as is his gift of a wifely disipline kit from his cooworkers that may have actually been given by another ********spoiler alert*********

Jackie is wound up herself on this little vacation, dressed up and pretending to be an oversexed hotwife while Jack compliments her body, the perfect trifecta to this being the wifely disipline kit and that Jackie loves to be bound up and helpless, that tripping her trigger for the man who makes it happen, even if it's Jack.

Thank you for your thought provoking words of encouragement, Jackie.

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Re: Indecent Proposal by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2018, 11:37:14 am »
I am not sure you are trying that hard to avoid being punished here...  Well, if punishment is what it takes to keep the writing and the stories flowing...  *evil smirk*

I know that when I have done some writing seeing the story and characters through someone else's eyes and emotions matters a lot to me, since I want to know if and how I am touching and reaching them.  This is very similar for me, I really do enjoy seeing this wonderful story from your point of view as well as from mine, it adds some fascinating depth to everything that is going on here.

While reading / writing the story, as you say all from the wife's perspective, she does not need to be identified by name.  In a sense a name could almost get in the way, since we want to identify with her directly, as she is, not via a name, if that makes sense.  But a name does help when talking about her later on, behind her back, so to speak :)

Jack is fascinating, and yes, I see what you mean about being reluctant, and there is clearly a lot of embarrassment here, real caution and wariness, but...  how to try and pin down the thought...  at a basic level I can see Jack fancying his friends wife from a distance, even being jealous of him, desiring her, dreaming of being her husband instead, maybe even secret and guilty dreams of replacing her husband and becoming the man of her dreams himself.  These seem natural enough thoughts and reactions to me, and a lot of his actions sum this up very well.

But what gets me, the heart of this story points hinges on, the fact that instead of merely having and accepting these "forbidden" thoughts and desires he has shared the essence of them with her husband, got himself and wears a matching, custom designed and very expensive wedding ring, and has actively and deliberately passed himself off as her real husband at work for quite some time now!

I want to be clear that I am not judging him here, to have this level of desire, attraction and I suspect faithfulness towards a woman is a good and admirable thing, but it IS deep, powerful, and clearly starts well before their wedding day, since the extra wedding ring was no small step!

Once given permission to release and focus all of these "suppressed" feelings, I suspect the feelings are going to emerge with a hell of a lot of power, passion and need!

Now your choice of words here, about being reluctant to check out her leg in the car really catches my attention, since I read and felt about it quite differently, or perhaps am just using words differently.  He LOOKED, so keenly and actively, with such desire that his driving was instantly effected, and even while trying to play the cool, controlled and well behaved man, who's job and future is clearly in Jackie's hands, he still failed to keep his eyes and attention front and centre.  He was not the distant and passionless gentleman :)

He was reluctant to touch, to go beyond a certain point, but up to that line, there was no sense of reluctance, plus he has a long and happy history of ogling, being flirted with, and visually feasting on Jackie whenever she presented herself in a swimming costume, or other revealing outfit :)

Yes, the point about her husband admiring her leg is interesting, but again I find myself coming at this from the other side.  My interpretation and take on events is that Mike has a very active sex life with Jackie, clearly enjoys and lusts after his wife, but at the same time wants to keep her hidden, to keep her all for himself.  For me, given this mental model, I see Jackie as actively desired and lusted after whenever she is in private, but kept "on a pedestal" in public, to try and keep others from lusting after her the same way.

Again, we are seeing the same facts differently, which is part of what makes this so interesting.  Jack's "office fantasy" description of slapping his wife on the bottom to get her going, all he really has to form the basis of his "marriage" is his desires and fantasies, so if he is describing this in your fairly typical "male and matcho" environment, which is how his job sounds, his female boss also seems to fit this general pattern, there is going to be a general tendency towards sexing up the views and treatment of his wife, of playing up the "sexy slut at home" role, complete with treating her like this.

But this spoiler...  what are you thinking and plotting here?!  The first and most obvious take on this for me is that the wifely discipline kit, and with it the fairly strong hint of "sex here we come" came via Mark, her real husband?  But while reading the story, especially the way Jack's boss seemed so full of wicked delight about the gift suggested that it was exactly the sort of thing that would have come from work, and in part directly from his boss, who is trying to achieve something...  either to pry the lie apart, or more interestingly, to use the obvious lie to leverage things, to achieve something...  perhaps having a manipulative Jack and a willing accomplice in Jackie is helpful for the company, in that it speaks to his management potential - being a wicked and evil man.

Jackie is very worked up indeed, but then who wouldn't be?  Being so clearly and overtly lusted after and desired by another man, sent off with a wardrobe of clothes that are all designed to show off and draw attention to her body, to scream "sex", and with the clear instructions to act and behave like sex on legs...  add to this the clear sense, true or not, that her husband is sending her off with permission to act the full role of a wife, including any and all wifely duties...

Then on top of this feed her desires and fantasies, give her everything she could want, with a cherry on top...  any limits Jackie might try to set on her own behaviour are likely to prove very insubstantial, especially when you combine the stress of constantly being probed for weaknesses, Jack playing up the role of "man with a sex toy" for his work colleges, and the constant promise of bondage and spanking to come...  not forgetting the fact that she is constantly being paraded around in perfect flirting outfits in front of a load of strange men who will probably make no effort what so ever to keep their lustful thoughts, leering, and perhaps even playful propositions to themselves...

Ooooh, now that's an interesting thought.  Assuming for the second that Jack's boss assumes that Jackie is "simply" a hired woman playing at the role of wife, will she try and encourage, in her own subtle yet powerful manor, the other men present to try and separate Jackie from her "husband"?  After all, if she is a free agent who has no real emotional loyalty to her "employer", this might make a very effective tactic.


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