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Little Black Dress by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick

Started by teanndaorsa, November 09, 2023, 09:09:33 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
M/f; MF; anal; foreplay; pantyhose; oral; bond; collar; public; cuffs; sex; spandex; spank; tease; rom; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


I like this a lot, short, simple, but focussed, erotic, the power difference is very clearly at play, they are both on the same page, one taking, one giving, sexy and yummy :)

le Bouc

I too enjoyed this little tale of a tryst in a public area. I liked the give and take between your characters and your use of descriptives in a sensual manner. This was a nice standalone, the premise of which some of us may be familiar with  8)
Le Bouc
Use your time well, we're given only so much.


Quote from: feline on November 10, 2023, 02:35:09 PM
I like this a lot, short, simple, but focussed, erotic, the power difference is very clearly at play, they are both on the same page, one taking, one giving, sexy and yummy :)

Thank you, Feline, for those thoughtful comments. I wanted it to be like a sexy two-minute pop song. It's gratifying to hear that readers enjoyed it.


Quote from: le Bouc on November 15, 2023, 02:25:50 PM
I too enjoyed this little tale of a tryst in a public area. I liked the give and take between your characters and your use of descriptives in a sensual manner. This was a nice standalone, the premise of which some of us may be familiar with  8)
Le Bouc

Thank you for your note, Le Bouc.  Institutional knowledge in public spaces is invaluable.

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