Chapter one was extremely hot, and the thing of fantasies for me, as in sign me up, please! This was also a well written tale, the characters different enough from each other to be interesting, not just random "victims."
Dark and rough times to be sure, and it's easy to romanticize those from a today point of view. I toured a dungeon museum once in Germany with a mixed age/gender group, and their reactions to what we all saw were also varied, (just like your three girls) some were horrified, some intrigued. Some maybe wanted to be the jailer/dungeon master, some the jailed and interrogated; just like life in general. I was also left with the impression that the people who built that stuff so long ago (chairs with a thousand spikes all over it that you could put hot coals under come to mind) got off on using that stuff, on the power exchange.
I can't wait to read the next chapters, but I just wanted to drop a note to say how much I enjoyed part one.
Thank you for sharing, Jackie.