Well, my lovely wife surprised me Sunday night. She had me drag our garbage bin into the garage, empty in preparation to put me in it. Later after the kids were in bed, she had me go out and climb in. A few minutes later she came out to the garage with a bag, a very full and heavy bag of garbage. She must have cleaned out the fridge, seemed very squishy. That bag landed right on my head/face. She then started dropping in bags and kinda pushing on them. She asked if I was good, I said yes. She then said, damn it, there is too much garbage to fit in here. She then used the ladder to get in herself , and not just stomp the garbage down, she jumped up and down several times really smashing it down, she put more in, in fact all of it in. Again she jumped up and down...hard, forcing it all in. I could feel myself being compacting in, the garbage crushing all around me. It was amazing. It was almost to the point where I couldn't move, but I loved it. She closed the lid and walked off. I spent about an hour in the garbage, and had to get out. If I didn't have to go to work then next day, I might have stayed longer.
Anyway, had to share.