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Help Gromet with story reviewing?

Started by Rodrigo, September 29, 2016, 09:53:45 AM

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I know I'm just a newbie and lack the experience of other users with Gromet's plaza, but there is one issue that seems to have potential for improvement to me.
Letting all those stories be reviewed by one man seems like a huge unnecessary bottleneck to me, and I am sure there would be plenty of voluntary helpers. We could grant Gromet more free time and reduce the time we have to wait to see our stories.
My suggestion: Each author provides the story codes himself. Users can volunteer to review stories (only with certain codes if they don't like every content that is allowed.) New stories are sent to 6 randomly chosen reviewers, that check for spelling, if the provided codes are correct and if the content is conform with the writers guide. After 3 reviewers have committed their decision, and all say yes, the story can be published by an admin without being read again. If one says no, one admin does the review again and makes the final decision.

Please tell me if this is feasible or I miss some important fact!


Hi Rodrigo,

What part of Bondage Master didn't you understand? Just kidding.

Feel free to post your own stories directly into the forum. They will still get added to the main Plaza page when the time comes. That's my suggestion for what it's worth.


Hi Rodrigo,

An excellent idea, it is a bottleneck waiting for me to read, review and code the stories, especially when I'm away from home/on the road (like now). I've tried this once before with readers looking at coding the existing stories that don't have storycodes, so it could work if people are willing to help read a few stories a week or month, not necessarily for spell checking but for unsuitable content and adding the storycodes, even which area the stories should be posted ie: selfbondage/bondage/latex etc. (Some authors don't let me know this or even have a story title, frustrating when you only have little time to do an update and read thru a story only to find that it doesn't fit the area your updating today).

Spell checking I now leave to the author, there's sometimes just too much that virtually involves me rewriting their material, so now it's usually posted as the story comes in.

Once the story as been checked by a volunteer for suitability for the plaza using the guidelines, then the storycodes added they could be sent back to me for inclusion on the site. Plus you get to read the story before anyone else on the plaza.

Doesn't need to be done in a complicated fashion, readers who volunteer can express their preferences to which area they'd like to help or not help with ie: bondage or latex or vore. I can send them a couple of stories to try out if they feel comfortable doing this. Once they've done with the story just send it back to me with the storycodes so I can post it to the site.

The admins here don't have access to the main sites, but that's something I'm considering for the future. I've seen a few other websites that lived after their originators passed on (Leviticus being one - now run by Zack)

Any thoughts or suggestions are always welcome, thanks Rodrigo for the idea.


Another option that is available is to post to the forum, but that doesn't guarantee that it'll make it onto the main site. Some sections of the site are about to become forum only, they don't get a lot of stories/feedback so they'll just become forum sections in the future.


Thanks for explaining, Gromet!
In that case, how about if an author uses the feedback in the story section when they publish a story and ask readers to reply whether the writers guide was followed, then send the story to you, additionally with story codes and a link to the confirming forum entries, thus sparing you reading the story?
I know there's still a risk of people with multiple accounts supporting their own stories, but we can work around this by waiting for multiple replies or considering the amount of forum entries of the repliers.


Hi Rodrigo,

The problem with the feedback system you are proposing is most stories get very little feedback...if any. It would be different if every story received 10 replies of feedback, then it might work. I believe the most viable option is what Gromet suggests...volunteer help.

Hey Gromet,

I would like to offer myself as a volunteer should you decide to use them. It would be a pleasure for me to help you with reviewing and coding stories.

Dana -- EPL


I would also like to volunteer my services for any mundane jobs that might take a bit of the load off Gromet's capable shoulders.

At one point in the misty past readers were encouraged to look at older stories and submit story codes. Is that still a viable task?


Hi Max,

Yes the older stories need love too  ;D Please feel free to storycode the ones that don't have codes or even ones that you feel need updating.


Quote from: Gromet on October 22, 2016, 11:51:43 PM
Hi Max,

Yes the older stories need love too  ;D Please feel free to storycode the ones that don't have codes or even ones that you feel need updating.


Being much newer than most of you old hats that actually participate in discussions, I am unsure what is being looked for.

Is the needed storycodes the ones listed in the story listings or in the actual story. I have looked at several story listings that do not have codes to find them at the top of the story itself. Just call me's how I live life anyway  ;D

Dana -- EPL


Hi Dana,

We were talking about some of the really old stories that don't have a story code listed on the title pages, as an example:

You'll also notice that they are in a very old format too  ;D That's what the plaza used to look like!

Most of the stories with storycodes & a date below the title have been done.

The site will be moving to a new format soon, still working behind the scenes to tweak a few things, then you'll be able to search by storycode too. More soon.


Hey Gromet,

I will continue to look around and see if I can find stories you need some help with and storycode them between writing. I will be happy to help were I can.

Dana -- EPL


Hey Gromet, if you're going to search by storycode won't stories need to be coded from a standardized list?


Quote from: Gromet on October 23, 2016, 04:49:14 AM

We were talking about some of the really old stories that don't have a story code listed on the title pages, as an example:

Hi Gromet,

I came up with the following storycodes for the story linked above.

Storycodes: F/m; D/s; handcuff; blindfold; bond; naked; cbt; cuffs; gag; collar; cross; nipple; clamps; tease; inflatable; cons/reluct; X

I believe I stayed within the list of codes you have proscribed in the Story Codes section of the site.

I will look for more stories to help with 'code researching' on.
Dana -- EPL


@64 Fordman: Yes there is already a standardized list on the  storycode page:

I found in the new site a couple of ways chastity appeared: chas; chast & chastity. But it's easy to click on those links to re-edit the codes.

Even if we have new codes it doesn't matter as the site will automatically add them to the list for searching.

@EPL: Thanks for the storycodes, will add them shortly to their stories.


I would like to volunteer for reviewing and labeling vore stories.

There are stories on that don't appear on the plaza, is that the kind of old stories that needs story codes?

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