Hi Rodrigo,
An excellent idea, it is a bottleneck waiting for me to read, review and code the stories, especially when I'm away from home/on the road (like now). I've tried this once before with readers looking at coding the existing stories that don't have storycodes, so it could work if people are willing to help read a few stories a week or month, not necessarily for spell checking but for unsuitable content and adding the storycodes, even which area the stories should be posted ie: selfbondage/bondage/latex etc. (Some authors don't let me know this or even have a story title, frustrating when you only have little time to do an update and read thru a story only to find that it doesn't fit the area your updating today).
Spell checking I now leave to the author, there's sometimes just too much that virtually involves me rewriting their material, so now it's usually posted as the story comes in.
Once the story as been checked by a volunteer for suitability for the plaza using the guidelines, then the storycodes added they could be sent back to me for inclusion on the site. Plus you get to read the story before anyone else on the plaza.
Doesn't need to be done in a complicated fashion, readers who volunteer can express their preferences to which area they'd like to help or not help with ie: bondage or latex or vore. I can send them a couple of stories to try out if they feel comfortable doing this. Once they've done with the story just send it back to me with the storycodes so I can post it to the site.
The admins here don't have access to the main sites, but that's something I'm considering for the future. I've seen a few other websites that lived after their originators passed on (Leviticus being one - now run by Zack)
Any thoughts or suggestions are always welcome, thanks Rodrigo for the idea.