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Magical Sciency Latex

Started by polyedit2000, July 20, 2016, 09:19:47 PM

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My interest in the material known as latex sadly came from fiction.  To be more specific, it came from Beta Latex, a material from the defunct Chainsman Institute that could solidify and become restraints.  I especially liked that they could instantly create a skin-tight cocoon that could only be cut by lasers.

...My second exposure to latex probably came from Fast Fist's Supergrrl story in the form of Vlatex/Plastiskin.


The point is, latex is an interesting material to write about not just because it is smooth and shiny but because one could invent a fictional material with those main properties.  So what fictional latex have you come upon in your travels, and what kind of functions does your ultimate latex provide?

...Oh, and you could also include rubber restraints you wish in real life.  For example, the Pneumatic Suits, which are vacuum-sealed suits that makes the user look armless.


There is a such thing as self-healing rubber.

Could that be the first step toward 'living' latex that has a memory and will mold itself into predetermined shapes?  Would you dare sleep on those latex sheets?  ;D


Hm, don't know which is scarier: sleeping with that on a latex bed, or a sleeping habit that turns that blanket into a burrito. 

...Here's another old fictional latex:  Slubber, mainly on FurAffinity.  It's a rubber-coated slave, with the majority of slaves cocooned and faceless.  What stands out is that this slave-hood might be a permanent role since there are collars designed to give the slave a normal appearance with functional limbs.  So yeah, people would know you're a slubber on sight and losing that collar would automatically make you helpless.

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