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Return of a somewhat jinxed poster.

Started by SkeletonTwo, March 04, 2016, 03:31:58 AM

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Alright so tomorrow I will have about 6 hours to play, so my plan is to rig up a three bag strength drawstring bag like before and I've got some loose trash to bring in my bag with me, plus a big bag I'm going to put inside my bag to rub against me full of the weeks rubbish, I'll tie myself into it in the wheelie bin in the kitchen and I've got a weeks worth of bagged nappies inside a black bag which I'll bring in ontop of me before I close the lid as far as it will go, that bag is too tall, full of nappies, to fit in the bin ontop of me with the lid closed so at least I will have plenty of air, shame it won't be as dark as i'd like, bins are a plastic so light shines through unless its dark.

I should have an hour or so to play and then wash, going to protect myself from catching anything with a condom held on with a cock ring incase the bag I'm rubbing up against breaks (I wouldn't be too bothered if it did break :P )

I'll let you know how it goes :P


Daffy Duck

I think The wire was meant to be threaded to form a drawstring bag.

Zipties don't reopen. Once they are shut, they are shut whether you change you mind or not. So beware.

Nappies - yuck !  Poo (literally).



Quote from: Daffy Duck on March 25, 2016, 01:55:34 AM
I think The wire was meant to be threaded to form a drawstring bag.

Zipties don't reopen. Once they are shut, they are shut whether you change you mind or not. So beware.

Nappies - yuck !  Poo (literally).


I meant about the spool/bobbin.

Nappies are gross, I'm not into scat, they are all bagged in nappy bags in a tall black bag, its just a weighty sack is all.

I think I will just double bag the bag in the kitchen, use it for above me, forget about the heavy nappy bag, and do everything i plan to do at the end of april but for a shorter time, as a practice run.


Daffy Duck

A bag full of nappies is likely to give off "a smell" as the heat from your body warms up the contents of the bag.

So you are likely to get more the experience than purely the weight of a heavy bag.  Silly Skele.

Then there is the possibility of leaks.....


Trash girl

hihi i whould not mind geting coverd in the nappies seeing as i love the smell it give's and the leaks i shiver just thinking of it hihi


Nappies are brilliant as they are soft, I often use a bag of nappies as a pillow

Trash girl

awsome don't think i whold do that myshelf Bren but thay are nice and soft like you said


Long as the Bag is watertight. Should have no problems with leak. And as I said. GREAT PILLOW. Lol.

Trash girl

if i chould i whould love to get packed in real good with trash bages full of nappies


Trash girl



Indeed it would. No one to play it out with or do it to me tho lol!

Trash girl

same i don't know who i can play with either  :(

Daffy Duck

It sounds as Bren and Trash Girl have found each other !


Trash girl

 :-[ hehe yes daffy it sound to me that we have we do like the same kind of trash

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