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Return of a somewhat jinxed poster.

Started by SkeletonTwo, March 04, 2016, 03:31:58 AM

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Daffy Duck

Good luck, Skele.

I agree there should be more trash / polythene bag friendly videos to watch.....


Trash girl

Awsome your not the only one enjoying being naked in the trash i also love to feel the trash on my body and how i whould just blend in with it

Daffy Duck

With a name like Trash Girl. This comes as no surprise.


Quote from: Daffy Duck on March 10, 2016, 02:34:38 AM
Good luck, Skele.

I agree there should be more trash / polythene bag friendly videos to watch.....


It would be quite hard to make though as a lot of the trash thing is point of view stuff, I suppose a face mounted go pro with its own light might work but still I dunno.



Quote from: Trash girl on March 10, 2016, 08:33:09 AM
Awsome your not the only one enjoying being naked in the trash i also love to feel the trash on my body and how i whould just blend in with it

I love the feel of being naked, trying to bury and surround myself as deeply as possible in the garbage. I do it at night with very low light shining in from the other room, so that I can close the lid of the bin while I'm playing (not 100%, don't worry Daffy :P I won't suffocate!) and its actually dark then inside like it should be. I have tried to have a bag ontop of me in the bin as well before but often it just ends up with neck ache from holding up even a little weight for a long time.

Still looking for more ideas about what kinda garbage I could throw myself away with.


Daffy Duck

Hi Skele,

I would like to see some gopro videos on Youtube. Of the bin and the trash.

Glad you heed the need to keep the lid ajar. I almost passed out once, when I did not. It is all too easy to think you are safe, when actually you are not. And before you know it, you are asleep.

What kind of garbage is entirely your choice. There are no rules when it comes to personal taste. But avoid sharp objects. Avoid hazardous objects (asbestos, acids etc.). And avoid stuff which contained or touched raw meat. Remember the head of a man's penis, inside your arse and inside every human mouth, there are no conventional skin layers to act as a barrier against diseases (i.e. think of the AIDS message).  You don't want to transfer muck from hands to penis for example.

One reason why I double bag my trash. Another reason, is I like to feel of polythene against my skin.

Play safe, and live to play again another day. Having to explain how you got yourself injured or with a diseased penis is not one conversation you will enjoy with the doctors, wife, girlfriend etc. !!



Quote from: Daffy Duck on March 11, 2016, 11:36:19 AM
Hi Skele,

I would like to see some gopro videos on Youtube. Of the bin and the trash.

Glad you heed the need to keep the lid ajar. I almost passed out once, when I did not. It is all too easy to think you are safe, when actually you are not. And before you know it, you are asleep.

What kind of garbage is entirely your choice. There are no rules when it comes to personal taste. But avoid sharp objects. Avoid hazardous objects (asbestos, acids etc.). And avoid stuff which contained or touched raw meat. Remember the head of a man's penis, inside your arse and inside every human mouth, there are no conventional skin layers to act as a barrier against diseases (i.e. think of the AIDS message).  You don't want to transfer muck from hands to penis for example.

One reason why I double bag my trash. Another reason, is I like to feel of polythene against my skin.

Play safe, and live to play again another day. Having to explain how you got yourself injured or with a diseased penis is not one conversation you will enjoy with the doctors, wife, girlfriend etc. !!


Kinda wish I owned a waterproof go pro thing now, but I don't own any sort of camera besides the rubbish one on my phone.

I'm always careful to make sure I have the air supply and that there is absolutely no way the bin lid can come completely down (even when I don't have the bag tied over the rim (the bags i have are too small for that).

What are the rules on cooked meats? No more than a few hours after cooking or what? I always scrub and wash vegetables in hot soapy water before including them in any play scenario, peeled or otherwise, to protect from possible parasites or whatever. I like my mess but I like it safely. Decided that as well as a lot of pasta and sauces and maybe some rice and some other stuff that I may make a big load of mashed potato to help fill the bag as you can get potatos cheap, and if washed well then I'll have lots of peels too. Also I may buy some nappies in the size my baby wears so as not to be suspicious and then soil them with my own pee (I can just pee into a jar and pour it on them) and add those to the bin. Guess it'll just be whatever I can find at the time as well.

Thanks for your continued advice and stuff.


Daffy Duck

Hi Skele,

You might be safe with cooked meat. But when in doubt, play safe.

Most trash has biological hazards to a greater or lesser extent.

As I said, I don't have this problem at all with double-bagged waste.


Trash girl

hope you are gonna have a fun time in the bin

Daffy Duck

We all want to have fun. Just not to get injured or killed in the pursuit of happiness.


Quote from: Trash girl on March 12, 2016, 05:08:14 PM
hope you are gonna have a fun time in the bin

Oh I would imagine so ;)



Quote from: Daffy Duck on March 12, 2016, 08:41:46 PM
We all want to have fun. Just not to get injured or killed in the pursuit of happiness.

Indeed, got my bags today, 300litre ones but won't know if the dimensions are correct til I have some baby free time on Tuesday afternoon. Going to get some extra strong tape on monday too for it.

The best thing I find is to plan, plan, plan, and you can never be too prepared, have a new idea and you gotta think it through and over again to be certain.


Daffy Duck

The detail is in the planning.

Still you cannot foresee things which are unforeseeable. Accidents do happen.

Good planning does reduce risks, but many not eliminate all. Even those of us who do things all the time, can get overconfident.

I wish you well.



Hello again.

Did some experimentation today with bag strengths and my drawstring idea. Observatiobs as follows:

Attempts to strengthen bags with tape causes more tears than anything and doesn't work.
Bags are pretty thin so I may need to double or triple bag myself.
Drawstring works but difficult to get all the way tight and only really works with one bag so not sure if suitable for double/triple bagging.
I've grown a little since before.
Bags are correct tall style, must aquire more.
I need to test if hand tying is more efficient/stronger than tje drawstring.
I need to test if i still fit in the bin.
I should be able to produce enough safe garbage to play in.
Playing double bagged is pretty fun without garbage too.

Thanks all again,

Daffy Duck

Hi Skele,

Thanks for the update.

Tape + polythene = tears in bag.  No surprise there !

You have grown a little since before - haven't we all ? 

As we get older, the trend is to gain weight and not be so nimble getting in and out of wheelie bins. Sad but true.

Double bagged is pretty fun - Did not take you long to discover that pleasure.  There is hope for you yet, my friend !


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