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The Quintessential Modern Woman by Marcus

Started by teanndaorsa, January 10, 2023, 10:26:22 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
F/f; fpov; latex; bdsm; boots; electro; toys; hogtie; insert; armbinder; blindfold; bond; chastity; clamps; corset; cuffs; gag; head-harness; hood; posture-collar; spreader; straps; cons; reluct; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


Excellent Story, Thank you I really enjoyed it.

Morkaii (Marcus)

- a sick mind is true delight -


Your welcome.
Thanks for showing me the correct way to spell en pointe LOL
New something was missing.

Morkaii (Marcus)

Quote from: Mikel on January 12, 2023, 12:49:43 AM
Thanks for showing me the correct way to spell en pointe

4 years of studying French finally paid off 😅
- a sick mind is true delight -


I thoroughly enjoyed this story. The premise is so simple, a young woman helps another dress in rubber and steel and then places her in inescapable bondage. I like the idea it is set at the turn of the last century, gives it a sense of piquancy, or even innocence perhaps, for me at least.
The story couldn't be more straightforward, we have read dozens like this. What sets it apart, for me, is the quality of the writing. The slow build-up of tension between the two women, as Reiko dresses her friend Hailey, piece by piece, is intimately detailed and measured, and I think is excellent. Soon Hailey is sealed in rubber and steel, completely helpless, unable to move an inch, and content.
It has been consensual up to the near the end, but there is an undercurrent that there might be a twist to come. While Hailey is clearly a submissive, has the butler, Mr. Thompson, who has been given instructions to take care of Hailey in Reiko's absence, ideas beyond his station? Perhaps i am reading too much into this, but then that is the sign of a good story.
Thank you for writing and posting this.

Morkaii (Marcus)

Quote from: rbbral on January 13, 2023, 04:35:33 PM
What sets it apart, for me, is the quality of the writing

Thank you very, VERY much! ❤

Quote from: rbbral on January 13, 2023, 04:35:33 PM
It has been consensual up to the near the end, but there is an undercurrent that there might be a twist to come. While Hailey is clearly a submissive, has the butler, Mr. Thompson, who has been given instructions to take care of Hailey in Reiko's absence, ideas beyond his station?

I will say that you might be on to something but don't want to give too much away. I have started writing a 2nd part and Mr. Thompson is definitively part of it but hit a bit of a snag so I am currently working on a new story but when that is finished I hope to return to this one 😊
- a sick mind is true delight -


I am happy to hear you might be continuing with a sequel, but please don't feel that I am pressing you to write one. I am quite often asked to continue with a story but, for the most part, am happy as it is and want to move onto something else.
Your Morkaii name rings a bell, and I remember 'A Thing For Rubber'. Did you used to have a website, I remember your excellent pictures, stunning, and your stories as well, which are here on this site. And I see you are on Fetlife too.
I find it hard to believe that English is not your first language, and I certainly couldn't detect that. As I said below, this is very well written, even the vernacular, which is hard to pick up.
All the best

Morkaii (Marcus)

Quote from: rbbral on January 13, 2023, 06:20:28 PM
please don't feel that I am pressing you to write one

Not at all, i have already written around half of part 2 already 😊

Quote from: rbbral on January 13, 2023, 06:20:28 PM
'A Thing For Rubber'. Did you used to have a website

Yes I did, together with my wife 😅
- a sick mind is true delight -


I never really read your fictions before. I saw them on DA but I was like meh. I remember your comic from back when.  All your stories have been great and I feel like a fool for not reading them sooner. This was so good.  I feel like you tried to change your writing style and meter to make reading it seem turn of the century. All of us fetishists are lucky to be living now. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to get gear like you use now. Oh it would be so impossible.  This was wonderful. I hope Thompson doesn't add too much drama in the next chapter.

Morkaii (Marcus)

Quote from: crimsin on January 16, 2023, 09:53:18 PM
All your stories have been great and I feel like a fool for not reading them sooner. This was so good.

Don't sweat it, I'm just glad you like them 😅

Quote from: crimsin on January 16, 2023, 09:53:18 PM
I feel like you tried to change your writing style and meter to make reading it seem turn of the century.

I tried to yes and glad someone picked up on it. 😊

Quote from: crimsin on January 16, 2023, 09:53:18 PM
Can you imagine how difficult it would be to get gear like you use now.

Would suck for sure. As you said, we live in pretty awesome times in comparison 😏
- a sick mind is true delight -

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