Another installment (spin off?) of my favorite series.
I had expected the Halloween story to lean heavily into the supernatural/vampire theme.
Instead it uses it as a backdrop, a clever misdirection , whilst exploring the perspectives of a transsexual and a switch.
I really like that the author doesn’t just use the presence of a dick as either a thing of shame or a sex toy.
It’s moving to read about this strong woman that even though she has come to terms with what she is is still afraid of the response/rejection from others. Her two submissives coaxing her through these emotions and encouraging her to explore is a perfect example of not having to be the top to be there to support a lover.
(Also the sex scenes are super hot and the twist at the end is completely in character and yet still unexpected, and did I mention super hot. So basically if you don’t like my sappy take read it for that scene alone, then go back and read it because asue it’s all pure sex as well)