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looking for maid-type story

Started by taurired, September 12, 2022, 11:11:45 AM

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Likely from mcstories but I couldn't find it here.
What I remember:

Mistress get maidbot. she is recycled human (they do this to criminals here as far as I remember).
She needs regular reinforcement in chair with headset. (with some induction via implant and via phrases like "a toy a puppet a mindless plaything")
Mistress throws(?) maidbot to wall and she got some head damage. Her implant was damaged and she did remember her past.
She started to hate her mistress.
After some time she put mistress in chair and later returned her to factory for fixing. This was done to cover her own escape.
"Maidbot's" name was Fifi(?)

This was rather old story as far as I remember.

Could anybody help?



Fifi is a fairly searchable term, but doesn't throw up any stories on Only thing that looks close is which has machine / mind-control aspects.


I also initially thought I could find it up by "Fifi" in my local archive and on web.

It's not Weekend maid (which I read and like a lot)
It's not Slut Chip either (which I'm reading now but story I search for doesn't have TG elements)


find it!
it's Softbots R Us by thrall from mcstories. It was removed from mcstories for some reason but finding full name in other person's reader's pick about it was enough to find actual text.

Sometimes remembering I create Google CSE with limited set of sites ( ) helps to get at least pointer to

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