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Girl Crush by Jackie Rabbit

Started by teanndaorsa, September 01, 2022, 03:29:03 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
F/f; F/m; fpov; cuckold; chastity; oral; sex; cuffs; outdoors; strip; gag; rom; cons; X
F/f; F/m; fpov; cuckold; chastity; oral; sex; cuffs; outdoors; strip; gag; rom; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


A disclaimer, this is not the type of story that appeals to me.  But it is well written and provides an interesting point of view, one I am not equipped to fully appreciate.

I usually avoid stories that involve cheating spouses, even if it is with full disclosure in advance.  In the universe of my stories this will never occur, but that's my kink.  From the male point of view I would rather expect the husband to adopt more of a "don't ask, don't tell" attitude to the wife's outside adventures.  Sometimes it's better to look but not see.  He has come to terms with the benefits being worth the cost, though I wouldn't agree with the decision.

The theme of the story is one I can't relate to, so no comment there per se.  Lacking any information to the contrary I assume it's an accurate representation of what goes on in the wife's head.  The use of first person works well in presenting events as they unfold, and the evolving emotions as the story progresses.
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide


Thank you, I sincerely appreciate your comments, but not every story will appeal to every reader, nor should it. I like the building passion here, it starts with a supportive friend, and ends up in a full blown lusty forbidden girl crush. In this relationship the husband is willing to share what he feels lucky to have, as if he doesn't think he should have this all to himself. He doesn't think he's about to share with another woman though, it's just not the way things go for this unique couple.

Kris is on the rebound though, and people in that situation do some unique things, especially since Kris seems to have given up on men, so that either leaves celibacy, or other women, and Kris has a body built for passion. That part I wanted to build up slowly, but it seems that Kris is laser focused on her next target, one that's available and there for the taking oddly enough. Kris is opportunistic in this, once she learns a bit more about this unique marriage, the one with a hall pass built in, and a husband already trained to obey. Not what my alter ego character expected at the start of their coffee date, and not what my story husband thought might happen either. He doesn't even see Kris as a potential lover, not to mention a serious threat to their relationship.

...After all, share your fantasies and dreams with somebody courting you, and they just might make them happen, all to win the grand prize...

My story husband is quite submissive, and depending on how things go he just might end up submitting to Kris as well, the two becoming an owned couple, although with only one of the two sharing Kirs's bed. From a logical point of view, if Kris decided that she wanted my alter ego character for her exclusively, as in no man will touch what I claim is now mine, she would have to, in some way, make sure my alter ego didn't have a place to go back home to again.

Lusty girl crushes have consequences, and Kris is a woman who gets what she wants, no single man will stand in the way of her happiness, even one with a legitimate claim. I think Kris now sees men as useful tools, good for a purpose or two, but not true equals. I could leave this one right here, not knowing if rescue is coming, or in what form if it does, or I could tell the rest of the story...

As far as the don't ask, don't tell thing, that actually feels more unsettled and like actual cheating to me. I've done vague and uncertain "permission" before, and for me it's maddening not to have things more clear. But truth be told I've found myself in the position of purposely not looking for things you don't want to find, or learn, so there is that. "How does he really feel about all this? Don't ask, because when he tells you you're then obligated to do something about that, make a decision you don't want to have to, confess to something you'd rather keep secret."

Thank you again for your comments, Jackie.


Not for the first time I ended up with more to say than expected, so enjoy lots of random thoughts :)

This is off to an interesting start, I like how the scene is being set to easily.  At first our main lady, who I will call Jackie, not getting on so well with other women seemed a little strange, but now we know more about the nature of her relationship, and the options that it offers, this makes more sense, in that some other women would be understandably wary of her.

Seeing the first time her boyfriend said no is very interesting.  She is coming across as young and naive, so interested in her own pleasures and fun and not really considering the bigger picture, or the effects her actions could have on the other mans family.  It also begs the question of why your husband shut this option down, was it a concern for the other family, or more of a concern about the specific man?  Then again, these two may very well be the same thing.

The idea that romance novel looks on a man are not enough to bed Jackie though...  well, you have just dashed all of those romance novels!  How can you be so heartless and cruel as to suggest that some personality and something between the ears is also required?  Shocking, really, what sort of shallow and empty headed woman does she take herself for *smirk*

Oh my lord!  The first looser on the married to Kris game show!  Now that is a turn of phrase I don't think I have ever come across before, even if it does rather make me smile :)

The thoughts on the meat market make me smile, and these make a lot of sense to me.  I sometimes feel this is an unusual world view, but perhaps I am just thinking odd things is all.  Either way, it turns out your open secret isn't quite so open, or is more secret, than expected.  Then again, the rumour that you might have a hall pass and the idea that you really do, in reality, are rather different things...

Oh lord, the turns of phrases keep on coming, someone new thinking they will get to be the head rooster in your house...  an understandable problem, but it also says something for the thinking powers of such men *rolls eyes*

Well, husband has just taken another serious step forward, in terms of being impressive, suggesting that you take the time to provide company and support for a friend in need, especially given the sort of support that it turned into in the end.  Very aware of what people need and looking to provide it.

Oooh, a little jealous...  well, for good reason, even if it is just a thought only you are having.

Sudden urge to whap you round the head with something...  I know, I am being unfair with this urge, but seriously, it is almost as if the idea of your husband with someone else is one that you haven't had to confront before now, and its not really even come up.  Do you really think that concerns like this have never crossed his mind when you are eyeing up a bit of fun on the side?  Then again, its different when the shoe is on the other foot isn't it :)

Ah, and she gets to the shoe on the other foot point herself a moment later.  This does seem to be an uncommon situation for you though, but also, yes, a good reminder.

Watching you get railroaded is rather amusing, actually very amusing, especially given how little has been said to achieve this.  Again, outside of your normal situation, no longer the one driving and controlling the seduction are we...  *smirk*

It is fascinating how much is said with so few words, and the massive pile of thoughts, considerations and ideas that flow through this "conversation".

Back to your husband, and while the passion is very much expected, the news that he gets cut off when you have another man is somewhat less expected, although there were hints of things perhaps going in this direction earlier.  Still, it just goes to show how accommodating and loving he really is!

Well, you were very rough with him, not the ideal approach for him to give you his all, in the best way possible.  But when you have to go for it, you have to go for it!

The difference between how he sees her and how she sees herself is on full display here, and it is quite the gulf indeed!  Not that is really a surprise, all in all.  But clearly you bring a lot to the table, and this results in a very happy husband, but still no reason to take him for granted.

There is a very old "joke", or serious observation, that a good woman can defeat any 10 men in the bedroom, I am reminded yet again of this, but also of the reasons for that old "joke", which have a lot to do with different needs and focus.  Still, good to know what your passions and desires are!

Who would not be flattered that his wife was this desirable and amazing?  I suppose the answer is any painfully insecure male, but who wants to bother with one of those jealous lumps?

Oh now that's naughty!  No secrets, but leaving the fact that it is Kris who set you on fire unsaid...  playing with the rules a little aren't we?  Then again, you have been GIVEN the power in this situation, so you are allowed to.

Having seen more of the events, it is so obvious that you are planning something with Kris, but given your complete lack of sexual interest in women before, its no wonder this isn't so clear from the outside.  Your rings clashing with her plans though... that's a curious hint.

The symbolism of leaving your rings at home is MASSIVE, so its hardly surprising that doing so has a serious effect on his mood and emotions!

Nice arrival with Kris, although Jackie's constant self doubts, while very real, are a little tiring.  I want her to start realising Kris sees something valuable and attractive in her, the way she is treating you is screaming this after all!  As for the difference between a 5 and a 10, that makes me smile and says a lot that is sensible :)

The replacement dress option, maybe the reason is one you have not suggested, she wants to present you like a VERY sexy treat to anticipate and tease everyone with, before taking you home and having you, having worked up a proper appetite?  Seems reasonable to me.

The submission over what you wear fits well with what we have learned about you, but you are still not seeing or considering yourself as Kris seems to be viewing and considering you...  what is wrong with the "look how stunning she is, and I am taking her home, not you" display?

Go somewhere else to change, after she just got you down to panties and shoes?  To what end exactly?  You are hardly protecting your modesty here, in fact you are here for the evening with plenty of expectations of where things are going...

Interestingly I find I have to question the thinking here...  yes, someone is likely to try to steal you away from Kris while out dancing, but as I understand it, this is totally normal use of English, this is actually what people say, the way the comment goes, so while you can read an owned double meaning into it, I do wonder if you are reading something that doesn't exist into it here, for once.  Although in general there is the clear sense of you being set up as her partner in mass teasing and seduction, which is a good look :)

Of course the fancy shoes fit, it should be obvious by now that all of this has been carefully planned and organised...  this is a very well planned "trap"!

LOL, you getting to shock Kris, about time she realised she isn't the only "wild child" here!

It is interesting where you want to draw lines isn't it, since suddenly I find myself almost angry with Jackie.  I had, have no problem with her keeping her husband locked up in chastity while she goes out to have her fun, but the idea that she "needs" to deny him the pleasure of thinking about another woman while she is out enjoying another man, something about this really rubs me up the wrong way.  It feels like the wrong reasons and justification for what is going on here.

*sigh* cheese photo, really?  She is wrapped around you, hands going for inside your clothes, this isn't about cheese, this is "step 1, step 2 incoming, and strap-on will be happening in 2 minutes" photo!

Dumped naked, now where have we seen signs of that fantasy before...  plus it fits perfectly with the desire to be hunted "prey" *smirk*

Now in the car, not quite sure which look Kris is talking about, but also good that she is starting to get an understanding of the dynamic in this marriage, it isn't exactly the expected dynamic, so of course she needs to check and be sure...

Of course Kris would never dump you like that, that would be stupid and dangerous...  but that doesn't mean that she cannot explore the ideas that this level of control and dominance is something you want to explore, and that you want to be pushed...  that fits well with how she has been approaching this whole date and experience after all...

Leaving the club with each other, I am reminded of that silly picture that goes by now and then on the internet, a woman who is described as a "bar-sexual", she kisses other women to get men to pick her up *rolls eyes* but it fits, and the general fantasy and interest is clearly there.

Now the bangles becoming handcuffs is rather unexpected, and speaks to a more kinky and wicked set of planning here, since that was clearly well planned in advance!

Taking her to the park is hot, but seems very sudden, random almost, even if it does play into her fantasy extremely well.  Telling her off for teasing Kris seems odd though.  Certainly she teased the other men, but she was on her knees, looking to stop being just a tease for Kris, so what is the plan here?

The gag is good, but nothing holding it in place...

No, on reflection this ending hasn't really worked for me, it feels to sudden, to out of character for Kris.  It feels very much in character for Jackie, our wife, it is everything she wanted and hoped for, but it feels to random and out of control.  Kris has been almost coldly calculating up to this point, so many things organised and prepared.  Even assuming we have a very drunk and so out of control Kris here, Tony is not drunk, he is professional and being protective.  Playing out and going along with the fantasy is fine, but something feels off and wrong here...

I would need to know why Kris came to this point and what was driving her, I think, to feel better about this, and this is just not there.  I have enjoyed most of this journey, its well written, shows a lot of character depth, but this...  it feels sudden and out of place, which is sad, since I feel that so much more could have been done with this ending.

Hell, at a bare minimum, do something so she cannot simply open her mouth and be ungagged in one second flat.


First off, thank you as always for your wonderful feedback, it really helps me to write better. My first intention was to tell a one-off story, but the chapter was getting long, and I then decided to end on what I hoped was a cliff hanger, either leaving it there if there was zero interest in any kind of conclusion, or telling the rest of the tale if there was.

I'm of course obligated to tell the rest of the story now, Kris listening closely to her good friend and providing the experience she had fantasized about (something no man has been able to do for her) a version of what Jackie had shared with her. If Kris had some forewarning about this potential experience she could have planned better for it, but this spur of the moment thing was still quite thoughtful all the same. The special bangles were intended as restraints from the get-go, but if they actually got used or not kind of depended on Jackie's level of interest. It turns out that she was very receptive, giving Kris the green light to try something sexy and fun, testing the dominant waters as it were.

Does Kris leave Jackie naked and abandoned in the park, does Tony let her? Not likely. Does Kris have Tony drive her around the back side of the park and wait there, Kris sneaking back to her friend in order to negotiate her release, the terms of her surrender to her new lover; who doesn't like to share, especially with men? More likely. Maybe a last option is Kris really wanting Jackie's well-trained husband for herself, despite her words about being done with men. Maybe "done with men" implies ordinary men, and not one like Jackie's husband? Maybe, maybe Kris wants both of them as an owned couple, one for play time, and one for other necessary chores and services. If Kris sees men as tools, and if Jackie's husband is already trained up to be Jackie's useful tool, is it such a stretch of imagination that he could be another's too, serve a new mistress?

As far as the gag, I intend Kris to take notice of that, if this wasn't fun for my alter ego character she would have spit that gag out and demanded to be let go, maybe even screaming for Tony to help her while he was within earshot, but she didn't do that. She as well might have rubbed her wrists raw trying to get out of the bangles, breaking them even in a frantic attempt at escape, but this didn't happen either. This tells Kris and everybody else that she's into this level of kink, that the experience is in line with her desires to have Kris in charge of her very freedom. She wants to be gifted to another like this, and Kris somehow saw this, was perceptive enough to see the diamond in the rough, the raw opportunity.

Just some thoughts, but I am curious as to what potential ending you see.

Thank you again, Jackie.


Your writing and then the level of conversation afterwards encourage me getting carried away with feedback :)

I love how Kris was able to put together what she saw, was told and understood, and came up with such a decisive plan of action on the spur of the moment, and yes it was a cliff hanger, but written and presented as a one off story with no follow up intended, that didn't sit well with me, but still, it happens :)

Going with my gut instinct for what is happening here, firstly I simply don't see Jackie letting her husband go without one hell of a fight, but more than that, I don't see the husband being tempted away by beauty or wealth.  This would be far to "shallow" for my reading of him.  He offers and gives far to much to his wife to be so easily led astray.  Beyond that, any woman who would so disrespect his wife as to try and steal him away from her is someone he would not be able to respect.  To much of what they share and have built is based on their investment into each other, respect and total love for each other, and how this works and manifests.

Having said that, Kris seems like someone who would get a MASSIVE, absolutely incredible, kick out of using her "seduction" of Jackie to tease a locked in chastity husband to absolute distraction.  After all, all men deserve some payback in her world view right now.  The lack of jealousy and supportive nature show that this is a different sort of man, but being basically given this level of power over both Jackie and the husband is surely going to go to her head.

So the first question becomes if the teasing is only going to be remote, pictures and videos of the two of them to tease and tantalize, or if the teasing would move to being in person, so both women can enjoy his total frustration in person - yes, I am evil :)

As for Jackie's fantasy, well, now it has been discovered, and given how swiftly and "ruthlessly" Kris moved to bring this something special to life for Jackie, it has to be explored again, occasionally, but with more pre-planning, more power, more impact and "wow factor"...  *smirk*


Oh, I do think Kris has a score to settle with the male population in general, and tormenting the man she has quasi access to makes all the sense in the world; she kind of has a head start on this to be honest. If Jackie's husband turned tail and ran, or folded his hand and left the table that would probably be just fine with Kris, but as you pointed out that would be out of character, for both characters. Nope, the devoted husband will have his burden to carry, and I could see Kris either owning, or renting a remote cabin that one or the other could be deposited at without clothes or transportation back home, as in a comfortable mountain jail.

That would be some wicked abandonment, for those that are into such things like myself, maybe a week at the cabin for the husband, maybe even with a honey-do list from Kris of the things he's required to get done if he ever wants his wife back? Or, Kris could make him into the serving wench, just wearing his smallest chastity device with Kris in possession of the only key, and maybe both ladies tormenting him with some extended girl on girl play, as in a private and sexy exclusive show? It could be a bit cruel, or straight up playful for all three, depending on the details.

Maybe a wager of some kind, with a week's servitude and a chastity key in the poker pot for either the husband or the wife; Jackie's husband purposely losing so that Jackie could win, or so that he would not be compelled to "cheat" on Jackie with Kris, even though at some level he'd really like to? Such self-sacrifice would be genuine to the husband's character after all.

Anyway, just some ideas to toy around with, Jackie.


A second part to this up tonight, enjoy!


Got here finally, lets see what thoughts I have as I read this :)

A dream come true indeed, but the first, very strong thought, is her emotional tone, there is no sense of fear or terror.  Wondering if this is what she wants, perhaps curiosity, questioning herself, but none of the "blind panic" that logic would suggest, especially since it is already becoming clear that this isn't going to be a 3 second "scare".

Again, now wondering, maybe even hoping, for more men to come visiting, and instead of worrying about what will happening, she is wondering if they will want Kris there to encourage things along...  talk about into this!

Apparently you do like to be a real tease...  not sure tease is quite the right word for basically fucking like bunnies in the back seat, but it will do for now :)

No real sense of how long she has been waiting when she thinks she detects someone coming up behind her, but still very much in the zone, and apparently being taken away as a captive is a good general option here!

Kris watched over you, so you are safe to let go and indulge all your wicked desires with her...  a logical, if not exactly common response to this situation I feel ;)

Maybe reading far to much into "buttercup" as a name, but submission to Kris really is the name of the game, isn't it?  As for the closest thing to an apology, I really don't get the feeling that apologies are going to factor in this night at all...  *evil smirk*

Well, they both seem to be in agreement that Jackie isn't going to behave, so how is this going to be addressed?  There is a price for this, that makes sense.  Kris really is a natural at all of this, and her level of skill does rather suggest quite a lot of practice, at least practice at reading and directing people, and the cuffs becoming handcuffs rather says that she has had plenty of practice in this side of things as well!

Anything you can give you will give, but where does your husband, and his key, fit into all of this?  There are definitely longer term questions at work here, but for now you are busy living in, and loving the moment :)

Well, who is not going to delight in the sight of a naked and helpless captive, happy with her situation, being returned to the car?  Perhaps not the first time, but surely always a delight to savour and enjoy :)

Apparently your submissive state is setting your mind to buzzing, but I would not be quite so sure that your neighbour would never loose the required weight, with that sort of offer on the table, assuming he took you seriously that is...  you have to consider how obviously compelling you are after all!

The building effects of passion are very solid and good, and are something I wonder if enough people really stop to consider, enjoy and savour!  I do want to wonder about the comment that no male would take so long to build the passion and desire before moving forward, but suspect such thoughts are me wanting the world to be a different place than it really is most of the time.

Nice to see the connection and the passion building and coming together here :)  Still leaves a lot of the bigger and longer term questions about the goals and direction of all of this unanswered though, so fingers crossed for some more of this with time :)


Thank you as always for such thoughtful comments. I left it a bit vague at first as to if Kris was looking for a near equal, or a more submissive lover, but my alter ego character went from Jackie, to girlfriend, all the way to Buttercup by the end. It was Jackie's feedback, her acceptance and submission that told Kris what position she wished in this relationship. Jackie was, in a way, also free for the taking, an unexpected surprise maybe, or something Kris had suspected all along, and she only used this "opportunity" to prove her suspicion perhaps?

...When you "own" something, it's yours to rename as you see fit, we do this with our pets, our boats, even our ranches. Of course these are lesser things as compared to a fellow human being, but I intended a bit of objectification here as well; a pet name for a pet lover...

Dumped off and abandoned is super hot and sexy for me, so I had to give my alter ego this desire as well, as is being one half of an owned couple. I could almost imagine the power trip for Kris if she could somehow "own" both husband and wife simultaneously. He's impossibly devoted and giving with Jackie, and trained to defer to and obey the woman in his life, but what if there were a second woman, one that had "possession" of the first? Would it be natural to defer to such a woman, even without the promise of sex?

Then of course there is that key, the key to the husband's masculinity. He gives this freely to his wife because of the nuances of their unique relationship, but what happens if a third person, an outsider to the relationship wiggles her way in there and somehow takes possession of that key? Now the chaste husband would have to do Kris' bidding, if he wished to ever gain access to his deprived man parts. Guys get very useful after being locked up for a while, very open to suggestions, even ones that take them out of their comfort zone.

Could Kris do all this, and them maybe come to the conclusion that men aren't necessarily the problem, just men with free and unfettered access to their guy parts are. Could Kris end up keeping both husband and wife; Buttercup being the playtoy, the wonderful physical distraction to a stressful day of playing with other people's money, and the caged husband as a straight up unpaid servant to do her bidding, and the more menial chores that I myself personally loathe at times?

Anyway, I already have a bunch of projects going at the moment, but if I were to continue this one I think I would take it in the direction that I've suggested...

Thank you again for your kind words, Jackie.

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