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The Illustrator by Jack Peacock

Started by teanndaorsa, July 09, 2022, 03:49:56 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
M/f; M/m; bond; cuffs; gag; predicament; torture; enclosed; chair; ironmaiden; gibbet; death; nc; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


I look at the story codes and I have to wonder: Is this guy one sick puppy, or what?  You read a story like this, don't you have to ask the question, is the author just a bit too close to textbook psychosis?  Me, I'm just glad I don't live next to this weirdo.

At least there won't be a sequel.  We all know from watching movies the demise of the villain puts an end to the story...
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide


Quote from: jakbird on July 09, 2022, 08:28:57 PM
At least there won't be a sequel.  We all know from watching movies the demise of the villain puts an end to the story...

Wasn't that the status quo ante, back when villains always had to be the losers?


Magnificent and well written, it's a dark and gruesome tale right out of Tales From The Darkside. Not that I really watch horror movies, (modern ones at any rate) but this reads like the Saw series, dark and sadistically entertaining. Maybe not for everybody, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, enjoyed the storytelling, and the ending obviously. It's also a fast jump into the action parts, we as readers pick up right in the middle of things well underway. I obviously disagree with the other comments as well, as I could easily envision a sequel...

Thank you for sharing, Jackie.


I appreciate the feedback.  The story was well outside my comfort zone in terms of theme and characters, but it did prove an interesting challenge.  Since the plot revolved around a graphic story, comics, I had some fun with the names of the characters.  Embedded in the story were some of the greatest illustrators of the 20th century, for comics at least.  Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, the guys who put to paper Stan Lee's Spiderman; plus Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel, the creators of Superman.  Betty and Veronica, of course, came from Archie Comics.  Inspector Henderson was a bit more obscure unless you grew up with the 1950's version of Superman on TV.

And like any good comic, no more than two pages before the action starts.  Lots of gratuitous violence, yet in the end Truth, Justice and The American Way always prevails.  Cue that flag in the background as the credits roll....

Sequels?  Never waste a good villain.  How many times did Superman have to battle Lex Luthor?  Spiderman had to defeat The Octopus at least once a year.  And Archie?  He had to balance two girlfriends, a far more daunting task than fighting Dr. Doom, with only Jughead and Moose to back him up.  Let's see, how about: Godzilla vs. The Artisan?
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide


Jack -
I thoroughly enjoyed the Illustrator.  Always a fan of devious, complicated predicament bondage. And to package it as a murder mystery is a great idea. It's also well written, with good use of short, punchy paragraphs, interesting dialogue, and shifting perspectives.

Just wanted to introduce myself. I started writing my bondage fantasies lately, with the pen name of Kevin Quinn. I have a story on this site, Weekend at Bettie's, about a man serving as a bound sexual study aid for four women. Other than some short-short tales, this was my first. I did some editing to it and put it on Wattpad as  an experiment, re-naming it Bondage Lessons, to get more hits on searches.

Also on Wattpad (still under KevinQuinn), I have another story I'm pretty proud of, Agents of BONDAGE, an erotic spy-spoof.  I think it's better and I learned a few things from the first one. It has some action and mystery and humor, along with predicament bondage, so your story here made an impression. For my next story, I was thinking of using "The Pear," but not in the mouth. LOL

If you get a chance to read either or both and give me your opinion, I would appreciate it. The stories are both totaly free. Wattpad seems to give me a better feel for how people respond and their demographics. You might try it. It obviously doesn't have the dedicated bondage fans, but the site is easy to use and I think the reading experience is pretty easy.

Anyway, I'm a fan. Now that I've found you, I'll read some more of your stories.
Kevin Quinn


Thanks for the feedback.  I tried doing a search on Wattpad for your titles, but nothing came up; and a search for your name brought up a Disney actor instead.

I've looked at Wattpad but it didn't seem suitable for my kind of story.  The site isn't the most user friendly and tends to focus on commercial rather than amateur efforts.  I'm not impressed by the rather unimaginative book cover thumbnails.
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide

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