Author Topic: What is the most secure bondage?  (Read 8213 times)

Offline Jimcornish35

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What is the most secure bondage?
« on: September 30, 2021, 06:07:13 pm »
Just a simple question...

I'm sure most people on this page would have been tied up at some stage in their lives.
I was just wondering what does everyone think is the strictest way of being restrained is? i mean like you feel you can't even move your toes or wiggle across the room? Ropes, cling film, chains, latex maybe a predicament?

Would love know know everyone's thoughts and experiences if they like.


Offline JIMDINI2

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Re: What is the most secure bondage?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2021, 01:18:04 pm »
"I was just wondering what does everyone think is the strictest way of being restrained is?"

I suppose Steel spreader cuffs on wrists and ankles, steel posture collar, full steel chastity belt and steel scolds bridle (with a breath through pear gag) and locked to a wall at waist and collar in a cell. No hope of freeing yourself even if you have the keys (wrists held too far apart) virtually no movement (just enough to be frustrating) and unable to call for help.

Offline christian54

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Re: What is the most secure bondage?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2021, 09:21:51 am »
Jeg er tømrer, der fredag morgen kom for sent på arbejde, og da jeg endelig kom sagde de 2 svende jeg,  i frokost pausen skulle lave en smal trækasse der var 40 cm. bred, 120 cm. i længden og 40 cm i højden, og i bunden af kassen skulle der være 2 manchetter skruet fast til håndled, og 2 manchetter boltet fast i enden af kassen til ankler  og låget skulle være med hængsler og et låsebeslag til en hængelås.

Da det var fyraften, og jeg var i bad, tog de mit  tøj som de lagde i bunden af kassen, og da jeg kom ud af badet tog hårdt fat i mig og tvang mig til at ligge mig sammenkrøllet i kassen, og låste mine ankler fast i manchetterne i enden af kassen og gav mig en dildo som de befalede mig at sætte helt op i mit røvhul, og så låste de mine håndled fast i manchetterne i siden af kassen.

Kassen var så kort, at jeg ikke kunne ligge helt på langs i den så hovedet og nakken havde jeg imod enden af kassens gavl, og da jeg skreg kom de en gagg i munden på mig som de spændte fast bag min nakke og kom så mit hovedet i en sort sæk, som blev spændt fast med et u-jern omkring halsen der blev skruet fast i enden af kassen, så jeg ikke kunne flytte hovedet.

Jeg var nu totalt fikseret i min trækasse, og de lukkede så låget på kassen og satte en hængelås i låsebeslaget så ingen kunne befri mig fra min kasse.
Jeg kom med svage grynt fra kassen, og jeg fik besked på, at jeg skulle holde weekend i kassen, så jeg mandag mødte til tiden, og de lod mig ligge i kassen, uden mad og drikke hele weekenden.

Det blev en lang hård weekend, og siden da har jeg lært at møde til tiden på arbejde.

Offline teanndaorsa

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Re: What is the most secure bondage?
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2021, 11:23:54 am »
Just a simple question...

I'm sure most people on this page would have been tied up at some stage in their lives.
I was just wondering what does everyone think is the strictest way of being restrained is? i mean like you feel you can't even move your toes or wiggle across the room? Ropes, cling film, chains, latex maybe a predicament?

Would love know know everyone's thoughts and experiences if they like.


I think it depends on whether you mean 'secure' in terms of how likely it is you can escape, or 'secure' in terms of how it feels. Steel manacles and chains might feel strict and implacable, but if you have the ability to move around or use tools within reach, you may be able to undo the locks or fastenings. Straps, cuffs or rope attached to something solid might feel superbly restrictive to your body, but you might still know at a conscious level that all you really would have to do is to call out loudly enough for help because you live in an apartment building.

So it really depends on what part of the restraint is appealing to you. If it's not being able to escape, it's all about taking away those options. Nothing within reach, no ability to call for help, no useful give in the bonds. Even if you can move freely within a small space, you might still have no ability to undo the bonds that hold you. A long steel chain and manacles in a dungeon might be practically inescapable, even though you can stand up and walk around. Or a pair of binding mittens, rendering you completely incapable of operating a simple zipper or a doorknob, that leaves you trapped in zipped-up clothes in a room whose door you cannot open. It doesn't always have to be tight, to make you helpless.

If it's about feeling constricted, then maybe you want something more like Jack Peacock's Stox Box, where even the slightest motion is no longer allowed, and you're left in a world of darkness and silence, body frozen into place. Sometimes tight is its own fun...

Offline jakbird

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Re: What is the most secure bondage?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2021, 04:38:57 pm »
Any bondage there was to be a bit of "wiggle room" for health reasons, to keep blood circulating.  Otherwise duration has to be kept short, which kind of spoils the "most secure: by imposing a time limit.  Ideally secure also include the element of the long will it last, not knowing when it will end, no way to just run out the clock awaiting release.

Short term, as in a weekend, there's confinement in a sealed box, no way out, cut off from the outside world.  One loses track of time, but there's still the knowledge it will end relatively soon.  As mentioned above I explore that possibility in the Stox Box stories.

Then there's the "most secure" for the hard core few who don't bother with limits.  It comes with severe mental strain and isn't for the faint of heart.  It starts with stripping the victim of any dignity, forced nudity along with a shaved head.  Then come heavy steel body shackles: neck, wrists and ankles imprisoned in close fitting manacles locked on with rivets, all connected with a short chain that doesn't allow standing up straight.  Finally there is the cell, bare walls, no windows, and a solid door.  Permanent solitary confinement with the shackles fastened to a ring in the wall, too short to reach the door.  The most secure incarceration, at the mercy of unknown captors for an unlimited period, and no way out.

How long could anyone survive that?  It's a grim scenario, but I think it would qualify as most secure.
  Jack Peacock
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide

Offline christian54

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Re: What is the most secure bondage?
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2021, 01:22:07 pm »
Jackbird du har ret - jeg har desværre igen dummet mig og ikke passet mit arbejde, og det har mine svende på værkstedet hævnet, ved at jeg indtil jul ikke kan komme i byen - eller til julefrokoster - for de har læst siden her og besluttet at jeg hver fredag kl. 15.00 når vi slutter på arbejde skal køre hjem og gå ned i kælderen her hjemme, hvor jeg skal gå ind i et rum uden vinduer og lukke døren efter mig,  hvor jeg skal låse mig fast ved halsen med en kæde de har skruet fast i betonvæggen, og når jeg har gjort det skal jeg sætte en stålkæde omkring mine ankler som også gøres fast til kæden fra mit halsbånd og hænderne skal jeg til sidst låse sammen på brystet i en kort stålkæde.

På gulvet ligger der en halmmadras ( en sæk med halm) som jeg kan sove på, og dynen er en halm dybe lavet af en sæk med halm og også hovedpuden er en sæk med halm, som er mit senge leje.

Der er mad, og vand,  i mit køleskab, og lyset i kælderen tændes og slukkes automatisk efter en tid de har indstillet, og de holder øje med mig med et web camera som de kan følge på deres telefon, så hvis der sker noget kan de hjælpe mig.

De kommer mandag morgen kl. 6 og frigør mig fra lænkerne jeg er låst fast i inden vi kører på arbejde.

De har sagt jeg skal bo sådan indtil nytår, så jeg ikke i weekenderne går i byen og kvajer mig så jeg ikke møder til tiden mandag på arbejde på tømrer værkstedet.

Sidste weekend var den første jeg prøvede, og det var lidt hårdt, især fordi jeg ikke ved hvad klokken er og ikke kan se TV, høre radio eller bruge min computer, så tiden er lang, og toilettet er et tørkloset jeg tømmer mandag morgen.

Offline Camos

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Re: What is the most secure bondage?
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2024, 11:33:40 am »
When we play it’s about the feeling of not being able to escape no matter what.  It’s that feeling that is really important more than not being able to move although I like that a lot too 😊😊

If he wants me to feel really helpless I’m either cuffed to a pole or am hogtied so my movement is restricted meaning I can’t move away from where he leaves me

Always gagged too.  That adds to the feeling


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