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The Prison Swap by earlofnexus

Started by teanndaorsa, September 08, 2020, 11:09:27 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
F/f; bond; gag; hood; mittens; straitjacket; prison; electro; rubber; immobilise; catheter; enema; cons; XXX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


legally impossible, but i think that's what makes it such a powerful fantasy.  i'm sad for Jennifer, but at least Zoe finally found what she was looking for.

i hope the author writes more extreme bondage stories like this!


Where I worked once, the office manager, a nice enough looking blonde woman, was charity arrested at work. The idea was that her friends and family would "donate" to this charitable cause in order to make her bail and set her free. They handcuffed her and put her into the back of the police car right from the office on a Friday, and I assumed that they had also put her into a holding cell once at the station, but I don't know that part to be sure. I believe she had several "one calls" to help her finance her release, after meeting her charity donation "bail," but the concept was very kinky to me.

Was this to take place over the entire weekend? I don't remember that part either, but such would seem like the ultimate kinky scenario, and your story reminded me of this real life little adventure that I had completely forgotten about. I wonder if there is a business opportunity in there someplace? Fine upstanding citizens getting arrested for the weekend, or even the entire length of their vacation, either strapped down in a padded holding cell, or just a jail cell. I could also imagine certain liberties being allowed as a condition of their "sentence."

Just some random thoughts, and thanks for sharing your fun story, Jackie.


Crazy legal logic but good one.

Btw, does it apply to capital punishment?

Is possible for someone to pay their replacement? What if it's less than official payment? Poor people could give money for their family? (what if later payment is withdrawn?)

Is it possible for company to offer insurance services so in event their client is convicted - they will find (and very like pay some poor family) replacement?


I really love total immobilisation and sensory deprivation, even more when the character is into it and happy with his/her predicament. This is a stunning story. Please, show us more of this. Thanks.


I love this story. It would be really cool if you let write a continuation of this story. I was thinking it would be cool if Zoe could transferred to the hospital/mental institution that was in the mental institution weekend by mumwrap and they did all different types of testing and casement?? I'm not sure if that's the right word. I'm so sorry I'm not creative enough to come up with my own stories. I have been daydreaming about this for ages.

But back to the story, it was so sad that Louise killed herself and Zoe  had live out her remaining sentence. Also I did think it was gross that nothing of Louise's stuff was cleaned before giving to Zoe but I guess that's the prison thing. Yeah I don't think Zoe should choosen the most extreme one to begin with. Love the story.

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