Author Topic: BDSM story surveys - updated  (Read 7445 times)

Offline subgrrl

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BDSM story surveys - updated
« on: June 23, 2020, 05:50:44 pm »
I have posted before that I run an automated process to search amateur BDSM stories for particular keywords in hopes of finding something that interests me to read. (I've been focusing mainly on literotica.) I have been posting my daily results to

I am in the process of changing the way that I do this...

  • I would choose a keyword and a time period, use literotica's search to find stories within the time period that contain the keyword.
  • Search the resulting stories for an additional small collection of search terms.
  • Randomly choose a collection of snippets containing the search terms.
  • Post the report.
Afterwards, I would spend some time reviewing the results to see if anything looked interesting.

  • I grab everything that was posted on literotica yesterday (to a handful of categories),
  • I search each story for all the BDSM related search terms I've collected, then
  • I browse through the snippets and select to report the ones that make sense and provide insight to the text of the story.
  • Finally, I post the results of my survey.

Hopefully, this will improve the chances that one may find something of interest.

Check out the results and let me know if you think that they are useful. Let me know if you can suggest some improvements.

Thanks, subGrrl

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Re: BDSM story surveys - updated
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2020, 10:40:45 pm »
Hi subgrrl
I do like your initiative! I did wonder about the headline 'Summer Vacation' - with what appears to be a link to your text.

Some stories seems to have very little text - while you do enter story-codes.

In my opinion, you should include more text from the story - 10+ lines - to give me a better idea how the story is written.

Keep working! The index might be a good addition to e.g. Gromets Plaza :)

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Re: BDSM story surveys - updated
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2020, 10:08:09 pm »
Starting tonight, I will begin producing yet another new and exciting iteration of my BDSM Story Survey at the following URL...

The stories that will be surveyed will be the latest posts on literotica, grometsplaza (and family), and utopiastories. The stories will be somewhat categorized (more on that below...). Also, they will be ranked based on survey term frequency.

"What the hell are you going on about?" you may ask...

In the past week, I have collected 350 newly posted amateur BDSM related erotic stories. 350 stories! That is a hell of a lot to go through to find what you want to read! So, I've written a bit of code to go forth and read the stories for me. The code also reports back to me chunks of text where BDSM related keywords appear in the story. My hope is that based on the keywords found and the brief snippets of text, I will be able to ascertain whether I would like to spend my time with the story.

Well... why keep the result to myself?!? So, I post the results to the blog listed above.

Going forward, what you will find (er... if everything works as it should...) is that the recent stories are collected into a small group of categories. The stories will generally have been posted to the web within the past 7 - 30 days. If you have a favorite fetish (latex, spanking, petplay, chastity,...), then you will hopefully find what you are looking on the day that that particular fetish is highlighted.

Hopefully it will be like a one-stop shop for an in-depth look into all your future favorite stories!

I'd love for you to check the surveys out and let me know if you find them useful! Also, I'll work with you if you don't feel like your particular fetish is being represented (uh... standard story guidelines regarding age and content apply...).

Additionally, in the future, maybe, if you post your stories to your own little, quiet corner of the internet, I can scrape your site too.



Offline subgrrl

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Re: BDSM story surveys - updated
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2020, 05:54:43 am »
I've been running my new story analysis algorithm for three weeks. So far, for me, it feels like I have succeeded in exposing some new stories that I have found that I liked. What really impresses me is the sheer amount of new stories (story parts? chapters?) that are published on a given day. So far I have been analyzing about 25 stories per day - 6 days per week. So that's about 450 stories that I have analyzed. After I analyze a story (story part? chapter?) I remove it from further consideration so that I don't analyze the same story over and over again. In addition to those 450 stories I have analyzed, I have a cache of over 1000 stories waiting for analysis. So, roughly, I have encountered ~1500 story posts in just 3 weeks. Wow!

I'm still experimenting to find good categories to report. However, I feel that my algorithms are working a little better. For example, Body Modification stories actually contain body modification elements, as opposed to "piercing stares".

Have you looked through the reports? Have you been able to find material that you enjoyed? Do you have any suggestions for categories? Do you have suggestions for terms that you would like to see highlighted in the text?

I'm also slowly expanding the sites that I survey. Currently, I am hitting grometsplaza (and family), utopiastories, mcstories, literotica, and (sort of) the Legacy of Timeless Beauty Story Archive. Do you have a favorite archive that you would like to see analyzed?

Obviously, I am eager to get any feedback that you have!


Offline absolutist

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Re: BDSM story surveys - updated
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2020, 03:55:28 pm »
Hi subgrrl,

thanks for your continued efforts! One question: Is there somewhere an explanation what the fields 'Survey Terms' and 'Distance' signify?

Cheers, Absolutist

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Re: BDSM story surveys - updated
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2020, 04:47:24 am »
Hello, Absolutist!

Survey terms are a collection of BDSM related terms that I have built up (~175 regular expressions actually). I search through the text of the stories and mark every time I find one of the terms in my list. Since I'm using regular expressions sometimes the matches may be a little odd. For example, if I am searching for "rule" I notice that I also get "virulently" as a hit which is probably not exactly a BDSM related term... no big deal... The list is always evolving. I recently added /stasis/ for example. But I'm thinking of removing /\w+\stube/ because that is flagging all kinds of useless crap.

Distance is how long the story posting is. Lots of times books are listed as being a particular number of pages, or maybe people count the number of words. I decided to use distance in meters. If you were to print out the entire story post on a single long narrow strip of paper in 11point monospaced font then the distance is the length of that strip of paper. It is basically the character count of the story post... just more fun! (Now you can say, "Holy shit! I have read 236 kilometers of amateur sex stories since the start of covid! Please wear a fucking mask so I can feel safe to go outside again and do something better with my life!" See? Fun!)

I look forward to seeing one of your stories show up in a survey soon!

Note: I am also experimenting with the notion of "grading" a story post to determine how BDSMy a story may be. I am thinking of going goodreads on the whole process and using item based collaborative filtering with centered cosine correlation to provide story recommendations.

Why would someone do all this? The skillz transfer to real world career opportunities....


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Re: BDSM story surveys - updated
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2020, 04:27:41 am »
Lots of great stories added for the Halloween special this year. While you will eventually want to read all of them, I've run my BDSM story analysis tools on the whole set to create a guide which delivers you a flavor of what you will get with each story. That way you can pick which will put you in the proper mood to wear your preferred mask, to shelter in place, or to brave the pandemic and get out your vote!

Thanks to grometsplaza and all the authors for another great Halloween story collection!



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