Author Topic: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck  (Read 9006 times)


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Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« on: April 02, 2020, 07:54:56 pm »
If anyone is going to know, this forum is the place to find experts.

Is anyone from the refuse collection industry reading this ?

Is there a non fatal option of being swallowed inside a garbage truck with piles of trash bags ?

Is there a less risky option / method ?

What do readers think ?

Offline TeaSer

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2020, 10:44:40 pm »
Being just a reader, I think trying a rear loader garbage truck is dangerous as hell!

If you should do it (and I don't think you should), you might have a steel cage around you - that might just take enough pressure to keep you alive. Still the pressure in those mechanics are gross, an I would fear the waste being squeezed around you will still be too much of a pressure. Don't do it!
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Offline Gazzacub

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2020, 10:55:58 pm »
still yet to see anyone play even in a front/top loader let alone attempt a rear loader,.. i hear people say they have but as soon as you ask for proof ie pics or video  they come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful excuses for not having any -  i think for most its pure fantasy but many people are so into the role play of doing it that they become completely convinced that they have - i challenge someone out there to prove me wrong with video evidence


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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2020, 11:02:42 pm »
Hi Teaser,

Thanks for your reply.  Definitely sound advice and I agree with everything you have said.

I seem to recall a historic comment on the Plaza that it depended on whether the packer scooped and compacted or vice versa.  99% pack in the hopper.  These would be certain death. But the question remained whether you could sit on top of trash and ride a scoop at least until it flattened you into the payload.  If the ejector plate was fully at the front of the lorry you might survive in the space in between.

One reader alleged that providing it was set up it could work.  He alleged a video had even been created but when Daffy challenged him to produce said video as evidence, it went silent.

Personally I don't think it is survivable and I would not suggest anyone tries it.  Most people end up dead.  The few who live have major injuries. Broken skull, broken legs often amputated.


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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2020, 11:03:24 pm »
Hi Gazzacub

I agree.

Offline TeaSer

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2020, 12:47:46 pm »
Later, as I read and answered the posting, I read a post from shokolada (her thread "New indoor dumpster pictures"). There was a picture of some 'home-box', she used for playing.

And this made me think if you had room and opportunity, you could build your own compactor. That is - some box (robust and preferably with a metal plating) and some moveable part to compress you. The important part here is that the compressor will never get deeper than a certain level, so increased compression will depend on how much you fill the space.

Of course you will start making sure you can be in the compressed room. And that there's nowhere to have parts of your body locked up. Then add a bag of the garbage type you fancy and try again. Add more bags to get the sensation you desire.

As you're at it, do make yourself a list to combine pros and cons with different types of trash and different amount of bags. This can be useful if you e.g. usually uses four bags, but 'today' you just want a quick hug and uses ..... 1, 2, 3 bags?

Do consider the timeframe - are you to be compressed and kept at a compressed level? Or to be repeatedly compressed and released? And how long will the session be.

How will you eventually 'escape' your compactor? As with any selfbondage type you should have multiple releases - the final being inviting a friend for coffee a few hours after your expected release.

Gathering garbage for such a compactor will at least make you able to avoid getting stabbed to death as someone filled a broomstick into the compactor. Still do make sure not to have any harmful stuff in the garbage.


You can say I'm a worthless piece of shit - but remember! Even shit has it's value. If you're a fly.


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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2020, 01:05:00 pm »
Cheers Teaser

Some nice ideas and wise precautions.  Assuming we are any good at DIY.

I suppose you could either use compressed air or some cogged system to apply the pressure.

I have done a lot of bag play recently and wonder how to avoid suffocation.  Realistic to add peril but might keep as fantasy.

Actual peril is probably best left to the imagination.

Your idea gets around CCTV and unknown / unsafe trash.

Might be best to have a rescuer on standby just in case.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 01:07:17 pm by Polythenewrappedme »

Offline cartrunkman

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2022, 06:36:48 pm »
rear loader trash truck actually is survivable
here in Estonia 2-3 years ago there was a finnish man who got loaded in the rear loader trash truck and escaped unharmed
truck driver said that truck was half empty and had no inner compaction wall

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2022, 06:15:08 am »
I love to play with all sorts of things, get into all sorts of situations, both physically, and in my mind; with that being said this sounds like suicide by garbage truck to me. Broken glass, broken broom handles, razor-blade sharp can lids come to mind, as does the crushing pressure, fluids of every kind that might not belong in the garbage but still end up there, all mixed together. All somebody would have to do is throw out an old full bleach bottle, and an old ammonia bottle while cleaning up the garage, maybe ones that the labels had fallen off of; and in the close confines of a machine like that you'd have your own personal gas chamber like they use to execute killers with. If you possibly maybe survived that and it only ran into your eyes, squirted under great crushing pressure, maybe if you were extremely lucky, you'd only be blinded and burned.

From a risk vs rewards mindset this doesn't even come up, life is far too precious to waste it so casually; you only get one. During the Salem witch trials they interrogated/executed a man by placing a board over his chest and piling on rocks until he stopped being able to draw in a breath, and that barbaric act probably doesn't come close to the hydraulic pressure a modern machine can develop. If you went into the truck first, and they filled the truck like they do here every week, you'd have maybe 40,000+lbs (twenty tons) of everything under the sun on top of you and preventing you from breathing, for hours and hours in the hot summer, as a best-case scenario. And if you went in DEAD last, your body would endure the pressure it takes to compress 40,000+lbs of everything so as to make it fit inside the truck body... a true lose-lose scenario.

Have fun, play safe, but please don't think about being crushed to death in the back of a garbage truck, Jackie.

Offline jakbird

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2022, 06:59:42 pm »
Jumping in a modern garbage truck sounds like an excellent way to win a Darwin award (given to those individuals for their outstanding efforts in removing stupidity genes from the human race).  Though not available everywhere, in the southwestern US deserts there are numerous abandoned mineshafts available for those who want to be buried alive in piles of garbage, without the unpleasantness that occurs in the dump sites where scrap metal scavengers poke through the garbage before it's plowed under. 

Book a flight to Vegas, head out of town for about 50 miles in any direction, and you too can join noted mafia associates in sleeping with the tortoises.  By the way, don't try the lake.  It's dried up, bodies popping up everywhere...
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Offline Landfill_Racoon

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2022, 03:35:55 am »
well.. i work  as a sanitation worker at our local landfill...

surviving a garbage truck ?  maybe is he isn't full...

Rear loader : could be an option.. IF not completely full... but  there's still the packer plate that could crush you in half if your are not at the good place when it came down to scoop...

sideloader, probably the best truck you could survive a compaction cycle ( and again, must be not too full) but be prepared to bang your head on the sidewall/floor of the packer below!..

Front loader : worst of all, why ? they can crush really tight ( even a cat wouldnt survive that pressure) they can extend theyr packer blade up the the rear-end of the  lorry at full pressure-power... a good seized garbage bag (thoses black one) filled with regular household trash in it) would be crushed flat when they unload..

but as a story title said... play stupid game, win stupid price !

i think the best option we can have is... finding a garbage compactor unit that was emptied  a day or 2 ago... then bag yourself in it and wait to be pushed inside!...
you definitely Don't want to be found at landfill ( the humiliation you will get... and explain that to the officier that will get you and/or paramedic ... having your own show at local news,,,  and that, IF your survive this !)... you could also being unloaded and run over by the garbage compactor dozer...  ( thoses kind with big metal spiked wheels)... naahh really a bad idea !

better play safe than sorry !

Offline cartrunkman

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2022, 11:40:29 am »
but if to get dumped in the rear loader and to be deep in the hopper then it should be fine when blade comes down and scoops everything up and and inside
and truck would be half empty

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2022, 12:44:58 pm »
It still sounds like suicide by garbage truck to me, and not a great way to go either. A great many people in organized crime seem to own landfills and garbage companies, and people disappear all the time, a landfill probably a great place to dispose of an unwanted body. Surviving the truck with a seriously mangled body (trauma, many broken bones, punctured lung, ect...) sounds like the first hurdle, the dumping out of the truck at the landfill the second part.

 I imagine a lot of the dumping happens at night, and looking for bodies living and otherwise might not be a high priority for the employees. Do they even dump right on the mountain of trash directly, or does it go through some kind of shredder first, to remove the bags and other things before getting plowed under by those huge machines?

 I had a teen job in a shopping mall back in the day, and one of the jobs that I had was to take the cardboard boxes out to the box crusher. It was a machine that crushed the boxes into a huge dumpster that I assumed they picked up every few days as it was a big mall. Sometimes other things made it in there too, and it crushed them flat, no effort at all. That machine was relatively slow and benign as to compared to a garbage truck, and generally speaking clean, but I still doubt a human could survive getting crushed up in even that.

Not that I advocate doing anything illegal or anything, but if you want to have some fun, buy an old mannequin at a "going out of business" department store. Handcuff it, bind it with ropes, duct tape, plastic bag over its head, dress it even, be creative; anyway, put it in the garbage and wait to see if it pops up on the five o'clock news. See the "found" condition of it, I'll bet it's destroyed. Cut it open beforehand and place some zip lock bags full of red fruit juice inside, to maybe get some idea of what kind of force is involved, if they show the picture, if they even notice it.

Life is short, play safe, Jackie.

Offline cartrunkman

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2022, 05:49:53 pm »
it depends
like i wrote earlier here in Estonia there was incident few years ago where finnish man got dumped in the rear loader trash truck and got scooped up in the truck with trash and truck was quarter full and he didnt have any broken bones only minor bruises and truck driver said that he would have survived the whole trip cause truck didnt have inside compaction wall

Offline cartrunkman

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Re: Ideas for surviving a rear loader garbage truck
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2022, 12:59:11 pm »
The alarming report that human voices are coming from the container of the garbage truck was received by the police, the rescue service and the ambulance at 6:45 a.m. early on Friday. "After that, the process was immediately stopped and the operative services were called in," said Marie Aava, spokesperson for the Northern Prefecture. "Rescuers brought out a 32-year-old man from inside the container of the garbage truck, who was found with a Finnish passport."

Although the man was conscious, he had received minor injuries while in the container, so he was handed over to medics, who took the latter to the hospital. The garbage truck was not equipped with a press plate that compresses the waste.

Why the man was in the trash at all is not clear to this day. "At the scene, the rescuers immediately transferred the man to the ambulance to take him to the hospital. In the hospital, the man was given the necessary tests and examinations, which is why the patrols were not able to talk to him there either," said Aava, who said that the Finn's health condition was not serious and he was allowed home by the evening of the same day. 18 february 2018


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