Author Topic: Forum text problems  (Read 1878 times)

Offline jackierabbit1

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Forum text problems
« on: March 14, 2020, 11:40:07 am »
Sometimes when I post to the forum the process of posting leaves out parts of my text. Does anybody else have this problem? I am wondering if this is a server problem, or one on my end of things.

Offline teanndaorsa

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Re: Forum text problems
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2020, 02:05:49 pm »
It's not something I've noticed, the only thing that's ever caused parts to be omitted is posting more than 10KB of text in one post (as happened with the Forgiveness story); it chopped off the end. Is it missing the end of what you post? Or is it in the middle or the start of the text? Is it perhaps bits of the text which are formatted (e.g. bold or italic, or done in a different font)? Other than that, if you give me a reasonably accurate time (to within a minute or two) of when it happened, I can perhaps check the server logs to see if there's any hints there.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Forum text problems
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2020, 08:05:55 pm »
My missing text was in the body of the message with no italics in my most recent reply to Feline in the boundstories website stories feedback section. This was this morning, but when I checked the text just now it's there as I typed it.

I can only assume that the text made it to the server properly, eventually it looking like I had typed it. At the time, (early this morning) I had exited the site and came back in thinking this would cure whatever was wrong, possibly on my end. It didn't, but a slightly different part of the text was missing on the second look.

Thank you for such a fast response to what appears to be an insignificant problem, Jackie.


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