Hello all, I've just had a note suggesting that one of the Plaza email servers might have been compromised and used to send a phishing email. Given the way things are set up, I think that's unlikely, more likely a phishing attacker has simply randomly chosen one of our domains to use when spoofing a return address. That said, it's possible Servage itself has had an issue, so I'd like to be careful.
If anyone else has received any sort of email that looks like it's from a Plaza domain, please let me know directly. Authors will have response emails from me at
teann@grometsplaza.net, and if you've received a forum message, it'll be from "Plaza Forum <teann@grometsplaza.net> Using SMF" via binero.net. Anything other than that is suspicious, and obviously don't click on any links in the mail or act on its contents if you're in any way not sure, but please do get in touch with me, either here in the forum or directly by email, so I can follow up.