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Teann Daorsa - New Site Owner

Started by teanndaorsa, October 24, 2019, 09:08:36 PM

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Hello to everyone! As Gromet has already announced, I'll be taking over the reins of the Plaza. While I haven't been especially active on the forums up until now, I have been around since the beginning, first as an avid reader, then later on as a writer.

My first real published story appeared on GaggedUtopia in 2008, and I have been writing on and off since then as I find time and inspiration. It was written on a tour of America with my husband-to-be, after we visited the lovely old Bostonian hotel that inspired it. I've always been quite proud of the high ratings my stories managed, which I take to be a sign that other people also enjoy my particular passions and style of writing, but mostly I write for my own benefit. My characters enjoy their kinks, and I like to let them find their own way through situations of submission and helplessness. You will find a couple of my stories here on the Plaza, and no doubt if the queue of submissions here ever dries up I will pad out the site with some more of my work. :)

Far more than being a writer though I am a reader, of all different genres and kinks. So taking over the site and continuing to keep up this lovely resource we all enjoy is something I'm proud to do. I return to the Plaza first amongst other story sites, because of the authors it attracts, and the stories I find here are far more often in tune with my tastes than anywhere else. Other sites may have a "BDSM" section, but it usually contains stories for which the kink is an afterthought, furry handcuffs and comically caricatured dominatrixes. Here, kink is the norm, and we explore all sorts of lovely notions. I wouldn't have it any other way. So I look forward to many more years of delicious, kinky writing, for everyone to enjoy.

You can reach me at, and all the previously existing story submission email addresses will continue to work and find their way to my inbox. I should also note that my pen name is Scots Gaelic, so is probably not pronounced quite how you think. Rather than rhyming with Lee-anne, it's more like "Choo-n d-yor-shah" But my own Gaelic pronunciation is awful, so I wouldn't hold anyone else's attempts against them  ;)


Glad to hear that the Plaza will continue and Gromet can enjoy his retirement from running the place.  Looking forward to some more good stories, thanks.


Guess it's a bit late to welcome you to the site, Teann Daorsa - given your introduction. But at least you're here in a new role and we're happy you do take over - letting Gromet read stories when he wants to and not because he have to.

And don't be shy to tell us to do things for you - if needed.
You can say I'm a worthless piece of shit - but remember! Even shit has it's value. If you're a fly.


Welcome!  So glad that Gromet gets a break AND the Plaza continues.  I have been dormant for a bit, but I still intend to finish several stories that I have started.  It is nice that there is a little corner of the Internet where they will be enjoyed.

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