Author Topic: Looking for a Muse  (Read 2589 times)

Offline Ataraxia

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Looking for a Muse
« on: September 29, 2018, 06:42:23 pm »

I've been working on a rubber-centric, "epic" novel for the last few years.

Here's a brief synopsis. It starts with a riddle (borrowed from Azimov): "a thousand years ago our civilization committed suicide. A thousand years from now that may not have happened. And what could not have been avoided might be."

There is no sex in it although being totally enclosed in latex is a central theme (think: "Eudaemon" but with entirely different ideas, setting, plot, etc.) Entheogens, a bit of mysticism and a possible catalytic solution to "save the world" are also big themes.

My first draft is currently at ~250,000 words and I'm barely half way done. (I've been researching it for a decade.)  I've been using Scrivener to write it.

But... My daily word count has been dropping -- I'm sort of stalling out -- need some new heat!

Therefore, I am looking for a muse who might be interested in becoming involved in this project to help add some wood to the fire.

Interested???  Maybe help save the world? ;-)

contact me via email: ataraxia (at)  (And, yes, I am the founder of
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 07:08:14 pm by Ataraxia »
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