Author Topic: Jeb's adventure bound and damsel in distress stories  (Read 4420 times)

Offline Arkane

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Jeb's adventure bound and damsel in distress stories
« on: April 22, 2017, 11:32:56 am »
Finally an update for a page that was silent several weeks. Jeb's is one of my favourites and I wouldn't have liked to see it go away.
But... he focuses on traditional damsel in distress stories (nothing wrong with that) and he says that "more and more, the focus has shifted to more fetish-oriented material" (from the writers which post there) and he admits: "my own fantasies have darkened a bit."
So the site could close in the future.

I think this is the way many people go over the years. Maybe because they need to stimulate their fantasy with something 'stronger.' Sure this is a bit true for myself too.

What do you think about that?

Offline 64Fordman

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Re: Jeb's adventure bound and damsel in distress stories
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2017, 03:31:05 pm »
Thanks Arkane,

Jeb’s was probably one of the first story sites I found on the internet, I haven’t visited in a long time and I’m glad to see he’s still around. His site isn’t very sophisticated, but it was perfect for the era of dial-up.

After reading his comments, I wonder if the issue is more with the writing than the kink. I have noticed from my own experience that my stories evolve more than my personal interest because I don’t want to write the same story over and over with different characters. There is also a desire to improve, and for me that means taking more time to write a story.

At another story site I visit regularly, author Kev Pickering, who has written many classic damsel-in-distress stories and adheres to a strict plot formula, recently commented he is no longer satisfied with the quality of his work.

Perhaps the upcoming author interviews Dana is working on will shed some light on this subject.


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