My question is, is it okay to post those chapters, as many of them would be important to the story, or can I only post the chapters that include vore?
Hi Femboy,
Let me start by saying, the best way to stay out of trouble is to 'send' stories to Gromet to review and decide if he wishes to publish it on the Plaza pages. It is much riskier to 'post' stories directly to the Forum as a writer runs the risk of crossing boundaries and having Gromet, Admins, or Mods catch it after it is able to be read by others. However, I do not believe that is the basis of your question.
If I am not misunderstanding your question, you are inquiring whether you can post a 'plot-following chapter' in the Devoured section which doesn't actually contain a vore element. Example:
Story A; Chapter A; Plot A; vore-yes
Story A; Chapter B; Plot A; vore-no
Story A; Chapter C; Plot A; vore-yes
Story A; Chapter D; Plot A; vore-no
In this situation, all chapters would be allowed in the Devoured Section because the Plot and Protagonist(s) are part of the same story. Many stories cover several genres. Some are listed in multiple genre Sections also. As for people dying in a story, Devoured/vore is the only section that it can be a main element of the story. Other genres can contain the death of a character as long as it is not graphically detailed or a main part of the story.
I hope I hit your points. If you need more clarification or help, you are free to ask it here, or, you can PM me anytime.
***Additional Thought***
As for
punishment. We will always provide a 'warning' before taking punitive actions with the exception of Spamming or Abusive Behavior. Those are dealt with immediately and strictly. Crossing a boundary of posting a story which violates the rules will result in receiving a PM outlining why the story was removed and what rules were in question. Sanctions would only be put in place for subsequent violations. Especially of the same rule(s).