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The Grave Decision by Mumwrap

Started by Gromet, January 28, 2017, 08:50:15 AM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
MF; MMF/f; prepare; bodybag; transport; hearse; mortuary; slab; makeup; catheter; drawer; storage; casket; dress; chapel; service; public; burial; entomb; gravestone; dream; recovery; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks   ;)


Sure this is not my cup of tea, but it's hilarious nonetheless.



Hi is a new burial story call The Grave Decision. Take a look!


I just love the story- still hoping what there would be a follow up. I have read it 3 times now and I Zan sure I will return and read it again

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