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What do you like about bondage?

Started by ario120987, December 13, 2016, 06:40:07 AM

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So after a bit of time, skulking about the Internet for pics, I began thinking about exactly why I like bondage. I also wanted to gauge everyone else's interests.

The first thing that interested me was the aesthetic of it. To see the human for bound, restricted and contained is beautiful to me.  seeing the way the body's natural lines altered, interrupted or redirected is very engrossing to me.

I am also fascinated by the aspects of domination and submission. the act of one person dominating the other, forcing them to their will, or a person willfully giving up their control to another is something that fascinates me about bondage. Dynamic ebb and flow of power from one to another.

I am very curious to know why bondage is interesting to you. please share your interests below.


Great question Ario.

My fascination with bondage goes back as far as I can clearly remember. Watching television shows or movies where bondage, no matter how short in screen time, enthralled me. Once my admiration of the female body developed into believing it to be the finest work of art ever made; at about ten; and the idea of melding the two things which gave me that "feeling" in the pit of stomach and below built my bondage desire.

However, it was not long before my "dreams" had changed from visions of bound; girls at the women; changed to the girls binding me.

The indecision of me wanting to bind a girl or be bound by the girl was decided and sealed in my eleventh summer. We had a group of three girls and four boys; myself included; that played around the neighborhood back when kids actually played outside. A corner house down the road from mine, and was the house of one of the boys, had a row of hedges and a two rail wooden fence. Paul, the kid that lived at the house, told us a story that he had been tied with bailing wire, his arms around the lower rail of the fence and the wire used to bind his hands in front of him, by some unknown assailant. He showed us the spot and the wire that was there. None of use believed him.

Me, trying to be the tough-kid on the block because I had started lifting weights and tied a white belt around my waist every Tuesday and Thursday evening, ribbed Paul the hardest and told him that I could've easily escaped from it. My teasing peeked the attention of Joleen, a very cute red-head a grade ahead of me in school, and she said that I could not escape if she bound me. My bravado got the better of me with her too and I told her that I certainly could. When it all started, my arrogance and not my desire to be tied up by Joleen, had been my guiding motivation. However, what came would fill many of nights with very pleasurable dreams.

I placed myself in the same position Paul claimed he had been tied in and Joleen wrapped the long piece of wire, and now in hindsight, quite expertly around my wrists. She put it around my wrists several loops then wrapped it around itself between my wrists. She had me pull my legs up, crossed Indian-style, and looped the end around my ankles and twist-tied the ends together. The group gave me until the sun started to go down to get loose. Joleen, being somewhat of a little vixen, grabbed the back of my underwear and gave me a very tight wedgie.

I tried every idea I could think of to get loose and prove them wrong, and get my tighty-whitey's from between my cheeks. Joleen and Hallette would come by and tickle me every now-and-then and tease me about not getting free yet. As time went by, my frustration of being unable to free myself turned to fascination of being bound by the hot red-head I pined for until we moved away when I was fourteen. That had been the first and last time Joleen had bound me.

Through the years and a few girlfriends along the way, I kept my bondage desires hidden as I feared being considered some sort of deviant. I hinted around with my partners but none seemed to be interested, so I didn't pursue it.

I practiced self-bondage through the years. When I met my ex-to-be I breached the subject and she seemed to have no interest in it, though, she used the term "cuffed-and-stuffed" many times. Usually in reference to the act of someone being arrested, but, on occasion, in a sexual reference too. Once I became a Corrections Officer I had a legitimate reason to have a pair of Smith & Wesson M-100's and she made a reference to having the "cuffed" part available. One night when we both felt somewhat amorous, I pulled out the cuffs and held them up and dangling in front of her. She laughed and said "no thank you". I tossed her the keys and put them on my wrists behind my back. I explained how and she double-locked the cuffs and we "played". Afterwards, she told me she liked me to be able to touch and fondle her more than she liked having me under her control and that was the last time we used restraints.

I don't believe I could ever take on the role of being 'truly dominant' as, though I enjoy watching/reading/writing women being dominated, I could never picture myself hurting a women whether she wanted me to or not. It is not in my nature to hit a woman in any manner or for any reason.

As for the 'why' I enjoy bondage and being dominated and a desire for masochism, I honestly believe there is a gene or set of genes in our DNA for fetish and mine are in the 'on' position. Again, I would enjoy tying up and having sex with a woman, but, when it comes down to actual BDSM, I would have to be the sub.



The extended intimacy.  The touch and use of parts of the body not typically considered erogenous.  The visual appeal of a woman decorated just so.

Most of all, the trust.  When a bound woman looked at me with that 'oh crap, I really am stuck' expression and I saw her decide that she could in fact trust me, well, that struck a chord right down to my core.

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