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Octopus by Anonymous

Started by ElectroPainLover, November 18, 2016, 07:46:27 PM

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You may view this story here on the Plaza:
Other/fm; swallowed; eaten; vore; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks.   ;)


thanks for posting this story again, EPL, I remembered it from the past.  Glad to see it again.

First let me compliment Anonymous on a well written story.   Very nice use of language and clean descriptions made this a pleasure to read.  The story did produce an "almost unnatural erotic fascination".  It also hit on one of my favorite themes in these Plaza stories.  That thin line between surrender to or control of erotic desires, and how far should ones desires go, even way too far.  I like the way Dave in the story has to wrestle with, but them lose to that unnatural erotic fascination  that had possessed him.  Haven't we all made that kind of mistake ;)  What a way to go, huh.


While I do have a vague fascination with Vore, this isn't a story I would generally like but as Siobhann reports, the writing is so good that it transcends genre and becomes (gasp, dare I say it) literature.


trash princess

An incredibly well written story. I never even knew I could get into vore, but this has made me a believer.
W...wait, don't throw me away! I'm your cute little femboy! Don't you wanna play with me?


B...but......*Slam.* oh. Okay.

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