Author Topic: My Bondage by Richard  (Read 1661 times)


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My Bondage by Richard
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:21:08 pm »
You may view this story here on the Plaza:

My Bondage
MF; F/m; F/ffm; hotel; capture; shock; bond; cuffs; toys; insert; gag; trunk; packaged; transported; enslave; stocks; piercing; chast; electro; bdsm; crop; cons/nc; XX

My Bondage 2: Life as a Slave
F/ffm; D/s; slaves; captive; bond; cuffs; gag; bdsm; punish; crop; hot-sauce; cbt; susp; shock; chast; denial; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX

My Bondage 3: Games
F/ffm; F/m; D/s; slaves; captive; bond; cuffs; gag; bdsm; punish; crop; hot-sauce; cbt; stocks; chast; strapon; torment; denial; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX

My Bondage 4: On Loan and Escape
F/fm; F/ffm; D/s; slaves; captive; loaned; bond; rope; cuffs; gag; bdsm; pain; punish; cane; cbt; strapon; milking; chast; torment; denial; oral; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX

My Bondage 5: Under New Management
MFF/f; F/ffm; D/s; slaves; captive; bond; rope; cuffs; chast; bdsm; spank; pain; punish; strapon; torment; denial; oral; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX

My Bondage 6: Problems and Resolution
MFF/f; MF/fff; D/s; slaves; captive; force; strip; bond; rope; tazer; handcuffs; bdsm; punish; wire; breast; cbt; electro; hot-sauce; laxative; torment; oral; anal; climax; cons/nc; XX

My Bondage 7: Leaving and After
M/f; M/ff; D/s; bond; wrap; tape; hotel; breast; tease; bdsm; spank; oral; sex; climax; cons; X

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