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Adrielle's Sacrifice by Dr. Troy

Started by Gromet, January 15, 2016, 11:57:22 AM

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You can find this story posted here:
Solo-F; M/f; snake/f; pantyhose; oral; swallowed; digested; absorbed; climax; soft; cons; XX

Please leave your comments & feedback about this story here.

Thanks   ;)


hello! this is  my favourite story all time, i've read it on DT Forum years ago, and now i'm looking for the writer, does anyone know how can i contact him?


That was interesting, albeit a bit short, stereotypical, and lacking any legitamate story beyond the usual "girl goes to snake and snake eats her" storyline.
I'd give this about two stars. :-\
Also, if the authir or anyone wants to know, the text says that the snake is 40 feet long, then when she goes into the cage, it's in the twenties of feet.

Daffy Duck

I read these comments. This is one of the few Devoured Stories with any feedback posted whatsoever.

A number of authors, like me, no longer write in this genre as no one ever seemed to bother to provide feedback.

There was even a rumour that no one was able to post feedback to this section, as all the readers had been eaten. LOL.

In answer to fntrdy, if you use the email link in the story, you can email the author.

As for Colorninja's remarks, I accept everyone is entitled to hold an opinion, and that not all stories will please, but your comments seem somewhat harsh.



I agree with Daffy and have also quit writing stories for this section. However the lack of comments may be due to the very personal nature of vore fantasies. For instance snakes and shrinking have little interest for me, while my own specific scenarios of capture by cannibals perhaps don't resonate with anyone else.

On the other hand, none of my stories in other genres have generated many comments either so it's probably just my writing rather than the subject.

Daffy Duck

Hi MaxRoper,

Please don't feel disheartened. I think most of us, me included, get a mixture of fan mail, no mail and even hate mail.

I received some good advice from fellow writers, when I was starting out: Write what interests you. If you have a passion for something, hopefully it comes through in the writing and interests others too.

I don't know why some story sections have great feedback, while others have none.  Perhaps the audience can advise ?



Considering the number of views devoured stories get, it's far more than would be expected in a section that contains less than 3% of the total stories at the Plaza. With hundreds of views for each story and no comments to read, the only reason to click on the post is to get the story link. Also, many of the stories were posted before the forum crash and continue to get views since the links were restored. I can't answer why few leave comments, but I believe your stories are being read and enjoyed by many.


sadly the email of the author is unknown... that's why i 'm looking for him!


Did you ask Gromet to contact the author for you? Some prefer to remain anonymous but allow Gromet to act as a go-between.

If he doesn't have contact info it appears leaving a note in the forum is your only hope. Good luck.

Either way, I think it's great you took the time to send in the compliment and do some searching.

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