Author Topic: Kira 3 by Lobo De La Sombra  (Read 4706 times)

Offline Gromet

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Kira 3 by Lobo De La Sombra
« on: December 23, 2015, 07:35:00 am »
You can view the story here on the plaza:
FF; M+/ff; F+/m+; hist; captives; naked; bond; rope; cell; castle; prisoners; escape; battle; splinter; cons/reluct; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks  ;)

Offline feline

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Re: Kira 3 by Lobo De La Sombra
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2015, 09:34:29 pm »
Ah, the wonderful hubris of keeping dangerous prisoners yet not properly considering just how dangerous they are.  Arrogance can be the undoing of so many people, and so many situations.

As for retreat and staying alive, clearly concepts that need to be valued more highly.  A brave final stand may sound heroic, and occasionally may even be justified, but surely live to fight another day is still a wise and sensible plan, and one that should be respected and embraced more widely?  I am glad to see it is getting noticed.

As for splinters, well, they can be very nasty! :)

Offline Lobo De la Sombra

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Re: Kira 3 by Lobo De La Sombra
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2015, 05:50:26 pm »
Thanks, feline, and may your 2016 be splinter-free.
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The more I see, the more I learn.
The more I learn, the more I know.
The more I know, the less I understand.
The less I understand, the more I look.


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