Author Topic: Mummified & Eaten by Darkraptor  (Read 2857 times)


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Mummified & Eaten by Darkraptor
« on: November 04, 2016, 01:06:25 pm »
You may view this story here on the Plaza:

Mummified and Eaten
M/f; mum; vore; cocoon; cons; XX

Mummified and eaten: Part 2
F/m; mum; vore; cocoon; reluct; XX

Mummified and Eaten 2.1
Other/ff; mum; cocoon; kidnap; vore; nc; X

Mummified and Eaten 2.2
Other/ff; mum; latex; cocoon; vore; cons/nc; X

Mummified and Eaten 2.3
Other/ff; mum; latex; vore; nc; XX

Mummified and Eaten: Orca snack
F/f; mum; wrap; vore; cons; X

Mummified & Eaten - Orca Snack 2
FF/mf; wrap; latex; vore; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks.   ;)


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Re: Mummified & Eaten by Darkraptor
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 07:47:41 pm »
Cocoons means spiders, and spiders means eaten...not that there are spiders here, but it helps me like mummies and vore together.

Anyway, Mummified and Eaten (snake) was interesting in that aspect.  Number two, I kinda felt the cocoons were not complete though the vore at the end made up for it.

Orca Snack seems to please me mainly because I enjoy vore that doesn't end in digestion, but also because the second half contains unbirth too.


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