Author Topic: If Fantasies Could Talk by Riptieron  (Read 1977 times)


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If Fantasies Could Talk by Riptieron
« on: November 03, 2016, 04:14:14 pm »
You may view this story here on the Plaza:

If Fantasies Could Talk
F/m; F+/mff; wrap; bandages; cast; gag; toys; insert; enclosure; plaster; tease; display; party; cons; X

If Fantasies Could Talk 2: New Life
F+/mff; M/ff; wrap; bandages; cast; gag; enclosure; plaster; tease; mast; toys; insert; sex; climax; cons; X

If Fantasies Could Talk 3: Kelly & Stacy
F/mf; M/ff; D/s; leather; bond; cuffs; chain; cellar; naked; tease; torment; cons/reluct; XX

If Fantasies Could Talk 4: Naughty Slave
F/mf; M/ff; D/s; leather; bond; cuffs; cellar; naked; capture; trunk; encased; wrap; saran; cocoon; cupboard; storage; toys; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X

If Fantasies Could Talk 5: Cumming Out of the Closet
M/ff; D/s; wrap; cocoon; bond; straps; gag; cupboard; stored; collar; hood; tease; toys; mast; sex; anal; climax; cons/reluct; X

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