Author Topic: New story new member  (Read 18722 times)

Offline slider142

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Re: New story new member
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2016, 01:09:17 am »
That was an interesting idea in that last part! Great and interesting writing on all of these! :-)

Offline Stu

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Re: New story new member
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2016, 01:47:33 am »
With the bin lid now closed the smell started to hit my nostrils making me want to vomit, but that wouldn't be a very good idea with my mouth having to slowly swallow the fiery hot peppers and still taped closed. My only oxygen was through my nose hence inhaling the gruesome odours from the rotting stale food, and now dirty diapers and everything else within my plastic prison.

I could hear every car pass, the tweet of the birds even slight muffled voices from time to time. I grew both tired, lonely and frustrated but I strangely also started to accept my new life, I knew there was very little I could do about my situation especially at present. As sun rose so did the stench from within, the once frozen food began to thaw and my little blue balls slowly loosened up releasing a small amount of tension on my stretched painful nipples.

I tried to shuffle slightly to ease my aches and pain before I heard laughter and voices again. The lid was opened to see the women standing with huge grins on there faces. Well puppy just to let you know I've carried on my cleaning spree and found it very liberating I must admit. Getting rid of all the useless garbage that has been lying around the house for so long. They both lit cigarettes while stood talking without directly looking at me. I'm not going to speak to you, In my eyes you're where you belong along and there's no reason to talk to the trash. But we're going to have a small fire in the yard to get rid of some trash thats no longer needed. They both preceeded to flick their ash directly on to my head without a single care. Just then our neighbour shouted over and they quickly disappeared from view. they returned with a large glass bowl filled with something.

Aww gee thanks but I don't really like trifle they exclaimed with a smirk, ah just put it in trash then please I heard her reply. No problem Suzie replied as she turned the bowl over directly on my head. I was covered in whipped cream, custard, jelly with sponge and fruit. I caught a little smirk from one to another but didn't make a noise in case I got caught. Sarah came back into view seconds later armed with another full ashtray and you guessed it, aimed right for my face. I was literally suffocating as the cream blocked my nose and covered in a thick layer of ash and cigarette butts. I heard them both snigger as Suzie said "maybe you should just give in to it and we'll cover you over and I'll compact you at work". I'm sure Toni would dispose of you in a huge block of compacted waste.

I hoped my wife would see sense but her face looked slightly flushed as though she enjoyed the spectacle. I managed blow out and clear my airways but not without sucking in some ash. I heard the girls walking in and out then the crackle of fire. I couldn't see what was happening but heard Sarah say "they'll be plenty of room in the closet for your clothes now Suzie". Well he wont need any clothes or belongings where he's going  that's for sure. We'll tell everyone he's disappeared and taken his clothes too. File a missing persons and collect his life insurance. More laughter as I tried to shout, scream and rock the large plastic can.
The can did not move at all with all of my weight right at the bottom. Who knew bowling trophies would burn and melt?  old lp  records and photos, passports and driver licence joined my clothes within the flames.

I guess that's it Suzie, nearly every trace is gone but one last piece. Don't worry Sarah I can sort that easily as they both appeared, the tears were rolling down my cheeks as I sobbed. My only hope was that Sarah would see sense and rescue me as I knew Suzie just wanted me gone forever. She'd always hated me and now I can see why, she wanted Sarah all along for herself.

All those years of snide comments, nasty remarks and put downs at every turn, she'd finally won and it was all of my own doing. Sarah never like anything but vanilla sex, It was I who had requested we spiced things up. Now I'm sat in the trash can literally nothing but trash, I am trash, just worthless trash.

For just a second Sarah looked at me differently, maybe there's hope yet, maybe there's a way out I thought but she then heaved and heavy bag of soiled diapers above my head, look what else we've saved for you she smiled as turned the bag inside and the now diapers landed all around me. You could see how full some were and still wet and soggy. There was still around 2-3 feet of space above my as Sarah again disappeared from view.

As she returned Suzie had a slight puzzled look on her face, Sarah lifted the huge pile of newspaper they'd used previously to pack me in the trunk. He's always had some strange fetish she explained, would read them naked with it resting on his lap, didn't like throwing them away and I'm sure he used to sniff them too. Well you are a strange pervert aren't you Suzie replied as she dumped pile after pile on top of me. They laid them out across the whole surface and as the weight quickly grew  they also compacted the trash down on to me. Believe me 2-3 feet of solid paper weighs quite alot. I could still here the girls speaking as though it were perfectly normal activity. You know Suzie if anyone looked in they'll never guess my soon to ex husband is in there. Plus we can always remove some and add more disgusting things to his little home and squash them all down again.

Ah wait I forgot to show you something Suzie said and the click of heals disappeared before returning again. I bought this the other day in the hardware store where i bought those huge trash bags from, Its a lid lock for trashcans to stop any wildlife getting in........or husbands getting out she joked.
I knew my fate was sealed I just hoped somewhere within Sarah she still loved me, but whilst Suzie was there I know she'll do what she can to remove me permanently from their lives.

Offline Stu

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New chapter
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2016, 12:35:09 am »
Time then stood still but my mind went into overdrive, are they for real? Are they just playing a prank, did they really Burn everything? I had no idea from the position I was in securely taped inside these strong bags then buried with the trash before being covered completely. 

My legs and arms were now so numb and tightly compacted I couldn't move a muscle. I hadn't even noticed the small hose that had been fed down the corner in order to supply  some fresh air. I know from the temperature drop and rise that day break was again upon us but time meant nothing to me, I was worthless trash to them, just something they wanted rid of for good.

I heard footsteps approaching and suddenly was rocked onto the wheels with humph, the sooner we empty this the better Suzie commented. I heard the garage door open then close partially behind us.  Maybe I'm getting out, they've had second thoughts or decided I had suffered enough. I heard the lock being removed and the lid open but then silence again. What's happening now? Why aren't they removing the papers above me.

Now listen trash I want you to make as much noise as possible for me, can you hear me? Grunt if you can.  The voice was Suzies right above me. Sarah are you ready? "Yes" she replied. Now go Suzie said with a kick on the side of the bin . I took a deep breath and screamed as loud as I could until I ran out of breath.
Has he started yet Sarah said? Did you not hear anything Suzie questioned? Nothing at all.
That's perfect, just perfect. Sarch speak normal volume please,  now can you hear her trash? Grunt for yes.  Grunted as loud as i could again. This will be awesome with a laugh, absolute torture for him and awesome for us

Offline Stu

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« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2016, 08:57:43 am »
I heard footsteps approaching as my wife walked  towards the trash  bin  I was trapped inside of," yes police please" I heard her say.
" I need to report my husband missing" she started sobbing. The rest was a blurr, was this really happening? I'm right here, just let me out.  I promise I'll do anything you want.  She can't hear me apart from a couple of small groans from within. Well that's the police on there way here now to file a missing person report.  Don't worry I'll leave the door open so you can hear every word  Suzie responded and then I heard kissing sounds, this is so hot  and I'm so wet right now.

Wait till the police and our useless trash is gone then I'm all yours I heard my once loving  wife reply.
I'll sit in the kitchen so you can hear but don't worry we won't hear you she chuckled.
Ten minutes later I heard the door bell chime as my wife started to cry and sob again.  I still can't believe what's happening, I'm in total shock but trying to listen intently.

Please come through officer is through here as Suzie directed the policeman to the kitchen.
"Why would you think you husband is missing?"
He's been playing these stupid games sir, he's always been into bondage but lately is progressed to a whole  other level entirely.
What do you mean he quickly replied, well I came home and few weeks ago and had no idea where he was for hours until I took out the trash, there he was all bound up inside the bin, duct tape around his ankles ,mouth and wrists.  God  knows how he managed but wearing a diaper also.  I took these pictures before he climbed out.  I nearly died of shock and warned him about putting himself in these ridiculous positions he could get hurt or worse.
He laughed and found it amusing she sobbed.  Can you just imagine the man you loved, the man you lived with hiding in the trash bin.  What if I'd put the bin out without realising? I could have killed him without knowing.  Suzie my friend here is the manager of the local day care and found him climbing into the large soiled waste container at her work.  He made up some excuse that he'd dropped something but we knew what he had in mind.  He wanted to climb in with the soiled dirty wet diapers the officer asked? We've had to lock all the bins  we have incase he tried again.  If you peer through to garage you'll see.
I'm sure you have miss, I don't need to check.
Why do you think he'd done something dangerous again? .
Well my wife said his bondage toys have disappeared along with him.

You do realise that the city has over 200 trash trucks out every day collecting 1000s of tonnes of garbage? If he has done something dangerous he could be buried at the landfill by now or been incinerated?

My wife openly wept at this point, I'm sorry to upset you but unfortunately we can't start digging through the landfill and the city won't stop the incinerator to check as it would cost thousands of dollars based on a hunch with zero evidence.  Not to mention the problems it would cause backing up all further trash collection.

Again my wife sobbed, as Suzie comforted her she asked what the next steps would be?
Well we'll monitor cards for any sign of activity and cell phone but I'm afraid after that there's not a lot we can do other than wait, if we hear nothing we shall presume the worst I'm afraid.
I'm sorry again I didn't mean to upset you but  i must go now.  If I hear anything I'll be in touch and with that parting statement he left.
The footsteps approached quietly this time until they heard the car door close, engine start and it moved away.

Well well my little garbage nasty it looks like we can easily get rid of you now, they won't be looking and you'll be buried within  hours of reaching  the landfill unless you'd prefer the incinerator and dirty diapers from Suzies work.  Maybe I'll speak to toni and see if she'd like to help.  Either way your trash and trash gets dumped without a second thought

Offline slider142

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Re: New story new member
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2016, 03:41:12 pm »
Oh wow, Stu, that really added a lot to the story! Nice work! :-)

Offline Stu

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« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2016, 10:17:54 pm »
Thanks for the feedback again pal, nice to know someone is enjoying it lol

Offline Stu

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Last chapter........posibly
« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2016, 02:15:23 am »
 I began to cry and sob, I knew I had no chance of reprisal. I was trash to them both ready to be dumped.  Totally helpless and broken as i heard the door shut, again the silence killed me slowly.  Good knows how many thoughts and memories flowed through my mind.  Some happy, some sad but that's what makes us who we are today.

Should I have asked for bondage all those times? Was i that demanding? Should I, and could I have treat Sarah better? and would I still end up here in the trash?.

Good only knows the answers to these questions.Although it was pitch black in my trashy prison, vivid scenes popped into my head of times gone by, more tears and smiles.

2 or maybe 3 hours past by and I heard the door reopen again and footsteps and slight laughter as they heard my moans and sniffles, oh my trash is crying Suzie.

The lid was unlocked and opened and I felt the weight slowly lessen as they removed the heavy stack of papers above me. I awaited the light to suddenly appear and yet more trash to rain down on my head.

Both girls stood smiling at me probably taking in my tear stained face and grime that adhered itself to me.  I must have looked a real mess and stunk to high heaven. I didn't quite  understand what was happening or why they were just smiling at me.  I hope you've enjoyed your little trip into slavery but all good things must come to and end Sarah stated.

The bin was slowly pushed over and I crawled slowly from the bin so unsure what they had planned next.  The tapes securing me were cut and I  was free for the first time in what felt like forever.  I was weak, shakey and very hungry.

I could barely move let alone stand as Sarah dropped a water bottle near her feet, slave you have 10 minutes to clear up this mess and meet us in the kitchen, please hose yourself down and use the old towels provided first. They turned and went back into the house.
I reached for the water and drank every drop before refilling bin with gritted teeth and working through the torrid aches and pains from my limbs. I showered with the garden hose before toweling my self almost dry.  As I entered the kitchen is saw my passport, driving licence and all of the possessions I thought had been burned on the fire.  A huge grin from both  women told it's own story.  They had me completely destroyed as I broke down in tears again and they burst out laughing.
Don't worry your not going anywhere............just yet but now you know we can get rid of you when ever we decide and there's little you can do about it.  Now be a good little slave and go shower as you still stink.

But the police I asked, what about the police? Oh that, we'll call them  tomorrow and say you'd gone to see a friend and lost your phone signal and I'd jumped to the wrong conclusion but it's a great alibi for when we do dispose of you.

Now go before we change our minds again................
The end
For now maybe

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Re: New story new member
« Reply #37 on: November 07, 2016, 04:36:49 pm »
wow stu what and awesome ending i'm happy that you was not disposed of yet like they said if it was me i would gather some friends and take revenge on them

Offline Stu

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« Reply #38 on: November 07, 2016, 05:36:14 pm »
I'd love to experience it though lol

Offline 64Fordman

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Re: New story new member
« Reply #39 on: November 07, 2016, 05:49:12 pm »
Very creative and well told story Stu, thank you for sharing and for the extra effort it takes to write on a phone. I hope you share more stories.

Offline Stu

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« Reply #40 on: November 07, 2016, 07:35:15 pm »
Thanks pal, hard work on a phone i agree  lol, I've also enjoyed your stories.
I've last three ensuing kinda open so I can come back to it possibly 

Offline ShadowCross

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Re: New story new member
« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2016, 09:20:45 pm »
Just stumbled on this. Love it! You left so much open. Perhaps a funnel in the chest? Perhaps she seeks out another man or the others do?

Offline Stu

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« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2016, 02:28:48 pm »
I may revisit it at a later date and carry it on further

Offline malus_infantia

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Re: New story new member
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2016, 08:24:44 pm »
I really enjoyed this story - it hit a lot of notes for me.

How very lucky for him he didn't end up in that daycare compactor!

Look forward to more, as and when you can write.


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