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What types of Trashcan stories would you like to see more of ?

Started by Daffy Duck, August 16, 2016, 11:52:09 PM

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Daffy Duck

To attempt to know the audience better, I wonder if there are trashcan stories that readers would like to see more ?


Trash compactor

Garbage truck

Messy play

Other - please specify


Hi. I'm definitely a bagging fan first but I do enjoy your stories about people being trashed.
  Thanks, Adam.

Trash girl

Id like to see more of bagging garbage trucks and persons geting super dirty and smelly and id like more fantasy storyes whre the main person gets rescued before it's too late

Daffy Duck

Hi Adam,

Thanks for kindly posting your reply. I am delighted that you like my stories.

I shall give it some thought about what you said. Self-bagging or bagged by others ?

All the best,


Daffy Duck

Hi Trash Girl,

Many thanks for your reply and ideas.  Your ideas are always good.

I have done some stories with messy stuff, notably in the story called  "Pearls before swine".

You raise a valid point, in that inside a garbage truck it will be fully of nasty solids, liquids and gases !   I suppose I concentrate on the polythene angle, too much.

I also will try to write more rescue stories (i.e. with happy endings), although Gromet usually thinks I am unwell when I write a story where the character survives. LOL.




Hi Daffy,
              Either/ or is good for me. Thanks for your consideration. I should really try and write another story myself but being honest I don't know how good my last attempts were.
Keep up the good work.
           Cheers, Adam.


Hi Daffy,

Well bagging is nice, of course.  the helplessness, the submission, fun stuff like that.

What I find interesting is the damsel in distress, the erotic situation which turns dangerous.  And it doesn't get more dangerous than trucks and compactors.  That kind of thing.

keep up the good work, thanks.

Daffy Duck

Hi Adam,

Thanks for your reply and added info.

I have written stories which include both. Both self-bagged and bagged by a dominant woman.

Don't worry about how good your story is. I am sure they are fine.  All new writers are most welcome.  It would be nice to read someone else's story for a change. I know the ending of all of mine !  LOL !!

Thanks for your kind words. Not sure how long I can 'keep up the good work'.  When you have written 136, I am running out of new ideas. Hence this post.......



Daffy Duck

Hi Siobhann,

Many thanks for your post and kind comments.

If you want to read about more damsels, I had better write some more with a female lead character.  Thanks for the tip.

All the best,



Hello Mr Daffy and Salute to all Other Members,

It's been a while I haven't written anything in the TrashCan group but I did keep an eye for new and interesting

In relation to Mr Daffy's Survey, I do believe he has a rough idea of I like but I'll be expressing my opinion
more in depth here with all post participants.

First things first .. I want everyone to know that I myself am a first time writer for Trashcan Stories.
My first story is in development and I believe it to be almost ready for me to send it to webmaster
good-man Gromet, and soon after everyone will be able to enjoy it and comment on.

Second --  In relation to what type of stories I'd like to see more often written would be plots where mostly women do the bagging of men as they use him in a kitchen or some other interesting place until he is ready to be sealed and put out either to be released at a later time or to be taken by a truck (Rear Loaders are my Favorite).  Also I do prefer messy play, as the man is naked having a good time as pretty ladie/s take care of him as garbage.

Third Specs I go By ---  Innocent (no one gets hurt and no one is miss-treated,),  realistic plots in contrast or opposed to giantess and magic stories ( No Offense Mr Daffy, nothing against your stories, this is just me. I do prefer things closer to reality even if a little out of it.).

And Lastly --  If there are two scenarios I wish see more of it are : A man being used in a restaurants kitchen and a man used in a large public place (Mall, Stadium, a Park or any other).

That is all, Cheers to all group members and Thank-You Mr Daffy for sharing your
stories with everyone I do appreciate it.

Daffy Duck

Hi PutMeInaBag,

Thanks for adding to the debate and posting your ideas.

Thanks for your kind appreciation of my humble offerings. For the record, only a small percentage of my trashcan stories involve a giantess or sci-fi element, just to spice things up from the same old tales. Furthermore most have a male victim and a woman's hand in his adventure. (But I do feel we should, as a group, write more female friendly trashcan stories, with a damsel as the main character. For I would love to share this largely male only read with a wider audience including the ladies.)

I look forward to reading your story, when it is published.




Bagging stories, especially being used to collect garbage. :) also danger but sometimes rescue right at the end. Much like what Trash girl said.

Daffy Duck

Hi Phil,

Many thanks for your helpful ideas and suggestions. Much appreciated.

"Rescues right at the end" are difficult, but not impossible, to write. They have to have either a) someone who knows you are in the bag / wheelie bin / dumpster etc. and they rescue you; or b) someone who notices you before the compactor eats you (i.e. they hear your screams, sees movement etc.).

The reason why I say I find writing it difficult, is because in real life trash collection is a swift affair. The bins for an entire road can get collected in just a few minutes, and the garbagemen simply don't have the time to check the contents of each bin. Trash is simply treated as trash, regardless of who is inside.

For me, the fantasy is about enjoying the experience, so I would have to keep quiet. However, in real life, you would not be there in the first place, or if accidentally collected, you would scream like hell regardless of the consequences of being found naked in polythene, with the trash.

Welcome to the group, Phil. Thanks for posting.



Hey Daffy
I've always enjoyed your stories where there's been some kind of transformation and the person is accidentally trashed. One of my faves was Don't mess with fat Tony and others where the man is shrunk and inadvertently thrown away with the garbage by an unassuming wife or girlfriend :)

Daffy Duck

Hi Jennifer,

You are in luck !

Gromet has three new trashcan stories of mine, which might appeal :-

Story 135 - The wife's revenge for me to be crushed by my lover. Includes another roto-compactor video, and giantess type trashcan story. The story is told from the wife's viewpoint, the accidental trashing from my lover's viewpoint, and of course what happens to the person being trashed. It is definitely, non-consensual.

Story 136 - On a roll.  A transformation story with a trashcan theme. Life as a polythene bag on a roll. Story includes a lesbian threesome.

Story 137 - In with the trash was just the beginning. This story features the return of the matter transformer, first aired in The Wedding Dress story. In pursuit of being an object, Daffy uses a shrinking potion to end up inside a kitchen waste bin. Naturally, he gets processed along with the trash - just as he likes it.

Thank you Jennifer for your continued support, and for your kind suggestions for new stories. Fresh ideas are always welcome.

I hope you, and other readers, enjoy these.

All the best,


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