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Suggestions for the forum

Started by Gromet, July 01, 2016, 04:03:12 PM

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Are there any suggestion you'd like to make regarding the forum, maybe you'd like to see more subjects or categories, more topic sections or anything else that comes to mind.

Daffy Duck

Oh great Plaza Master, we are not worthy !

Don't give the vote to the masses, just look what happened in the EU referendum !

A Pensive Pen

I prefer the Plaza over other sites because (in my opinion) it has the best stories, the best community, and a welcome atmosphere. One thing I wish it had, though, is a rating mechanism of some kind.

I also like the idea of being able to better discuss and highlight older stories that have unfairly fallen by the wayside. Authors like Jenny Bonici, for example, are not only great but were also instrumental in my own development, yet I feel like those works get buried in the sea of title- and author-organized archives.

Just my two cents. I wouldn't dream of telling Gromet how to run Gromet's Plaza.


Good ideas Pensive, I would love to have a ratings system but the site needs to be built on a CMS not html system to operate effectively, so people can click and add their vote.

Yes I agree that older stories get forgotten and left by the wayside, well with over 9000 stories now on the site it's not easy to read them all, though I have (well over the number of years that the site has been running). You are free to leave feedback for any story or author by creating a post here of the forum, just copy & paste the link so others can find the story to read for themselves.

I'm always open to ideas on the plaza and the forum, please feel free to let me know what you think. I welcome suggestions, ideas and anything else that you'd like to contribute.


I wondered if would be possible to have a place to discuss books Gromet.

I do appreciate this forum evolved because of all the brilliant stories. However with the boom in what is irritatingly referred to as 'Mummy Porn' (geeze i so hate that!) There are many well written e-books both free and pay for.

Thanks for asking.


I would love it if there were some illustrations for some of the stories, but I don't know how to set about making that happen. People who create pictures with words, and people who create the same with pen and paper don't seem to intermingle, perhaps the latter more often than not seeking commercial success rather than just enjoying the mutual sharing aspect that we do at the Plaza here.
Perhaps there is a program that can make digital illustrations tailor made to our stories that one like myself with very limited artistic talent, (none at all to be honest), could use without infringing on someone else's work, or perhaps some artist might like to see her more traditional work in this venue of ours for the sheer pleasure it could bring to others. I don't know how to find that person, but maybe someone who reads this might.
Overall the plaza is about perfect, and that's the reason I spend the time I do here rather than someplace else, Jackie.


I think it would be cool to browse stories by tags and combine some of them i. e. "latex" and "bondage"

Another thing: if I click on the link "show unread posts since last visit" I get just a blank page with the message "No unread topics found since your last visit. Click here to try all unread topics". I have that for some time now.


Quote from: Gromet on July 02, 2016, 05:42:13 AM
Good ideas Pensive, I would love to have a ratings system but the site needs to be built on a CMS not html system to operate effectively, so people can click and add their vote.

Yes I agree that older stories get forgotten and left by the wayside, well with over 9000 stories now ....
One way of getting over this is to add a group 'User highlighted stories' - which should be just like the stories you and your fellows highlight. When a new story arrives, you sometimes present it as Stories. But the User highlighted stories could work the same way - just being open to anyone.

What more can I say - I love visiting the forum and the plaza.

You can say I'm a worthless piece of shit - but remember! Even shit has it's value. If you're a fly.


Excellent ideas - thanks guys.  8)

Gabrielle - Will add a book review section to the forum.

Jackierabbit - Authors normally just send their illustrations to me along with their story to post. Dan Dofogh is one person who did some illustrations for someone else's story, but most people seem to post their own artwork on sites like deviantArt. I post my doll stories on there as well. Hopefully someone with a creative artistic mind will see your comment and makes some great images to add to your wonderful stories.

Icy - Tags would need the site to rebuilt with CMS/wordpress/joomba rather then the html it is now. And editing 9000+ stories is going to take some time, though someone was working on that...

TeaSer - I think that a way around this is to add a section to the forum where people can post links to their favorite stories, that's the only opne way I can add to the site as it is at present.

A Pensive Pen

Another thought:

I love the annual Halloween specials. They seem to get great turnouts and I like the holiday-specific site themes. No site that I've seen does those better.

Is there room for any more of those "special editions" of the Plaza? Christmas is the obvious suggestion, but there could be other holiday themes (Valentines Day, April Fools) as well as other kinds of themed calls for stories.

Lobo De la Sombra

Actually, up until I think it was last year, there was a Christmas special.  Not sure why we didn't have one last year, but I'm sure there was a very good reason.  Thing is, with or without a special for a given holiday, stories centered around that holiday would always be a welcome addition.
The more I look, the more I see.
The more I see, the more I learn.
The more I learn, the more I know.
The more I know, the less I understand.
The less I understand, the more I look.


I'm always open to more special editions, Halloween is very popular, Christmas would be another, maybe easter could be included too.
We haven't had a story contest in a while either, maybe run a couple of those a year too.


Quote from: Gromet on July 04, 2016, 09:22:10 AM
We haven't had a story contest in a while either, maybe run a couple of those a year too.

I'd like to see story contests, and having the chance to propose a theme for one of these.


That's a great suggestion, open the contest theme proposal up to the forum for the story contest.

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