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How do you react?

Started by Jimdini, May 08, 2016, 07:40:25 PM

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Having recently trapped myself in a SB session, once I was free I started to run over how I had reacted to it.
When I first realised I had made a mistake and was trapped there was the sudden shock and disbelief. Then an irrational attempt to free myself (the rational part of my brain knew from the outset I would need help), this lasted about half an hour before I admitted defeat! The easiest source of release (neighbours) was quickly discarded as to embarrassing. Contacting a friend was the obvious solution I still hesitated before doing this, why did it take me nearly an hour to arrive at the obvious solution? Am I unusual in this sequence? Surely the logical reaction would have been 'Shit I'm in trouble!' I know 'I'll call a friend Chris!'. :)

My rescuer asked if I would be embarrassed if he told people we both knew what had happened and I said that was Okay, I just didn't want the neighbours knowing.

Daffy Duck

I think your reaction was natural, and virtually all of us would do the same (unless we have a 'confidant' on speed dial).

But you raise a valid point.

If you genuinely need to be rescued, then at some point you are going to have to live with the consequences of calling for help, or die. 

Given the choice, a red face, seems better than death.

Moral - make sure you can escape next time !



Quote from: Daffy Duck on May 09, 2016, 12:24:16 PM

Moral - make sure you can escape next time !

Ideally don't let there be a next time


It's a no-win situation.  If you're one of us and therefore wired that way, stopping isn't a very realistic option so you either have to get so good at providing an escape that it becomes boring or you have to bite the bullet and involve someone else.


The one time I was truly stuck in self bondage was the one time I didn't use a back up release.  Once I realized I wasn't getting out with out help my reaction was shock and then getting angry with myself for being stupid and not setting a back up.

Fortunately for me it just meet being bound uncomfortable for a couple of extra hours until my wife got home.  She doesn't participate in my interest and read me the riot act about safety when she found me.

Now couple of years later she likes to tease me about what happened, usually likes to whisper and remind me about it when we are in very public setting or gatherings!


Of course what I had not realised at the time is that my friend had been driven over by his partner.
The next time we met she said it was nice to see that I was free to join them and then laughed. She then said she noticed my wrists were still marked from my 'adventure'.

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