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Where's Gromet

Started by pollypvc, April 06, 2016, 01:15:22 PM

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Anyone know if and when he will be back, need new stories to read. Please come back.


He was logged in here yesterday  :)

I guess he's busy catching up with the TON of work left in his inbox.

Watch this space!!!  ;D

Trash girl

oh so you did realease him from you couh couh bassment MsBehavin

Daffy Duck

Gromet released on 'good behaviour' ?

Or naughty behaviour .......

One wonders. 

Come back Plaza Master, you are missed.


I saw him on page 5 in a red and white striped top and beanie.  Oh wait, that way Wallacey



Just to screw with everyone, the update should be 1 story from each section.  Just 1, till he catches up.


Careful Cutter. Daffy fans would be waiting like 5 years to see the rest of his stories. There might be a mutiny.

Daffy Duck

I cannot speak for my fan (singular....) club as I am not responsible.

I can say, I am always grateful that Gromet publishes any of my humble offerings on his illustrious website.  I am unworthy, oh great Plaza Master.

As such, I am happy if his chooses to publish one new story per story section, in order to be fair to the readers of different tastes.

However, it might be easier for Gromet to update one section at a time, and do a 'block cut n paste' in the Trashcan Section. Some flipping author there, I can't remember his name, keeps hogging the limelight.

It can't be me, as I only have another 11 stories in Gromet's inbox, so 64Fordman, you must be thinking of someone else !    HA HA HA.


Lobo De la Sombra

I'm sure everyone will be glad when Gromet returns to active duty.  I don't know about anyone else, but this break has reminded me how easy it is to take for granted the idea that Gromet will always be there, posting stories and running both the Plaza and this forum.  I'll be glad when he's back, not only because of the new stories, but because it's always good when a friend returns.  And, after all these years, I feel quite comfortable calling him a friend.  As to stories, Daffy, I only have five in the inbox, but I haven't sent one in since January, so I'm not going to say anything about the backlog on my computer.   ;D
The more I look, the more I see.
The more I see, the more I learn.
The more I learn, the more I know.
The more I know, the less I understand.
The less I understand, the more I look.


Hear hear, well said Lobo and absolutely right!

loras pa6

Quote from: Lobo De la Sombra on April 08, 2016, 07:14:01 AM
... so I'm not going to say anything about the backlog on my computer.   ;D

Unfortunately my backlog is in my head, just can't seem to get myself to write as much even though the stories are in there and multiplying.

Daffy Duck

I agree 100% with you Lobo.

I know you, Trish and others, do work hard and care about Gromet.

I care too.

If I can help further, just feel free to ask.


Trash girl

very well said everyone we all miss gromet but if he need time of then we should let him have that

Daffy Duck

No one is forcing Gromet to return. Nor do we have such power.....

He is entitled to have a holiday just like the rest of us.

We are just concerned that it may be a more sinister reason for his prolonged absence.

Are we sure he was released from that dungeon ?

Should we send out a rescue party ?

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