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Scanned, Shipped, Printed by Baron Law

Started by teanndaorsa, February 23, 2025, 08:54:15 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
F+/m; F/f; enclosed; sendep; sarcophagus; transported; sex; straps; tease; mast; buttplug; enema; toys; milking; stuck; cons; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


Well, that was one hell of a read!  A great deal of fun!

I am tempted to say that we are just dropped into the middle of things, but since our man, Phil, doesn't know what is going on either, we get to learn the details along side him, so everything gets explained in due course, and we know what is happening, and why.

Seeing the casket he is secured inside of at first is very vivid, especially the massive number of locks, all the steps, and all of the securing bolts.  The security really does seem massively overkill, so it is both interesting, and reassuring to learn that it isn't so bad as he was told.  Not that anyone is going to be opening that puzzle box without the solution, even if the order of the steps doesn't actually matter.

But then to have him up and transported, without warning!  Wow, that was a shock and a surprise, but actually fits with the packaged classification of the story perfectly.  After all, if you don't consider transporting the package, then it is just stationary, but solid, bondage.

But the sheer sexy delight the two women show as the level of bondage just keeps on going up, as the box is packed for shipping, making it so much more secure and "safe", really delightful and a lot of fun to read.

The jump in complexity from version 1 to version 2 is quite considerable, but given the level of fun everyone is having with the box, its no wonder they suddenly decided that they needed to make it suitable for longer term storage!

This does a very good job of showing the benefits, I know, only in stories, but still, of 3D printing!  Making the point about how this was very cutting edge, and the company had approved, "unofficially" of all of these naughty experiments, does a good job of explaining how and why all of this is allowed to happen.

The trust Phil is showing in his two friends is very telling, very great trust indeed.  Then again, seeing him "messing about" and locking himself back in, without anyone around, and no agreements on how long he will be inside, does a good job of telling us which head he is thinking with...  which reminds me, the 1% smaller channel for his erection in the first version is simply wicked, and very effective, and well described :)

Watching the two women playing together, and enjoying their combined teasing of Phil, along with the planning for what will happen next, and how to improve things, does add a lot of content and motion to the story.  Otherwise it would risk being repetitive, since there is only so much to be said about a man secured inside a box, not able to see or move...

So it is interesting to see how much more life just the first set of changes between version 1 and version 2 bring to the experience and the story!

I don't know if the author has any plans to continue this story, but if they do, I would be very interested in reading the results.  I mean, leaving us, at the very end, teased with the fact that there are several ideas already in hand for version 3, above and beyond the video screen, without telling us what they might be is a wicked tease!

In case there is any interest, to my mind, one obvious direction to go in, to add to things, would be further ways of stimulating / teasing / tormenting the person locked inside.  Tens pads for electricity, hot and cold spots to raise or lower the temperature.  I am sure something could be done to add some form of anal stimulation if they tried, above and beyond what is already happening with the enemas.  The cock milker seems quite accomplished, but adding more audio and video teasing that is in sync with the other devices is a good way to really add to the experience going forwards.

One thing that I did feel while reading the story was that the two women almost seemed to rush into things, without really stopping and thinking everything through.  At first I just thought it was my perspective, but then seeing them print the final layer in the wrong, and vastly stronger and heavier material, it turned out that this was a deliberate story element.

I did worry for a moment there that the story, that had been so "romantic" and happy, was about to take a terribly dark turn, but thankfully it didn't.  That would have spoiled a lovely read for me.

I don't think Phil has realised yet, but since his clothes didn't travel with him, he needs to go back into his "happy place" to get sent home *wicked smirk* but will they find time for any extra enhancements before then?

Another longer term thought, is it just Phil who is going to enjoy this sort of experience?  I don't see the dominant Maggie going for it in a million years, but what about Paula?  I can see Maggie absolutely loving having both of them secured away, under her complete control...  but should they be in separate containers, or somehow placed together into the same one?

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